The Lead Magnet-Niche Connection & How to Audit Yours for Higher Conversions

The Lead Magnet-Niche Connection & How to Audit Yours for Higher Conversions

The Lead Magnet-Niche Connection & How to Audit Yours for Higher Conversions

On this episode, we’re discussing the lead magnet-niche connection which means confirming your lead magnet is closely aligned with your ideal clients, so you are getting more of the right people on your email list. More ideal client subscribers mean more people enrolling in your coaching programs, so this is an important piece of the puzzle.

What we’re sharing is a 3-phase process for auditing your lead magnet. It’s our proven approach for helping our coaching clients align their lead magnet with their niche resulting in the maximum number of ideal client subscribers to their list.

Phase 1 – Choosing a Niche.

Our philosophy for choosing a niche boils down to three simple things:

  • Who you help
  • How you help
  • And the transformation that you offer

Back on episode 216 we covered: 3 Simple Steps to Nailing Your Niche. If this is something that you’re still struggling with or feel like you need additional fine tuning, this would be a great episode to check out.

Before your dream clients feel that you are the coach for them, you have to be clear yourself about what you do and who you help. Your marketing message should leave potential clients saying “yes” this is for me or “no” it is not. If they are left wondering and unsure what you do, that means you have work to do.

For the rest of this episode, we’re going to assume that you have your niche dialed in to what we refer to as a marketable ideal client.

Phase 2 – Choosing a lead magnet that aligns with your niche statement.

We’ve found that most coaches create freebies with the intention of getting the highest number of people to download it. So, they tend to offer something that is more of general health information that appeals to the masses vs. a niche specific lead magnet.

While that may or may not grow your email list more quickly, it overlooks the ultimate goal of getting the ‘right’ people on your email list. Those that are actually interested in what you have to offer – your coaching services or coaching program.

Think of your lead magnet as a stepping stone commitment from a potential client between them finding you for the first time and them enrolling in your program. That conversion rate will be much higher if that steppingstone commitment, your lead magnet, is in alignment with your paid program.

Phase 3 – Audit Your Lead Magnet

1. Is your dream client aware of their challenge, are they searching for a solution, and do they have money to invest? This is what we call a marketable ideal client. Will your lead magnet teach them something specific related to your paid program?

2. Does your program/coaching services solve that challenge for them? Again, it’s important to confirm that the lead magnet you are offering is in some way related to your offer. That’s the stepping stone we were talking about earlier.

3. Is your lead magnet content connected to their challenge and can it give them a quick win? A quick win means that they can quickly and easily implement what they learn from your lead magnet and get a result that inspires them and has them excited to learn more.

4. Is your lead magnet content part of your actual program? This is the simplest way to create a lead magnet that is guaranteed to be in alignment with your program. Just take a small piece of your program and turn it into a free download. A resource guide, checklist, cheat sheet, etc. are all great options.

5. Does your lead magnet title clearly identify who it’s for vs. general health? (Ask 5 friends/family to read the title and tell you what it is and who it’s for)

Here are a few examples of client-specific lead magnets:

  • 7-Day Meal Plan for Managing Diabetes
  • 10 Tips for Reducing Stress and Anxiety without Medication
  • Bloat-Free Baking Guide for Women with IBS

In each of these examples it’s very clear who it’s for. In example #1, it’s people with diabetes. In example two it’s people suffering from stress and anxiety. In example three it’s women with IBS.

6. Are you promoting your lead magnet consistently and on all channels, (social bios, social posts, website home page, website popup, about me page, groups) with clear language so they are clear it is for them? If the answer is yes, is your email list steadily growing? There is no better test for your lead magnet then putting it out there to grow your list. If people are joining then more than likely it’s dialed in but if no one is taking action chances are you have work to do.

5) Recap

Now that you’ve been through the audit process, it’s time to analyze your answers. Where can you make changes that will improve your content and/or results? If you aren’t consistently growing your email list each month then there is a disconnect somewhere. Keep making changes until you have a lead magnet that is growing your list with your marketable ideal client AND the people on your list are also becoming paying clients.

If you need support in creating a lead magnet that is perfect for your dream clients I have a guide that will help. It’s called: Create an Irresistible Client-Attracting Freebie in 60 Minutes – A Lead Magnet Template for Coaches.


We will be opening the doors to the Wellness Business Accelerator next month, and if you want to know as soon as enrollment opens, be sure to join our VIP waitlist here.  This is our signature program where we walk you through how to reach your ideal clients online and consistently enroll new clients within 60 days. We’d love to have you join us! 

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How to Improve Email Delivery Rates with a 4-Week Re-engagement Campaign

How to Improve Email Delivery Rates with a 4-Week Re-engagement Campaign

How to Improve Email Delivery Rates with a 4-Week Re-engagement Campaign

If you’ve been building your email list for a while, you may have noticed that as your email list grows, your open and click-through rates go down. This is normal because some people are only looking for free information and maybe they got what they needed out of your initial free offer. That’s okay! A certain percentage of those people will remain at the top of your funnel and never invest in your offers. The remaining people on your list may need additional incentive to open your emails, so using a re-engagement campaign can be very effective for getting your subscribers interested in your content again. 

When you use this strategy, you can re-engage the people who are already on your list, build your email deliverability credibility with the different email platforms, and possibly get your subscribers excited about your offers all over again.

In this episode, we’re diving into how you can use an email re-engagement campaign in your business. 

How email delivery works and how to train your subscribers to click links to improve open rates

There is a fine line between giving enough information in your emails to make them valuable and interesting to your subscribers vs. giving it all away so there is no need for them to click the link, (the link being whatever call to action you are sharing with them in that particular email).

That means that you need to be strategic when deciding what to include in your email. Over time, your subscribers will become familiar with your style and be conditioned, or trained, to click the link to learn more. That’s you overall goal. When they love your content, they’ll always be curious to see what’s included in your most recent email.

Each time someone opens your email and clicks the link inside, it’s sending information out into the internet that says your content is desirable and interesting. That establishes credibility for you with the email delivery services and that’s a good thing.

What a re-engagement campaign is and how it works

A re-engagement campaign is a series of emails delivered over a number of days, or weeks, with the express purpose of getting your subscribers to engage, (specifically clicking a link). You’re ultimately training them that your content is valuable and clicking a link is beneficial to them.

When Karen did this for her list, she drafted 4 emails that were sent over the course of a month on 4 consecutive Saturdays. Each email was broken down into a specific category or topic and each email included four free pieces of free content.

Her email categories were:

Client Attraction
Client Conversion
Revenue Generation
Business Setup

She also sent one announcement email before the re-engagement campaign letting her list know what was coming and when to keep an eye out for it. The announcement email was designed to build excitement and enticement for what was coming.

How to Improve Email Delivery Rates with a 4-Week 
Re-engagement Campaign

Putting the pieces into place: 

  • Choose content for each week (4 weeks in total)
    • Feel free to use pdfs, checklists, resource lists, livestreams, blogs, podcast episodes, etc. Basically, any content that can be accessed by a single click. I included 4 resources in each email that included previous livestream trainings, workbooks, guides, checklists, etc.
  • Write delivery emails
    • The emails are pretty basic as the main goal is to spotlight the content and links that you’re sharing. Draft a brief introduction of that week’s topic and then list the resources that you’re sharing with the appropriate clickable links.
  • Tease what’s coming the following week
    • As you wrap up each email be sure to share what they can expect the following week. In essence, you’re teasing what is coming next as a way of piquing their interest and getting them excited for the following week.
  • CTA (call to action) in each email
    • The call to action for each email is to instruct them to click a link, or multiple links, to gain access to the information you’re sharing.

Review analytics, (specifically click through rate vs. open rate)

Tracking your data is the only way to know if something is working. Our recommendation is to establish a baseline by documenting the click through rates and for the most recent 4 emails that you sent prior to the campaign. Prior to the IOS14 update we also tracked open rates but the reliability of that information within your email management system is not accurate so now we rely strictly on click through rates as our main metric.

Back in 2021, when Apple released its Apple Mail Privacy Protection, it made it impossible to get accurate open rates. Basically, Apple Mail now ‘pre-fetches’ content in emails, which downloads whether the email is opened or not. This means everyone using Apple software will show a 100% open rate, even if they don’t open the email! So, this means your reporting will show a higher number of opens that are actually happening that’s why a click through rate is our metric of choice.

As you send the re-engagement emails, document the click through rates for each of the five campaign emails.

Next, analyze the data. To confirm that you have re-engaged your audience be sure to track the 5 emails that you sent after the campaign ends. Meaning you document the click through rates for each email.

We did some research on industry standards and in an article from Smart Insights they report that an average click through rate across all industries is 1.4%.

In the health and wellness space the average click through rate is 1%.

In an article posted 1.23.24 by they reported that the average click through rate across all industries is 2.3% with Campaign Source being their resource.

As you can tell, there is a range even within what the experts are reporting so it’s always a great idea to track your own data.

So, now it’s time to look at your results. Has there been an improvement? Have you seen an uptick in click through rates?

Once you run this campaign the first time you will be able to rinse & repeat it very easily with minor tweaks. Our recommendation is to run a re-engagement campaign two times per year.

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How to Run a 30-Day Health Coaching Program that Leads to Long-Term Clients

How to Run a 30-Day Health Coaching Program that Leads to Long-Term Clients

How to Run a 30-Day Health Coaching Program that Leads to Long-Term Clients

Launching a 30-day health coaching program can be a great way to not only address a problem your clients have, but it can also lay the groundwork for a long-term coaching relationship. The goal is to have people join your short-term program and lead them to a longer-term program as the next step to continue to see results. Today, we’re sharing 4 key elements that make a 30-day coaching program successful by focusing on addressing the most common problems your potential clients face, providing small wins for them, and creating desire to continue the journey with you.

Let’s start with the first key element:

1. Identify and Address a Problem Your Audience Knows They Have 

The foundation of any successful coaching program starts with addressing the specific problems your ideal clients are facing. Understanding their pain points is not only important in covering the right topics to help them, but it’s also critical for your messaging and marketing of the program. If there is a disconnect between what you’re offering and what they think they need, they aren’t going to sign up – no matter how amazing your program may be.  What are your clients top 3-4 struggles? Where do they need help the most?

Let me share an example: 

When I was a health coach, my clients top 4 pain points were:

  • Reducing processed foods and eating more whole foods
  • Meal planning
  • Finding time for exercise and figuring out what type of exercise to do
  • Reducing stress

Their main goal was weight loss. So, when I was designing my coaching programs, I was sure to include these topics.

If it’s a 30-day program, you can’t go super deep on each topic, since you will likely cover one topic per week, and you don’t want to overwhelm people, so you highlight a few key elements of each topic and showcase examples of how to implement them. This is about baby steps – not the whole kitchen sink.

If you had to choose 4 topics to cover, what would they be?  Write down some ideas, and then come up with subtopics for each one that shares the why and the how.

So, for the topic on meal planning, you can share why it’s important, why it helps people reach their goals, saves them money and some helpful tips on how to meal plan.  You can share any apps you like as well as any tips and tricks that make it easier to do.

As far as how to deliver the program, one easy way is to create a slide deck for each topic and then narrate it using Zoom or other software of your choice. Canva is great for this since they have slide deck templates you can use and customize.  You can then upload the videos to YouTube or Vimeo and host in a platform like Thinkific, Kajabi, Karta or Practice Better or you can keep it super simple and just upload the videos to a FB group you have set up for the 30-day program.

When I designed my 30-Day Fit and Healthy Jump Start done-for-you program for health coaches, those are the 4 topics I covered because they are some of the most common that people struggle with when transitioning to a healthier lifestyle. etc.)   

2. Provide Small Wins that Create Momentum 

Focus on small wins people can get, especially during the first couple of weeks. Progress is always motivating and helps people stay committed and engaged. It can also be the reason they decide to continue working with you after the 30 days are over.

An example of this could be sharing the importance and benefits of daily movement and sharing options for tracking daily steps.  You can have fun with this and encourage people to share their daily step count in the group for the week and at the end of the week, you’ll choose a winner at random for a $25 Amazon gift card.  The winner doesn’t have to have the highest number of steps, but by having people make the decision to do it, track it and post about it, helps them take action and it makes it fun.  This is just one idea, and it will depend on your niche what topics you cover, but baby steps and small wins can be very motivating for people.

How to Run a 30-Day Health Coaching Program that Leads to Long-Term Clients

3. Create Desire for Next Steps They Can Take with You

You want to introduce the idea that the 30-day program is just the beginning, and there’s a deeper, more comprehensive level waiting for those who want to continue on the journey and see even more results.

Throughout your 30-day program, plant seeds about what it’s like to work with you in your 90-day program. Example:  “We go deeper into lifestyle changes that ease menopause symptoms in my Menopause Rescue program, and since we only have 30 days together in this program, I wanted to focus on 4 strategies that can start making a real impact.”   In this statement, you’re mentioning there is another program, so it’s creating a bit of curiosity and then at the end of your 30-day program, people will be ready to hear what’s next. You can sprinkle statements like this in each week of the program, and this works well in any livestreams you’re doing, or you can incorporate it into the content of your slide decks (or do both).

4. Offer Your Next Level Program 

As your 30-day program comes to a close, let members know how they can continue to work with you to see results. You just had a group of people spend 30 days with you and some of them are going to want more. You can do this on a livestream if you have a Facebook group community for your members and of course, you also want to send promotional emails about it.  Let them know who the next program is for and how it will help them. Paint the picture of what the next 90 days together will look like, by sharing the specific outcomes and benefits your clients can expect when they follow your system.

If you have testimonials, share those on your sales page as well as any videos of case studies you’ve collected.

Outline the topics and resources that will be covered in the next program, along with your ongoing support, guidance, and additional resources they’ll have access to.

Running a 30-day coaching program that leads to a longer-term program can be a fantastic way to build your practice because it allows people to make a small commitment that then shows them what else is possible with your help. Taking the first step is often the most challenging, so making it easy for people to do means you’ll have more clients and generate more revenue. You can rinse and repeat this process during the year, so you have a system you can replicate. In between each launch, continue to grow your email list, so each time you promote, you’ll have more people who see your offers.

Let’s recap the 4 key elements that make a 30-day coaching program successful:

  1. Identify and Address a Problem Your Audience Knows They Have
  2. Provide Small Wins that Create Momentum
  3. Create Desire for Next Steps They Can Take with You
  4. Offer Your Next Level Program

So, where can you start this week? You can do this very simply by starting with what you know your audience wants and create a program that covers some of the basics to get them going in the right direction.   Make a list of your clients struggles and goals and where you know they need support and put together an introductory program to help solve part of that problem.

If you aren’t exactly sure what your clients want or how to find out, we did an episode all about this that you may find helpful. It’s episode 341 called: How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Want.

You can either create a 30-day program from scratch or check out my 30-Day Fit and Healthy Jump Start if you’d like to have a completely done-for-you online coaching program that’s ready to go. It will save you so much time and you give a step-by-step process of exactly what to do and how to do it, including the promotional emails, social media posts and more.   

Here’s what Jennifer had to say after running this program for the first time:  This program is made to perfection. I had over 50 participants and gained 5 health coaching clients!

And Pam said this:

I love this program and how I can customize it to fit my demographic and make it my own. I enrolled 26 people on my first go around and now I have something I can use again and again.

Whether you decide to create a 30-day program on your own or use one I’ve created, the strategies we shared in this episode will help make it successful!

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Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

It’s common to feel overwhelmed at times when it comes to your health coaching business, so if you’re feeling like there’s a lot to juggle right now, you’re in good company. You wear many hats as a health coach and business owner, so there are going to be times when you feel like it’s a LOT!  We’ve been there too and there are still times we feel overwhelmed, but we’re much better at managing it and dealing with it now. So today we’re sharing Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

Sometimes, feeling overwhelmed can prevent you from taking action or making decisions which keeps you stuck, so by implementing our 4 tips, you’ll feel less stressed and be more productive.   

Let’s start with tip #1 for conquering overwhelm in your coaching business. 

1. Prioritize tasks and projects

This is the one that helps me the most and I use it all the time. Make a list of what needs to be done and include the due date or deadline.  I like Trello for this but I also use pen and paper, so use what you like. For bigger projects that have multiple steps, I use Trello, but for my general to-do list that I refer to a couple of times a day, it’s old school pen and paper in my spiral bound notebook from Target.   Each week, determine what tasks and projects are a priority for the week or for the month. Sometimes, a priority is based on a deadline you want to meet such as your weekly email or blog post and sometimes, it’s a deadline for content for social media or something else. Map out a timeline and what can be done each day or each week, so you have a plan to help stay on track.  Even putting things in writing can help, so you have a visual on it.

I did this recently with a promotion I was doing.  I felt like there were several things I needed to do in addition to preparing for the promotion, including outlining podcast episodes, writing copy for Facebook ads and more, so I prioritized based on the deadlines, and that’s always helpful for me. I also looked at my list of promotional ideas for my 3-day sale and looked at what was a must and what was optional, so I could decide what I was going to include.  Not everything made the cut based on my timeline and other things I had going on and that’s okay.  When I’m pressed for time or feeling overwhelmed, I ask myself what the top priority is right now and what is optional. 

2. What can you simplify or streamline?

It’s easy to get caught up in complicating things or going too elaborate sometimes.  An example of this would be that you’re going to be hosting a webinar and you want to have a workbook to go along with it for the registrants to download. While a workbook would be nice, it’s not a must, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, perhaps this is something you can do next time.  Another example would be instead of hosting your online challenge or group program in a platform like Kajabi, how about hosting it in a FB group for now? Instead of focusing on everything being perfect or having all the bells and whistles, focus on how you can help clients in the easiest way possible.

Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

3. What can you outsource?

There is a lot to do as a wellness business owner and that means it’s very easy to get lost in the details of the behind-the-scenes tasks. Entering and formatting blog posts, creating and scheduling social media posts, writing emails, creating graphics and/or slide decks, setting up landing pages and sales pages, the list goes on and on.  Write down everything you do and see if there are tasks you can have a virtual assistant do for you.  Even if you take one or two things off your plate, it will free up some of your time to work with clients or reduce your overwhelm.   We did a detailed episode about finding and working with virtual assistants on episode 308 – it was called: Getting Help Sooner Rather than Later – 5 Steps to Take When Hiring a Virtual Assistant. We highly recommend listening to that one if you’re thinking about hiring someone.  I still have my very first VA on my team from 7 or 8 years ago. I remember feeling elated and relieved to delegate some things to her and I’ve never looked back. I was doing it all on my own for too long, so I know how that is. I’ve added more people to my virtual team over the years, and I’d be lost with out them.  Adding even one assistant for a couple of hours a week can make you feel like you can come up for air and get a break from your long to-do list.

4. Take it one step at a time and one day at a time.

Remind yourself that you can only do one thing at a time and you’re doing the best you can and remember to take breaks. Taking breaks during the day and time off each week is critical because if you burn out, it’s so much worse.   Sometimes, just changing your environment or physiology can help.  Get outside for 5 minutes, take a walk, do some deep breathing, get a change of scenery by getting some work done at a local coffee shop, chat with a friend – whatever makes you happy.

Which one of these tips do you think will help you the most? Or maybe you have  a tip that helps you with overwhelm. Come on over to Instagram to let us know.  You can find me at @kathleenlegrys and Karen at @karenpattock.

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Get it Done: 5 Steps to Overcome Your Tech Challenges

Get it Done: 5 Steps to Overcome Your Tech Challenges

Get it Done: 5 Steps to Overcome Your Tech Challenges

If you’re facing tech challenges as a health coach, you are not alone.  We hear this quite often, so we know the struggle can be real and quite frustrating. 

While having an online business requires some tech, coming at it from a different perspective can sometimes be helpful.

In this episode of The Wellness Business Podcast, you’ll discover:

  • A 5-step strategy that will help you determine whether it makes financial sense to stick it out to overcome the tech-challenge yourself or instead, hire a virtual assistant
  • The importance of analyzing the cost implications of choosing between DIY solutions and seeking external assistance
  • A super-simple strategy that allows you to hire someone to help you that won’t cost you a single penny
  • The best approach when hiring a virtual assistant to guarantee that you get the results you’re looking for within your allotted budget

In this episode, our goal isn’t to cover the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant to help you if you’re dealing with a tech-challenge, but rather to give you a 5-step process that helps you overcome your tech challenge once and for all. Yes, in some cases, that may require hiring someone to help, but in other cases, our system may prove that you are the right person for the job.

Let’s dive in!

Here are 5 Steps to Overcome Your Tech Challenges

Step 1 – Identify the specific tech challenge you’re facing

First and foremost, you have to know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish. For example, this could be setting up a MailerLite landing page, thank you page, email delivery & automated follow email sequence. That feels like a lot of moving parts but when you work inside one platform it does make it easier to navigate.

When you feel like the task is big and overwhelming it’s easy to stay in analysis paralysis. However, when you identify the specific tech challenge you’re having it may not be as big as you thought. For example, in the scenario shared above, it may be that you’re only having trouble with one piece of that puzzle, rather than the entire process. Hiring someone to help you with that one piece could be more cost-effective and a huge time-saver that makes it worth your while to bring them on board.

Step 2 – Decide if you can do it yourself with minimum learning or if you need to find someone to help you

This is the ultimate question, right? Do you need outside help which costs money vs. spending hours or even days, figuring it out yourself? There is a cost to doing it yourself. Time spent doing that task means less time for working with clients. Does the expense savings outweigh the lost revenue? Even if you don’t have clients at the moment, time spent working on back-office tasks means you’re not doing the marketing things that attract clients to you. That’s a major trade off and has the potential of lost revenue. It has to be part of your decision-making process.

As we discussed in step 1 – if you break down the project you’re trying to complete you may find that it’s only a small portion of it that you need assistance with vs. the entire project.

Step 3 – Look for someone in your family, friends, colleague group that has tech skills that would be open to helping you

In other words, get scrappy. While you may not be the techiest person in your circle of family and friends you have a skill set that you may be able to offer as an exchange for their services. Think of bartering your services for theirs.

Karen hired a high school student to edit her YouTube videos several years ago, and it was a great decision.

Maybe it’s a tech-savvy grandchild or girlfriend/boyfriend of someone you know. You can either offer a reasonable rate or offer something in exchange. Maybe a coaching session, meal planning, or a discount on a 30-day coaching program.

Outside the health coaching space, you could offer to babysit or a week of meal prep may be a good option. Be creative and see what you could do that would help them that doesn’t include paying them.

Get it Done: 5 Steps to Overcome Your Tech Challenges

Step 4 – If you decide to hire a VA, here are a couple options to find the right person

The easiest and best option is to ask for recommendations from other coaches. It’s always great to get an introduction from someone in your field. It takes the guesswork out of whether the VA is legit and reliable.

Another great option, and one Karen has personally used, is to post the job description in the VA Savvies FB group. This does require a little more work and keep in mind that the job description will need to be extremely specific to get the right person. Since this will more than likely be a one-time service it makes sense to ask the applicant to give you a quote to complete the job.

If hiring someone is on your radar, be sure to listen to episode 308 of the podcast. In that episode we walk you through Getting Help Sooner Rather Than Later – 5 Steps to Take When Hiring a Virtual Assistant.

Step 5 – Review applicants and quotes. Hire skilled VA with specific instructions, milestones, and timelines

Here we are at step #5 and at this point you’ve for sure made the decision whether you’re going to work through the tech challenge yourself or hire someone to help you.

If you’re decision is to hire someone then it’s key to set yourself up for success by giving them specific instructions, milestones, and timelines. Every subcontractor needs to have some form of accountability as a way of completing the job on time and giving you the results that you’re looking for. The more details you can agree upon before they start the less chance things will go off the rails. Do your best to make sure you are both on the same page.

Lastly, requiring a specific quote from them ahead of time is imperative so you know that completing the project is within your budget and they feel like they are getting paid what they are worth.

While tech challenges can feel stressful sometimes, it can be an opportunity to either learn something new or decide to take it off your plate and delegate it to someone else.  As we always say: “There is always a way!”

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