How does a brand new health coach go from feeling nervous and unsure to feeling confident and empowered to help clients achieve their goals?

How to feel more confident as a health coach is probably something you’ve wondered at some point.  Maybe this is even on your mind right now.

I know what this is like because I started out feeling very unsure, and very nervous to start coaching clients and charging people for my services.  I think it’s something every health coach faces when they’re first starting out – just like anything else in life, it’s unsettling to be the newbie.  As a health coach, the stakes are even higher because you’re helping people navigate the journey to better health.

Let’s look at 4 ways to help you boost your confidence…

Practice, Practice, Practice

This may sound obvious, but it can be easily overlooked.

In order to be good at anything, it takes practice, right?  Would you expect to pick up a new musical instrument and be able to play a song right away?  Of course not.

When I attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, we were encouraged to practice 3-5 consults with fellow students.  I’m not going to lie – this was nerve wracking at first! It was critical in my entire process of coaching though because it showed me where my strengths were, but also where my weaknesses were. It also showed me that the way the school suggested we conduct consults, didn’t fit my particular style, so I went to work to create a consult outline that flowed better, and made a huge difference in my confidence on that first meeting.

Can you find 3-5 people to practice your consultation (discovery session, strategy session or whatever you call your initial consultation) with over the next 2 weeks?

Don’t expect it to be perfect, but just do it to get the practice, and you’ll feel better each time you do it.

Do you have a smooth transition to lead to inviting people to work with you? This was tricky for me when I was brand new because I didn’t want to seem pushy or salesy, but I knew I needed to lead into offering my services somehow.

I put together a great outline and script that helped me tremendously. You can get the ENTIRE script and outline HERE for FREE

Offer a Beta Group

If you’re just getting started and experiencing those common beginner jitters, you can start a beta group for your coaching program.

I did this while I was still at IIN, and it was a tremendous help once I graduated.

Offer your programs for a three-month trial; enough time for them to notice results. This is a great (and very simple!) way to get testimonials. This also takes some of the pressure off that you need to be ‘perfect.’

Word-of-mouth is important, and your free clients can end up being walking billboards for you. Just be clear from the beginning that if they feel that they have received great value from you, in exchange for your services, they will write a testimonial for you within 7 days of completing the program.

Have the Right Tools and Resources

Do you have the right tools and resources to truly help your clients succeed or do you feel like you’re just ‘winging it’ with your coaching?

I felt a huge boost in my confidence when I had all the content I needed to coach my clients effectively.  This meant no more scrambling to find the right handouts and resources to send them after each session. Having a system in place not only boosted my confidence, but it also saved me several hours each week.

If you don’t have a system in place or coaching sessions already put together, be sure to check out the Coach with Confidence Program which gives you 12 done-for-you coaching sessions plus handouts and much more. >>CLICK HERE << for complete details

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Let’s face it; Starting anything new can be scary and intimidating – the same holds true as a health coach.

The best way to face the fear is to step out and get started regardless of feeling nervous. Every time you stretch beyond your comfort zone, you will grow in both experience and confidence.  It will get easier and easier each time you do it, I promise.

The first step is always the hardest, but if deep down you know this is how you want to make the world a better place, don’t let fear and doubt stand in your way.  Take action.

Taking action doesn’t mean there are no failures, mistakes or mishaps along the way. It just means you learn lessons along the way, and keep moving forward.

What is one thing you can do in the next 30 days to get going with your business?

You’ve got this! I believe in you – now it’s YOUR turn to believe in you.

Boost your confidence with your new client consultations – Grab your FREE Health Coach Discovery Session Guide >> HERE <<


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