Best Of: How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Want

Best Of: How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Want

Best Of: How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Want

It’s easy to think we know what our ideal clients want but oftentimes we use words and phrases that they aren’t using, so there is a big disconnect in the messaging to attract the people you want to help.  One common example of this we see quite often is thinking something along the lines that our clients want “a more vibrant and healthy life” when that’s not what they’re thinking at all because that’s very broad and pretty general. They’re thinking about something much more tangible, measurable and/or specific, and that’s why understanding what they truly want can make all the difference in how many clients enroll in your programs.  People want something concrete if they are going to make an investment. 

We’re bringing back an episode we did a while back that shares 3 simple ways to find out what your ideal clients truly want, so you can – A. Attract more of your ideal clients and B.  Have more paying clients. 

You’ll use the information you gather in places such as your website, sales pages, landing pages for your free offers. You can also use it for some of your free content such as blog posts, podcast episodes, and social media content, including videos.

The good news is that this is actually really easy to do, and we’ll kick things off with #1: 

1. Your Facebook group.  If you have a Facebook group or any other online community, you can find out a ton of information about your ideal clients there.  The first way to utilize your group to find out what your ideal clients want is to use the membership questions feature to screen people before you approve them to join.  When you go to your admin tools section of your Facebook group, you’ll see the option for ‘membership questions’.  You can ask up to 3 questions, and one of them should give prospective members the opportunity to share their top struggles and challenges with you.  A simple question to ask would be “What is your biggest struggle with ______________.”  So, if your niche is helping women balance menopausal symptoms naturally, it could read something like this: “What is your biggest struggle with your menopausal symptoms.”   This should be a one very short, concise question, so people know how to answer it.  You want to keep track of the answers and look for common words and phrases they’re using to describe the problem.  One way to keep track of these answers is to use Google sheets, and you can just copy and paste the answers. When you use the same words that your audience is using, they are going to feel like you really understand them, and that helps them see you as a possible solution.   

Another way to use your Facebook group to find out what your ideal clients want is to use occasional polls, direct question posts and paying close attention to questions that are posted and conversations that are going on.  Polls aren’t the best because they aren’t open-ended questions, but if you’re narrowing down some options, it can be helpful to get some input.   For example, if your niche is related to gluten-free living, a poll question could be: What would you say is your biggest frustration when it comes to eating a gluten-free diet?  Poll answer #1.  Finding affordable food options. 2. Preparing meals.  3. Eating out.  Then allow people to add their own answer if there is something else that is a top struggle for them that’s different than the choices you list.   

A direct question post would be where you ask a question which can give you more information than a poll.  You can ask the same question I just mentioned about “What is your biggest frustration when it comes to eating a gluten-free diet?” but leave it as a regular post and people can add their answer in the comments. 

Facebook groups are great because most of the members already have a level of trust with you, so they will feel comfortable being open to sharing their answers.

2. Discovery Calls: Yes, these calls are designed to enroll clients, but they are also meant to find out what your clients really want and see if you are a good fit to help them.  Discovery calls are going to give you the most detailed an in-depth information. This is why really listening during these calls and taking notes is critical.  When you ask the right questions, you are going to get invaluable market research about where they are struggling the most, how they are feeling about it, what they actually want and why they want it.  Most people will open up to you during this call and you’ll get a lot more detailed information, you’ll hear their tone of voice and emotions, and you’ll have the chance to ask follow-up questions if you need clarification. 

Asking questions such as: What is your biggest struggle with this right now?  What has been the biggest roadblock for you?  How would it feel if you reached your goal or had this problem solved?  can give you a ton of great insights into what they really want and why.

If you want a complete step-by-step discovery call script, so you have more great questions to ask, you can download my free Ultimate Health Coach Toolkit which also includes a Food Diary, Meal Planning Worksheet, Exercise Log, Coaching Session Template and more. 

3. Surveys to your email list.

Surveys are another great option for gathering information about your target audience.  You’ll get a lot more responses when you offer an incentive. We’ve done this several times with great success and we like to offer Amazon gift cards because everyone likes them.  You can offer two $25 gift cards and let people know you will be choosing two winners at random – include the deadline of when they need to complete the survey and pick a date then you’ll announce the winners. 

You can use for this if you want, and make sure one of the questions you ask is for their email address, so you can notify them and send the eGift card. Even though survey monkey is a paid service, it’s the easiest way we’ve found to use surveys. 

You don’t have to limit this to just your email subscribers since you can also share the survey link on social media and in your Facebook group.

Your survey doesn’t have to be super involved.  You can ask 3-5 questions to find out what their biggest struggle is that relates to your niche, what they have already tried, how is it impacting their life and what are their top 1-2 goals.   

Start with whichever of the 3 options we shared seems easiest to you right now and you add more later if you want.    

Let’s recap the 3 ways to find out what your ideal clients want:

  1. Your Facebook group – screening questions, polls, direct questions
  2. Discovery Calls
  3. Surveys to your email list

These are all great ways to do market research.

Take the information you gather and compare it to your current messaging and see where you can make some changes and/or additions to make it really grab the attention of the people you are trying to reach. Remember, you aren’t trying to attract everyone – you only want to get the attention of your dream clients. This will take a little time to figure out, but it will be so worth it because you’ll be enrolling more clients. 

Be sure to download my FREE Ultimate Health Coach Toolkit with 7 essential health coaching resources, including a detailed outline/script for your discovery calls.

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5 Ways to Generate Content Ideas that Resonate with Your Ideal Clients

5 Ways to Generate Content Ideas that Resonate with Your Ideal Clients

5 Ways to Generate Content Ideas that Resonate with Your Ideal Clients

Creating and sharing your content online is a foundational strategy for standing out and having people find you, so it’s an important piece of the marketing puzzle. Whether you create content weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, you want it to resonate with your ideal clients, so they keep coming back for more, and ultimately, some of them will become paying clients. 

One of the biggest struggles with being consistent in creating content is coming up with ideas on a regular basis, so on this episode, we’re sharing 5 Ways to Find Content Ideas that Resonate with Your Ideal Clients, so you never run out of ideas again.

Here are the 5 strategies we use for coming up with ideas:

1. Ask your audience. You can do this by posting in your Facebook group if you have one, wherever you are on social media, and/or in your emails.  You can either choose 3-5 topics and have your audience vote on them to see which one gets the most interest or ask them what their top question or struggle is right now when it comes to _________ (insert your area of specialty as a health coach).  Example: What question or struggle do you have when it comes to sticking with a ketogenic diet.

2. Use Chat GPT. I love this option because it can give you so many ideas you may not have even considered!  If you use ChatGPT and type in something like: Please give me a list of 20 different topic ideas for _______________ (enter your area of specialty).  Or What are 10 common mistakes people make with________.

If your niche is working with menopausal women, you can enter into ChatGPT: Can you please give me a list of 20 topic ideas for women who are going through menopause? Or… Can you please give me a list of 20 common struggles menopausal women are dealing with?  BAM! Idea after idea will pop up as a place to start. 

3. Questions you get from clients/discovery calls. Questions and comments that come up during these calls can be great topics for you content.  Take notes during these calls, so you can keep a running list. If your potential clients have the question, your audience likely does too. 

4. Bust common myths or mistakes related to your niche. You can use ChatGPT for this too if something doesn’t come to mind. For example, type in: What are 10 common myths people have about intermittent fasting? Pick one of them and address it in your content.  Busting myths can work extremely well with addressing objections your audience may have, and it can move them another step closer to working with you.

5. Small chunks of content from your paid programs.  If you have your coaching program put together already, you can pull out small pieces of it to share with your audience.  We do this quite a bit with the Wellness Business Accelerator program, and we share bits of pieces of strategies we teach, but we don’t give away the entire system – we save that for our students.  You can do the same thing with your program, and it can be a really good way to generate interest and draw people in to want to learn more from you.   

TIP: Keep a running list of ideas somewhere handy – Google sheets, Trello or whatever you use.  We keep a running list in Google sheets since that’s where we keep all of our podcast topics, dates to record, when each episode goes live, etc. so that makes it easy for us, but do what works for you.

When you refer to these 5 ideas, you’ll have a long list of topics to cover that your audience will appreciate. 

If you have questions or want to share any tips for how you come up with your content, come on over to Instagram and let us know.  I’m at kathleenlegrys and Karen is at karenpattock. We would love to hear from you.

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Takeaway Tuesday – Defining Boundaries When it Comes to Client Success

Takeaway Tuesday – Defining Boundaries When it Comes to Client Success

Takeaway Tuesday – Defining Boundaries When it Comes to Client Success

As a way of switching things up here on the podcast, every few weeks we’ll have a real-time conversation between the two of us as friends and business partners. We’ll chat a bit about what’s going on behind the scenes, and then we’ll cover one or two trending topics going on in the health coaching space that we think will be beneficial for you. Lastly, we’ll wrap up by answering one or two questions from coaches that we’ve received recently.

Think of it like we’re all hanging out for a chat over coffee.

Here’s what we’re covering on this episode:

  • Identifying areas of your life where you are courageous and what areas are you not (and how you can balance both). We share what this is for the both of us. 
  • How to define boundaries as a coach when it comes to your client success and results.
  • Using “Professional Mode” on your personal Facebook profile to build a public presence and following. We share the pros and cons to help you make the decision that’s best for you.

We hope you enjoy this format and the information we share!

If we’re not already connected on Instagram, you can find me here. 

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BEST OF: How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group

BEST OF: How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group

BEST OF: How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group

Hosting a Facebook group for your coaching business can be a great way to build trust with your audience, position yourself as an expert and get new clients when it’s done the right way.  In order for your group to work as client generating strategy, there are a few key pieces you need to have in place.

We’re bringing back an episode we did earlier this year, and if you have a Facebook group or you want to start one, AND you want to get clients from it, this will be super helpful for you.

We cover a lot, including:

  • The #1 thing your group must have in place if you want to attract the right members – your ideal clients.
  • What you want to include in your group if you want people to connect with you and trust you as soon as they join.
  • The common missing piece in most groups that is the top reason you aren’t getting more clients and how to fix it.

Want to accelerate the growth of your group? Download your free PDF guide called 10 Free Ways to Grow Your Facebook Group.

In this episode, we’re sharing 3 ways to get more clients from your Facebook group. 

Let’s kick it off with strategy #1

1. Be very clear about who you help and how you help them.

Can people tell right away who your group is for and what you do? This comes into play several ways including the name of your group and the type of content you share. Having a successful FB group comes down to having a defined group name and theme that will attract the right people and allow members to get to know you and see you as a knowledgeable and trustworthy expert.

If people join a general health and wellness group, they could be looking for any number of solutions, including weight loss, managing diabetes, looking for ideas for exercise, ideas for managing their autoimmune condition or hormonal imbalances – the list goes on and on.  They could also be men or women of any age range. If you have this type of group and you offer your paid program that helps women over 50 balance their hormones to lose weight, you will have very few group members interested in joining because many of the people in your group are not your ideal clients.

BUT, when your group is very specific and clear about who it’s for, when you DO go to promote your paid offers, you’ll have more people signing up to work with you.

Think about the name of your group – is it very clear to people if it’s for them or not?

This will be a big help with coming up with content to share in the group, as well as topics for livestreams or any demos.

When you have the right people in your group, more members will invest in your paid programs when you offer them.

So, #1 is to have a clear group title and theme that will attract the people you want to help.

How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group
2. People need to get to know you before they invest! Video is the best way to do this.

If you think about the people that you follow on social media or the groups that you belong to, who are the ones you feel you know the most?  It’s almost certainly those who are doing video, right? Whether it’s live or recorded, it helps build a connection. You don’t really get to know people with just graphics, photos and motivational quotes – people want to know YOU as a person. When people feel a connection with you, they are much more likely to take the next step by working with you.

There are different places in your group where you can incorporate video and the first one is in the welcome video. A welcome video is important because for most of your new members, it will be their first impression of you and your community, and it sets the stage for how they will interact.  You can do a quick 1–2-minute video that welcomes them and lets them know what to expect and you look forward to getting know them – super easy.

Another important way to incorporate video is by livestreaming in the group. This is the most impactful way because people get to see you and interact with you in real time. This dramatically accelerates the know, like, trust factor.  Doing one livestream a month is a good place to start. That’s what I do because it’s very doable for me and I look forward to it each month.

When you are doing any type of longer form video such as livestreams, sprinkle in client success stories or how you helped a client with a specific problem, so it plants a seed and serves as a reminder about what you do without it being a sales pitch.   

3. Making offers frequently enough.

This is the missing piece in many groups because we know you don’t want to come across as being salesy – but if people don’t know what you do, how can they enroll in your paid programs?

The 80/20 rule is a good guideline to keep in mind with this. If 80% of the time, you’re showing up on a regular basis in the group with helpful information, building trust and rapport, giving support, you’ve earned the right to share your promotions and offers 20% of the time.

You’ll want to plan this out in your marketing strategy and whenever you are promoting a program to your email subscribers, make sure you are also sharing about it in your group.

How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group
Here are 3 ways to share your offers in your group:

  • Include an invitation to book a discovery call in the welcome post and share the link to your online calendar such as calendly.
  • Invite people to get one of your free resources that has an email follow-up sequence that leads to booking a call or enrolling in your coaching program, membership or other offer.
  • Make occasional time-sensitive offers. This could be that you have opened up additional spots for discovery calls this month or you have opened up X number of spots for new clients this month and share the link for how they can take action. You can also offer different bonuses throughout the year as an incentive.

The key is to be strategic and intentional with this, so you have it planned out as part of your marketing strategy.

Because I know another challenge health coaches have is growing their group, I have a great free resource to help you with this…

It’s my free checklist with 10 ways to grow your FB group without spending a penny on things like ads.

You’ll also learn my #1 secret tip to help you get more of the RIGHT people in your group (this is something besides making sure the name of your group is specific enough).

We can’t wait to hear how it goes with your group after you implement the tips we shared today!

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BEST OF: Which is Better… Promoting Your Program or a Discovery Call for More Sales

BEST OF: Which is Better… Promoting Your Program or a Discovery Call for More Sales

BEST OF: Which is Better…Promoting Your Program or a Discovery Call for More Sales

Have you ever thought about how long you should warm up your new email subscribers and followers before you invite them to join your coaching program? The real question is how much nurturing is needed before your lead is willing and excited about working with you and will say yes to your paid program.

Of course, the goal is to enroll as many clients as possible into your program, but the truth is that some people will need more nurturing than others. Some of them will want to hop on a discovery call with you and others will be decisive from the beginning and will know you’re a good fit almost immediately. To figure out a client-conversion strategy that works for you, let’s dive into this BEST OF episode so we can walk you through each step so you can make a plan.

If you’ve ever asked yourself what makes the most sense for enrolling clients into your paid program, consider these five questions.

1) How warm or cold is the audience or person I’m promoting to at this time?

2) Is offering a discovery call or breakthrough session mandatory for them to feel comfortable investing with me at this time or is it just a courtesy that only a couple of people will take me up on?

3) Is this the only time they will hear about my program, or do I have a follow-up email sequence in place that will continue to promote for the next 5-7 days leading to more sales without the requirement of a discovery call?

4) Is my program low, medium, or high priced?

5) Do I offer a money-back guarantee that will ease their mind when making the decision to work with you? (This is optional).

If you have mostly a cold audience that is learning about you for the very first time, then you should probably offer the discovery call as the call to action. If discovery calls are the way you decide to go, be sure to listen to our previous podcast episode called: How to Lead a 1 on 1 Discovery Call that Results in the Client Saying Yes. We have a very specific formula that works exceptionally well that we walk you through in this episode. We promise you’ll feel ready to lead a discovery call with confidence after listening to this episode. We’ll link it up in the show notes for your convenience. There’s also a downloadable cheat sheet that you can get that will keep you on track.

If your audience consists mostly of a warmer audience that has been on your list for a while, then it probably makes more sense to directly promote your coaching program right from the workshop or challenge. When the audience is familiar with you and have consumed a fair amount of your content, chances are they won’t need the interim step of a discovery call.

Another thing to consider with new email subscribers is following up with a sales sequence that promotes your program for 5-7 days. It’s recommended to add a link to your online calendar to book a discovery call in those emails. Sometimes, people just want to hear your voice and ask a couple of questions before they make a decision.

The last thing to consider is your program price point and whether you offer a money-back guarantee. If it’s less than $500, chances are a discovery call will not be necessary. As long as your sales page is clear, and your marketing message includes the benefits of working with you, the potential client will be able to make the financial commitment without needing a chat with you.

On the other hand, if it’s more than $500, it’s probably a good idea to make the call option available. As the price goes up so will the need for people to book a call with you.

There may be times when you promote your paid program and times when you invite people to book a discovery call.  Working through what you want to do ahead of time will help you put the necessary pieces into place to get the best possible results. 

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Harnessing the Power of Wellness Workshops to Build a Consistent Client Base

Harnessing the Power of Wellness Workshops to Build a Consistent Client Base

Harnessing the Power of Wellness Workshops to Build a Consistent Client Base

Using workshops as a marketing strategy in your wellness business, can work incredibly well when you have all the right pieces in place. When people attend a workshop to learn something from you, some attendees will likely want to take the next step with you to get support.

Whether you’re just beginning your journey as a health coach or you’ve been at it for a while now, chances are you’ve heard people mention that you should build a client funnel. Let’s talk about what that means in the simplest of terms and how to put a funnel in place with your workshops.

Visualize an actual funnel, the top is much bigger than the bottom. In terms of a client funnel, the top is where you’re attracting the most people through social media and your free content. Once they are in your funnel, that pool of people shrinks down as the funnel shrinks as they join your email list and eventually purchase one of your programs.

Paying clients are at the smallest part of the funnel. The truth is you don’t need everyone in the top of your funnel to convert into paying clients. As the funnel gets smaller and smaller you are narrowing down to your warmest leads. Only those that are your perfect dream customers make it to the bottom of the funnel.

In the funnel scenario, wellness workshops actually perform double duty. They are great top-of-funnel tools to attract new people to you and grow your email list. They are also perfect conversion tools, (bottom of funnel), that allow you to make an offer at the end of the workshop so people will enroll in your program. It’s through the combination of these two roles in your client funnel, wellness workshops will help to build your client base.

There are 6 elements to a profitable workshop, and each one helps to move people through a client funnel with you in record time.

Element #1 – Establish

This is where the workshop title will get people interested in you and they’ll register for the upcoming training. When they register, they’ll then become an email subscriber.

Element #2 Enlighten

This actually happens when people watch the workshop. You’ll instantly build a connection with them at the start of the workshop by letting them know they are in the right place and you understand their situation.

Element #3 Educate

This is the heart of your workshop where you’re teaching them new information and sharing your journey or those of your clients, all in an effort to make them feel comfortable and excited to work with you.

Element #4 Entrench

This is when you’ll reaffirm what they’ve learned and connect the dots to why the workshop was worth their time and get them ready for the next step with you.

Element #5 Engage

Engaging your workshop attendees with a Q&A session is the perfect way to eliminate any fears or doubts that they may have in working with you.

Element #6 Enroll

This is when you make an offer and invite them to enroll in your program. In this element, you’ll use benefit statements, testimonials, case studies, and program descriptions to entice your workshop attendees to join your paid program.

Each element in a wellness workshop is a step further in the client funnel with you which leads people to enrolling in your paid program.

Wellness workshops can be used in many ways to build a consistent client base. Let’s go over the top 3.

1) As we discussed, you can use them in a traditional way of promoting the workshop, registering people, and delivering it as an informational and educational training leading to an invitation to work with you.

2) Another way to use workshops in your coaching business to build a client base is to charge a fee, (typically $47 or less), for a 90-minute workshop. The difference between this type of workshop and a free workshop is that there is often group exercises and coaching along the way. This type of workshop can be an excellent stepping stone for someone thinking about working with you but they are nervous to spend a large amount of money. This gives them the opportunity to have a micro-dose of coaching with you that can be all they need to invest in a higher-value program with you.

3) One additional option for using wellness workshops to build your client base is to record the workshop in advance and offer it as an on-demand training to your followers. If you put the recording behind a registration page, it’ll require the person to submit their email address to get access, thereby growing your email list. You can also use the pre-recorded version as a nurturing component in your follow-up email sequence when someone subscribes for one of your other freebies. Either option works well and contributes to the nurturing process of your client’s journey with you.

When you choose wellness workshops as your main client attraction / client conversion tool you’ll be pleasantly surprised how quickly you’ll begin to enroll clients in your programs. Plus, when you choose one workshop from the library of topics I’ve created, you’ll be able to take advantage of the time-saving component of having everything you need right away and will be able to hit the ground running immediately.

To make it as easy as possible to promote and deliver successful workshops, check out about Karen’s done-for-you wellness workshops and SAVE 40% through Nov. 16th, 2023, with code: WELLNESS.

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