There was a recent post by a member of my Facebook customer support group, and it was so good, that I knew I wanted to share it with you.


Because I know some of you are feeling discouraged about building your business, and you wonder how other coaches are doing it. The truth is that they aren’t any smarter or more gifted than you are; they’ve just figured out what works for them and they haven’t given up.

After interviewing 3 coaches for the brand new Health Coach Success Secrets interview series, it was apparent that there were a few things they ALL had in common.

  1. They have all been CONSISTENT in their efforts (getting in front of people, building their email list, etc)
  1. They have all made MISTAKES (but they learned from them and moved on)
  1. They have the right TOOLS and resources in place to help clients and earn revenue
  1. They stepped outside of their COMFORT ZONE (even though they were scared)
  1. They ask for HELP and SUPPORT when they need it
  1. They believe in the VALUE they’re providing


These 6 things are KEY to growing ANY business.

And this is the exact same case with health coach, Jane Waller Smith, as she shared in the group (keep reading to see her post).

Just like we tell our clients; there are no quick fixes, and consistency is key to getting results. There is no magic pill to grow your business; it’s a combination of things.

One of the worst things you can do is try 10 different things, and then think that it didn’t work. It’s much better to do 2 or 3 things at a time consistently, give it a few months, then see it if works before you change course or give up.

The other HUGE piece of the business-building puzzle is to get out of your comfort zone and do what you know you should be doing, even though you’re scared to do it.  I still have to remind myself of this from time to time, and it’s been a game changer for me.

If this post had been earlier, I would have interviewed Jane for the Health Coach Success Secrets Interview series, but it was too late.  I thought the next best thing would be to let you read what she’s been up to.

Here’s Jane….

“I saw a couple of posts today asking me about this because some folks were having trouble filling their programs. And so now I feel a little embarrassed about my relative success. But here is my opinion about why people signed up for my program.

How I enrolled 16 participants for my 30 Day Jumpstart.

  1. I have been a coach for more than 4 years. I did everything just like IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) said to do in the beginning…started a newsletter, worked to build my list by giving talks, got a few clients early on. I also got very lucky and have two physicians and a chiropractor who refer to me. They are forward thinkers. So now I have had well over a hundred people in my 3 and  6-months programs.

I have a website with 2 opt-in gifts, I speak, I do my newsletter fairly faithfully and have about 850 people on my list. I am not shy about asking people to be on my mailing list. I am also not terribly aggressive. My point here is that I have been around while, I put out a lot of content, have a good record as a coach, and I also teach some raw food classes.

  1. I am woefully inept when it comes to technical things, a little less inept when it comes to writing, through my own personality. So Kathleen’s programs were a Godsend for me.

I did the 7 Day Challenge and got many people involved with that…had lots of fun, and learned a lot along the way. In putting together both of those programs, I did what Kathleen suggested, and put it out pretty straight.  I needed lots of support, but it was pretty basic stuff on both counts….no frills, no videos that weren’t provided, etc.

  1. Here’s the kicker. In the end, many of the 16 paying participants for the 30 Day Jump Start are former or current clients. The former ones wanted the brush-up after “straying” and the current ones are particularly wanting to meet their own health goals and want all the help they can get. Only 2 in the program were fairly unknown to me. Another is a professional colleague from my past life. So, for me, aside from the excellent support I had, I think my major reason for success is just that I have been on the street long enough, made enough good relationships to have gained some trust, kept it fairly simple, honest, and doable.

[Kathleen’s side note: This is a good reminder that just because a client finishes a program with us, it doesn’t mean they won’t need our help again down the road].

That’s it. The next time I do a program, I hope to do better. I’ll have that many more happy customers and their testimonials to help me spread the word.

No magic…just keeping at it in ways that were manageable for me. I put events on Facebook, boosted a couple of posts, but otherwise stayed very low budget. Many of you already know that I am not a fan of Facebook ads. I know they work well for others.

It’ll happen for you. Keep at it. Build your lists. Give free talks, demos, whatever you’re comfortable doing. And have fun.”

Jane Waller Smith can be found via her beautiful website at Abundant Raw Life

Thank you Jane 🙂

Check out the 3-part candid interview series HERE and discover what other health coaches are doing to get new clients, and build their practices.

It’s FREE, but only available for a limited time.