You realize that you need to build a quality email list, but where do you start?
You also know that the bigger your targeted email list, the easier it is to stay in touch with your audience and ultimately, enroll new clients.
You are probably busy building your coaching business and you don’t have time right now to create your own great opt-in from scratch.
Now you can check one more thing off of your to-do list!
’10 Simple Steps to a Leaner, Healthier You’
is a fully customizable, 13-page eGuide that’s a PERFECT lead generation tool.

“The single most important part of your small business online marketing plan is Lead Generation. Your ultimate goal, of course, is to make the sale, but you need effective and systematic lead generation to make marketing possible.”
– Jason Clegg
Get ready to build your list!
Every time someone visits your site, you have the chance to stay in touch with them again IF you have a “Gotta have it!” free offer for them. Without having a way to keep in touch with these people, it’s safe to say that you are missing out on income opportunities. You are missing out on impacting more lives in a positive and powerful way.
Here’s how it works:
- By promoting your valuable, free eGuide consistently, you will be directing people to your website on a regular basis. This will result in more eyes on your site and more people on your list! You will also be seen as an expert.
- This comprehensive guide covers why a healthy lifestyle isn’t about being on a ‘diet’, feeling deprived or spending countless hours at the gym. A healthy lifestyle is about making simple changes you can live with long-term.
- Readers will discover 10 simple, but effective steps they can start implementing today to live a healthier life. This gives potential clients a glimpse of how you can help them.
- There’s room at the end of the guide to add a call-to-action to invite readers to: a health strategy session, workshop, online program, 1-on-1 coaching, or a short-term program.

Here are just some of the topics that are covered:
- Why restrictive diets don’t work
- How getting adequate sleep can help with weight loss and maintenance
- How to ‘trade up’ your beverage choice
- Eating to fuel and nourish your body
- Simple ideas to boost physical activity
- How to easily save time, money and calories
- and more
TIP: It’s a good idea to have MORE than one opt-in so that you appeal to different interests within your target market. You can have an opt-in in your sidebar and then some opt-ins for a “Freebies” or “Free Resources” page.
Other ways you can use this guide include:
- Free bonus when people sign up for one of your programs or workshops
- Blog posts and/or newsletter content (you would have 10 topics and content all set to go)
- Unlimited possibilities!
BONUS! Since the fortune is in the follow up – you’ll ALSO get a series of 5 ready-to-go follow-up emails.
Having an opt-in is great, but it’s what happens days and weeks AFTER people opt-in, that helps to build relationships and trust. This is an often overlooked, but critical piece of an effective business-building strategy. Now you won’t have to stress over putting this piece together. Fantastic – it’s all done for you!
You will also have access to my private Facebook group for ongoing support.
What coaches are saying:
I’m so happy with my e-guide purchase! It’s clear, well-written, and I love the beautiful images. Super easy to personalize…and being a non-techie sort of person, I’m especially grateful for that. This is something I’ve been meaning to do for a while, but with two kids, clients, rebranding my business, and two courses to juggle, I just never have the extra time. This DFY-e-book will save me so much time and keep me moving forward. Really appreciate the quick and helpful replies to my questions too. Very happy to have such a quality product to offer my prospects, and can’t wait to get it up on my site! Thanks so much, Kathleen!
Kathleen is an amazing coach & mentor. I really love her programs & appreciate the amount of work that has gone into developing them!
I highly recommend Kathleen for all she does to help us coaches.
Note: You’ll receive the eGuide in a both a Word format and PowerPoint format which you can customize, then convert to a PDF file. The 5 emails are in a Word document so you can quickly and easily copy and paste them into your emails.