3 Simple Steps to Validate Your Niche Marketing Message

3 Simple Steps to Validate Your Niche Marketing Message

3 Simple Steps to Validate Your Niche Marketing Message

A common mistake many health coaches make is skipping over the niche part of their business even though it’s a critical piece of an effective marketing strategy.

If we aren’t able to clearly communicate who we help and what we do, how will potential clients know if you can help them?  The goal is stand out and attract the right people, so we can build a profitable business.

In today’s podcast episode we’ll be sharing:

  • 3 simple steps to validate your niche marketing message so you are attracting your dream clients
  • The biggest reason we struggle with dialing in our messaging and how to fix it

We are also sharing a glimpse into one of our most popular lessons inside the Wellness Business Accelerator – Business-Building Lesson Library and how you can get your hands on it for just $97

Find out more here and join us while we are offering limited-time bonuses and the chance to SAVE 30%!

Karen recently posted a question in her Facebook group and many of the comments were similar to one another so that tells us that this is a great topic to discuss on the podcast.

The question she posted was, “What questions do you have right now about growing your business?”

She noticed an immediate trend in responses. Here are just a couple of them.

One coach said…

“My lead magnet is needing an overhaul. I have two and they are falling flat on social media.”

Another coach said…

“My question is what works for lead generation. I am curious as to how best to generate leads into the top end of my funnel.”

As she contemplated her response to both of these coaches she kept coming back to the same feedback… “You have to nail your niche and make sure that your marketing message is spot on”.

Unfortunately, many coaches overlook or ignore the niche part of their business even though it is the most important and vital aspect of having a business.

We’ve talked about this many times before on the podcast and we have an entire lesson dedicated to it in the Wellness Business Accelerator – Business-Building Lesson Library called: How to Finally Nail Your Niche’ Within 30 Days to Fill Your Program

What is true for all of us as online business owners is that if we aren’t crystal clear on who are business is designed to serve then there is no way that we can convey that in our marketing. If we aren’t conveying it in our marketing, then our ideal clients will never even notice us.

In today’s podcast episode we are going to take your through one of the first things we teach in our: How to Finally Nail Your Niche’ Within 30 Days to Fill Your Program lesson from our Business-Building Lesson Library. It’s the first of many steps that we teach inside this lesson and we think you’re going to find it very enlightening.

One of the quickest ways to figure out if you have a clear niche that others understand and if your messaging is spot on actually speaking clearly to your ideal client, is to try our 3-step ideal client validation process.

This is a simple process but don’t underestimate its value because it will quickly tell you if you are portraying a clear picture of the clients you are trying to attract.

The main purpose of this exercise is to confirm that you are clearly marketing to your ideal dream clients. Often times it is only clear to the business owner because our brains naturally fill in so many of the blanks but that isn’t the case for others connecting with us online.

Step #1: Ask 3-5 people, who don’t really know what you do, to audit your Facebook page or any social media platform that you regularly spend time on & your website home page using these 3 questions:

  1. Who do you serve?
  2. How will you help?
  3. Will this work for me?

You can ask coworkers, reach out to another coach, or maybe even a neighbor. Ideally, if they can’t accurately and concisely answer those questions you’ve got work to do.

Step #2: Document their answers and then analyze their feedback. Are they totally confused about what you do and who you help? Or are they pretty close but you now realize that with a little fine-tuning you’ll have it dialed in perfectly? If they come back with more questions than answers then you may need a complete overhaul.

Step #3: Next, do the work! Use the responses that you received to update all of your outward facing marketing platforms like social media and your website. The feedback that you receive is absolute gold and will make it incredibly easy to make sure the messaging you are using will, in fact, attract your dream clients.

Are you ready to try this exercise?

We have used this approach ourselves as well as hundreds of our Wellness Business Accelerator students.

When you get laser focused on your niche amazing things can happen. For instance, this is what Elizabeth had to say…

Here’s what’s exciting….

We’ve recently redesigned the Wellness Business Accelerator – Business-Building Lesson Library to be more of a custom fit for your business needs and lifestyle. That means that you have more options than ever before to fit any budget while investing in only the lessons that are of the highest priority to you. 

Purchase Trainings Individually for $97 each or bundle all 12 immediately and SAVE 30%

The lessons included in the Wellness Business Accelerator – Business-Building Lesson Library are designed to SIMPLIFY your coaching business by allowing you to focus on the client-generation strategies that actually work, rather than spending time on things that just leave you feeling tired and frustrated, with zero clients.

Our online BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION lessons will take you from feeling like you are lost and unsure what to do to get paying clients to…



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Why Your Copy Isn’t Converting

Why Your Copy Isn’t Converting

Why Your Copy Isn’t Converting

If you have ever promoted a free offer, a webinar or a paid program and the results were disappointing, there are 4 common reasons why your copy isn’t converting and we’re diving into them on this episode of the podcast. 

Low conversion rates happen to all of us at some point or another but when you know how to troubleshoot the problem, you’ll see much higher conversion rates. 

In this episode, we’re sharing the top 4 reasons and giving you examples of how to fix them.

Reason #1: You are speaking more about the features or the “stuff” they get instead of the benefits and results.

Reason #2: You are not focusing enough on their pain points and conveying that you understand where they are right now.

Reason #3: You aren’t using the words or phrases they are using or things they are saying to themselves.

Reason #4: You aren’t addressing and disarming their objections.

Copywriting comes into play with ALL all of your messaging, from your emails and social media posts to your sales pages, landing pages for your free offers, your website, your blog posts and more.

Listen in to learn more about these 4 reasons and find out how you can easily turn it around to get more people taking action.

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