How to Book More Discovery Calls

In today’s episode, we’re sharing a replay of a hot seat coaching session we did for our Wellness Business Insiders Club members. Hot seat coaching is a short (10-minute) laser-focused coaching session where we address one specific question. The questions and topics that were covered were so beneficial, that we decided to share it here on the podcast.

The hot seat coaching covered a wide variety of topics and questions such as:

  • How do you lead people to your paid programs at the end of a free challenge?
  • How to troubleshoot lack of response for people signing up for your discovery calls
  • How many Facebook groups should I have and when do I close some of them down?
  • How do I narrow down my niche when I’m having trouble choosing just one to focus on?

Chances are, you have at least one of these questions on your mind too, so we hope you get as much benefit out of it as our members did.

Resources and Links mentioned on the show:

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