You sit down to write your blog post or newsletter, and you realize you have absolutely NO idea what to say.
Does this ever happen to you? It’s not always easy to come up with new ideas to write about, is it?
I have found a simple strategy that has been helpful for me so perhaps you will find it helpful too.
I keep a list of blog post/newsletter ideas in the notes section of my phone (most of my ideas seem to come to me when I’m away from my office).
Be on the lookout for ideas and inspiration daily so when inspiration strikes, you can write it down!
When I’m not sure what to write about, I go to my list.
Your inspiration and ideas can come from:
1. Projects or programs you may be working on right now. Maybe you can share a small sample of an upcoming program, eBook, etc (recipes, workouts, time-saving tips, menu planning ideas, etc.)
2. Something you are struggling with or have struggled with in the past (and then share helpful tips/solutions).
3. The top questions you get from your clients or potential clients (or a topic that came up at a recent coaching session).
4. A popular health/fitness/wellness topic that you put your unique spin on (or share your perspective).
5. A recent favorite discovery. Have you found something that makes your life easier in some way? It could be something as simple as a cool new app or gadget that you love.
6. Your followers, fans, and clients. The best way to find out what your audience wants to know about it to ask them. A great way to do this is to survey your audience ( is a good option for this).
Ideas and inspiration for topics to write about are all around us. By keeping a running list of ideas, you’ll have a library of topic options to turn to when your creative mojo just isn’t flowing.
Do you ever hit a writing roadblock too? Let me know what helps you find your best ideas!
Happy blogging!
Great ideas, Kathleen. Some of these I do already. I especially like the idea of keeping notes in my phone on ideas. I haven’t done that so far. Would keep me more organized.
Thanks Lynne! If you have any ideas, feel free to share them 🙂
Great advice! I am just starting to blog and love finding advice like this that makes it seem less daunting.
Hi Kasnya! I’m so glad you find the tips helpful. Feel free to share any other ideas that you find helpful.
I had not noticed any email from you in a while, but this one comes at a particularly good time for me. Just last week I had my first lesson on how to blog on my new website from the gal who set up my website, and now, I need to start blogging. It is daunting to think about what to write about. Thanks for the tip of jotting down ideas in the notes section of my iPhone that present themselves to me, whenever and wherever.
Hi Alison. Great to hear from you, so thanks for stopping by. Feel free to sign up for my newsletter again in case my emails have gone to your junk folder for some reason. I usually send out an email every week or two 🙂 Some great new things in the works coming soon! xo
Hi Kathleen,
Right on target! I want to mention I tried to click on your 6 week coaching series and it would not like me sign up.
Keep me posted when it’s fixed.
Thx M