4 Ways to Make Money with Your Coaching Expertise

4 Ways to Make Money with Your Coaching Expertise

4 Ways to Make Money with Your Coaching Expertise

One of the amazing things about being a health coach or nutritionist is that you get to decide how you want to help people and generate revenue. You get to call the shots and design your business the way you want. 

There’s more than one way to monetize your expertise, and today, we’re diving into 4 of them.  We’re also sharing examples of each one to give you some ideas if you’re looking to branch out a bit and explore other possibilities. 

1-on-1 Coaching

The first option is the easiest and the one where most coaches start out, and that’s 1-on-1 coaching. This would be your premium priced coaching offer because it’s your time that you can’t scale – you can only work with one person at a time. You can either work with people in person or if you want to remove any geographic barriers, Zoom is a great option. The benefit of 1-on-1 coaching is that it’s low to no tech and you get to have in-depth conversations with people to get a good understanding of their goals, desires and struggles. When you know your ideal clients really well, it makes it easier and more effective to communicate how you help them, which is critical in your marketing. 

Online Group Programs

The next option for generating revenue as a health coach is to run online group programs.  This allows you to leverage your time and help more people which is appealing to a lot of coaches.  This could be a 30–90-day program or even longer if you want.  A 30-day online program can be the gateway to your longer program, so it’s a good idea to include a shorter option for people who aren’t ready to commit to working with you for 3-6 months.  When I was a health coach, I did 1-on-1 coaching and online group coaching. I enjoyed them both, but I really loved online coaching because of the energy and community aspect.  This was quite a few years ago before the boom of online courses and programs, so I had to fumble my way through things to figure out what I was doing. Now, there are so many more options as far as the tech.  It’s great to have a lot of options, but we also know that can sometimes feel overwhelming when you’re trying to choose one.  Let’s look at the two levels to think about when it comes to tech options. 

Level A is very simple and easy which is running your online program in a Facebook group or other online community like Mighty Networks.  You can either do weekly livestreams to cover the topics or upload pre-recorded videos and organize them by week and topic and have prompts/questions a few days a week.  You can also add livestream Q and A’s if you want.  The more opportunities for people to interact with you during a paid program the better and there is a higher perceived value when they get to interact with you and get their questions answered.

Level B involves more tech where you host the program using software such as Practice Better which we love because it’s designed specifically for health coaches and nutritionists or you can use something like Kartra, Kajabi or Thinkific. We host our online course through Kartra, and we really like it, but check out 3-4 options and decide which one will fit your needs the best and give it a try.

If you aren’t sure where to start, we recommend choosing the easiest option for your first go around and then uplevel after that.  Don’t let tech be an obstacle to achieving what you want to do.


Option #3 for generating revenue with your expertise is a membership program – also referred to as a continuity program.  This is where people join and pay a monthly fee to get access to the information they want.  This can be a good option for people who want a low level of access and accountability but don’t want or need a lot of handholding like they would get with a 1-on-1 program.  A membership site can work well for options such as recipes or meal plans, workouts, monthly challenges, monthly health topics, etc. You get to decide what’s included based on the price you want to charge (and what your ideal clients would find most helpful).  For example, you could add monthly livestreams or Zoom calls where you go deeper into the topic, maybe you have guest experts you interview, or it can be more low-key and do live Q and A.  The tech required for this will vary depending on what you decide to include, but software such a Practice Better, Kajabi or Kartra would work. 

The benefit of a membership site is the recurring monthly revenue.  The downside is that you always have to be on top of the program content creation and plan accordingly. 

DIY Programs

Moving on to option #4 for generating revenue as a health coach is DIY programs.  This would be a DIY version of part of your coaching program where people go through the content on their own without any support from you.  This can be appealing for potential clients who want a lower-cost option and are good at implementing on their own. If you offer a DIY program, you’d want to host it in a software like we covered before because with the DIY, people don’t have access to you as they would if it were an online group program that may be hosted in a FB group.  You’d want to decide if you only want to offer a certain program as a DIY, such as a 30-day program or if you also want to offer this for your longer-term program. Generally, I would recommend this for just your shorter program, and then the next step would be to join one of your group or 1-on-1 coaching programs, but it’s up to you. 

Between the two of us, we have used all 4 of these options. They each have pros and cons, so decide what appeals to you the most and dive right in.    

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How to Decide if an Evergreen Workshop is Right for You

How to Decide if an Evergreen Workshop is Right for You

How to Decide if an Evergreen Workshop is Right for You

A highly effective strategy for enrolling clients in your coaching programs is to offer online workshops (webinars). Once you have a workshop in place that works well, you may decide to offer it as an evergreen (pre-recorded) option, so people can sign up for it and watch it any time. 

Choosing to provide an evergreen workshop sounds like an amazing ‘set it & forget it’ marketing strategy but there are a few things you need to consider before making this decision.

First, you need to know what your goals are for this strategy. It’s always good to be intentional with your decisions when it comes to marketing your coaching business.

Is your goal based on marketing convenience, (as it you’re loving the ‘set it and forget it’ model), list building, or for revenue generation (or both)?

Once you know your goal, it’ll be easier to decide which style of evergreen options you should embrace. There are two types – Using a professional software like EasyWebinar or a DIY model using an online storage option like Dropbox. EasyWebinar is not the only option. There are many to choose from but for the sake of example, we’ll be referring to EasyWebinar.

When you choose a software like EasyWebinar, there are many moving parts but it does have its benefits. This software is designed to make it appear as if the workshop is live, (even though it’s pre-recorded), which means that you’ll ultimately end up with more clients joining your coaching program. The live appearance using this software will lead to higher conversions. That said, this software is a lot of work to set up. Let’s break it down.

  • Appears as if it’s live – your attendees will need to choose a date/time and register for that specific event.
  • Great list builder
  • The software requires you to have multiple email sequences in place. One that goes out before the workshop encouraging them to show up live, reminding them of the amazing benefits of attending the call. It also requires a “we’re live” email as one more reminder and lastly a couple of follow up email sequences based on whether or not they attended live or didn’t show up at all.
  • The software monitors if someone showed up and the length of time they stayed which is super helpful when it comes to analyzing the conversion rate.
  • Software is pricey – $80/month (EasyWebinar)

This is a much more professional option and will definitely convert at a higher rate. Meaning that whatever you offer at the end of your workshop will have more clients enrolling than if you choose to do the DIY option that we’ll discuss next.

Next up, is what we like to call a DIY Evergreen Option. It’s much easier to design and can be set up really quickly compared to the other option we discussed. Let’s go over how this would work.

  • The DIY option would be set up as an on-demand option. Meaning the future attendee would opt-in for the replay link and it would be sent to them immediately in an email. No need to choose a date or time.
  • This option is also a great list builder
  • The emails required would include a delivery email with the recording link and then a follow up email sales sequence that would promote your program for 5-7 days.
  • No software expense – only online storage like Dropbox or Google Drive

This option is a tradeoff. It’s easier to set up but won’t convert nearly as well as the other option that appears live. But this is a great place to start if you’re just getting started since it has a low barrier to entry and can be set up more quickly.

Here’s what you need to know before choosing either one of these options.

Before going evergreen you should deliver the workshop a few times live to get a high-quality recording that has been proven to convert attendees into paying clients. This is a really important piece of the puzzle. We know that many coaches want to go straight to the recording option so they don’t have to feel out of their comfort zone by doing a live workshop but showing up live will improve your presentation skills and ultimately give you a better recording for your evergreen model.

There you have it. Two different options to set up an evergreen workshop in your health coaching business.

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Ask Us Anything: Karen and Kathleen Answer Your Questions

Ask Us Anything: Karen and Kathleen Answer Your Questions

Ask Us Anything: Karen and Kathleen Answer Your Questions​

We haven’t done an Ask Us Anything episode in a while, so we thought this would be a good time to bring it back. This is where we answer questions health coaches either asked in our Facebook groups, posted on social media or emailed us about. 

We have 3 questions we’re answering today including how much content to share without giving away everything for free, how we work as business partners when it comes to sharing income and expenses, and lastly, is it better to offer a free or paid in-person workshop. 

Our first question is from Patty:

“I struggle with how much content to share without giving away the farm so to speak.

Do you have any tips on how much to share so I don’t feel like I’m giving away all the content from my paid program for free?”

This is a great question because you want to share helpful and valuable information, but you also don’t want to feel like you’re giving away your whole system – which honestly, is kind of hard to do when you’re sharing small nuggets of information.  We have an entire lesson about this inside our Wellness Business Accelerator program, and we’ll be opening the doors with a very special announcement in a couple of weeks. 

The best approach for not giving away the farm is to share content that teaches about the “what & why” about your area of expertise and not so much of the “how”. For example, if your niche includes women in menopause, you could discuss why women get menopausal symptoms, what they are, how one symptom can trigger another, etc. but save the info about how to fix it for your paid program. OR you can share an occasional “how” but just one step of it and not the whole process.

Another example would be that if your niche is helping women balance their blood sugar through whole foods and lifestyle, you can focus much of your content on the types of foods that elevate blood sugar, why managing blood sugar is so important, stats and data about how different type of exercise can help, general tips on types of food that slow sugar absorption when you eat. You can even do occasional healthy food swaps where you showcase a healthier option for a common food that is high in sugar. People love food swaps. You’re not giving them a plan to follow but it’s more like leaving breadcrumbs of tips to follow and then in your paid program, you give them the complete “how to”.

Also remember to sprinkle in client success stories and testimonials in your content, because that helps your audience imagine what’s possible for them if they work with you. 

Question #2 is from Michelle.

She’s teaming up with another wellness coach to provide online programs and eventually retreats. She wants to know how we divvy up income that is generated from our joint ventures.  Is it split 50/50 or do you track the clients we bring in separately? 

I love this question, and this is something we just figured out on our own in a way that works really well for the both of us for the past 7 years since starting this podcast and then eventually the Wellness Business Accelerator.

Karen has an accounting degree, so I really lucked out with that because I am not a numbers person by nature.  We keep track of all income and expenses for our joint ventures –we track them for the podcast, and then separately for the Wellness Business Accelerator (WBA), so we know what expenses we have, where it’s coming from and where it’s going out.  We have a Google sheet for the podcast and one for the WBA where we list everything by date. You can decide how often you want to settle expenses, distributions, but we do it every 2 months, and everything is split 50/50 which keeps it simple. 

Our 3rd and final question is from Julie:

“I want to host a workshop at a local restaurant that offers a room free of charge for the community. My goal is to educate, gain email subscribers, customers and health coaching clients. Should I offer it free or charge a small fee? If I charge, what do you think is a fair amount?”

This can be tricky to decide and there isn’t one right way to do it, so it may involve some testing to see what gets the best results.  Generally, if your main goal is to grow your email list and get clients, a free workshop works well.  Karen did many free workshops at local gyms and it was a great way to get clients.  A free workshop is typically covering the WHAT and the WHY of the topic and you’re laying the groundwork for how your program is the solution to the problem they have or the goal they want to achieve.

A paid workshop would include more of the HOW because people are paying to get information they can leave with and implement.  That doesn’t mean you’re giving the whole solution in 45- 60 minutes, but the content of a paid workshop will be more robust than a free workshop, so keep that in mind too – expectations are going to be higher when people pay.

So, either way can work, but if you’re starting out, testing it by offering it for free can be the way to go.  When you get clients from a free workshop, you’re earning income to also help pay for any expenses you incur. If the restaurant location is free, that’s amazing and one less thing you have to pay for.

If you do decide you want to charge and provide more in-depth workshop content, you can start out as low as $15 and you can even do a promotion where if you bring a friend, the friend can come for free. This is free marketing for you if people bring a guest, so that’s a win-win too!

Either way you decide to go, you will be getting in front of new people with the opportunity to get new clients.

We hope one of these questions were on your mind too or maybe it will help you in the future with some of your plans as you create content to share, run workshops or possibly from some sort of collaboration or partnership down the road.   

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How to Run a 30-Day Health Coaching Program that Leads to Long-Term Clients

How to Run a 30-Day Health Coaching Program that Leads to Long-Term Clients

How to Run a 30-Day Health Coaching Program that Leads to Long-Term Clients

Launching a 30-day health coaching program can be a great way to not only address a problem your clients have, but it can also lay the groundwork for a long-term coaching relationship. The goal is to have people join your short-term program and lead them to a longer-term program as the next step to continue to see results. Today, we’re sharing 4 key elements that make a 30-day coaching program successful by focusing on addressing the most common problems your potential clients face, providing small wins for them, and creating desire to continue the journey with you.

Let’s start with the first key element:

1. Identify and Address a Problem Your Audience Knows They Have 

The foundation of any successful coaching program starts with addressing the specific problems your ideal clients are facing. Understanding their pain points is not only important in covering the right topics to help them, but it’s also critical for your messaging and marketing of the program. If there is a disconnect between what you’re offering and what they think they need, they aren’t going to sign up – no matter how amazing your program may be.  What are your clients top 3-4 struggles? Where do they need help the most?

Let me share an example: 

When I was a health coach, my clients top 4 pain points were:

  • Reducing processed foods and eating more whole foods
  • Meal planning
  • Finding time for exercise and figuring out what type of exercise to do
  • Reducing stress

Their main goal was weight loss. So, when I was designing my coaching programs, I was sure to include these topics.

If it’s a 30-day program, you can’t go super deep on each topic, since you will likely cover one topic per week, and you don’t want to overwhelm people, so you highlight a few key elements of each topic and showcase examples of how to implement them. This is about baby steps – not the whole kitchen sink.

If you had to choose 4 topics to cover, what would they be?  Write down some ideas, and then come up with subtopics for each one that shares the why and the how.

So, for the topic on meal planning, you can share why it’s important, why it helps people reach their goals, saves them money and some helpful tips on how to meal plan.  You can share any apps you like as well as any tips and tricks that make it easier to do.

As far as how to deliver the program, one easy way is to create a slide deck for each topic and then narrate it using Zoom or other software of your choice. Canva is great for this since they have slide deck templates you can use and customize.  You can then upload the videos to YouTube or Vimeo and host in a platform like Thinkific, Kajabi, Karta or Practice Better or you can keep it super simple and just upload the videos to a FB group you have set up for the 30-day program.

When I designed my 30-Day Fit and Healthy Jump Start done-for-you program for health coaches, those are the 4 topics I covered because they are some of the most common that people struggle with when transitioning to a healthier lifestyle. etc.)   

2. Provide Small Wins that Create Momentum 

Focus on small wins people can get, especially during the first couple of weeks. Progress is always motivating and helps people stay committed and engaged. It can also be the reason they decide to continue working with you after the 30 days are over.

An example of this could be sharing the importance and benefits of daily movement and sharing options for tracking daily steps.  You can have fun with this and encourage people to share their daily step count in the group for the week and at the end of the week, you’ll choose a winner at random for a $25 Amazon gift card.  The winner doesn’t have to have the highest number of steps, but by having people make the decision to do it, track it and post about it, helps them take action and it makes it fun.  This is just one idea, and it will depend on your niche what topics you cover, but baby steps and small wins can be very motivating for people.

How to Run a 30-Day Health Coaching Program that Leads to Long-Term Clients

3. Create Desire for Next Steps They Can Take with You

You want to introduce the idea that the 30-day program is just the beginning, and there’s a deeper, more comprehensive level waiting for those who want to continue on the journey and see even more results.

Throughout your 30-day program, plant seeds about what it’s like to work with you in your 90-day program. Example:  “We go deeper into lifestyle changes that ease menopause symptoms in my Menopause Rescue program, and since we only have 30 days together in this program, I wanted to focus on 4 strategies that can start making a real impact.”   In this statement, you’re mentioning there is another program, so it’s creating a bit of curiosity and then at the end of your 30-day program, people will be ready to hear what’s next. You can sprinkle statements like this in each week of the program, and this works well in any livestreams you’re doing, or you can incorporate it into the content of your slide decks (or do both).

4. Offer Your Next Level Program 

As your 30-day program comes to a close, let members know how they can continue to work with you to see results. You just had a group of people spend 30 days with you and some of them are going to want more. You can do this on a livestream if you have a Facebook group community for your members and of course, you also want to send promotional emails about it.  Let them know who the next program is for and how it will help them. Paint the picture of what the next 90 days together will look like, by sharing the specific outcomes and benefits your clients can expect when they follow your system.

If you have testimonials, share those on your sales page as well as any videos of case studies you’ve collected.

Outline the topics and resources that will be covered in the next program, along with your ongoing support, guidance, and additional resources they’ll have access to.

Running a 30-day coaching program that leads to a longer-term program can be a fantastic way to build your practice because it allows people to make a small commitment that then shows them what else is possible with your help. Taking the first step is often the most challenging, so making it easy for people to do means you’ll have more clients and generate more revenue. You can rinse and repeat this process during the year, so you have a system you can replicate. In between each launch, continue to grow your email list, so each time you promote, you’ll have more people who see your offers.

Let’s recap the 4 key elements that make a 30-day coaching program successful:

  1. Identify and Address a Problem Your Audience Knows They Have
  2. Provide Small Wins that Create Momentum
  3. Create Desire for Next Steps They Can Take with You
  4. Offer Your Next Level Program

So, where can you start this week? You can do this very simply by starting with what you know your audience wants and create a program that covers some of the basics to get them going in the right direction.   Make a list of your clients struggles and goals and where you know they need support and put together an introductory program to help solve part of that problem.

If you aren’t exactly sure what your clients want or how to find out, we did an episode all about this that you may find helpful. It’s episode 341 called: How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Want.

You can either create a 30-day program from scratch or check out my 30-Day Fit and Healthy Jump Start if you’d like to have a completely done-for-you online coaching program that’s ready to go. It will save you so much time and you give a step-by-step process of exactly what to do and how to do it, including the promotional emails, social media posts and more.   

Here’s what Jennifer had to say after running this program for the first time:  This program is made to perfection. I had over 50 participants and gained 5 health coaching clients!

And Pam said this:

I love this program and how I can customize it to fit my demographic and make it my own. I enrolled 26 people on my first go around and now I have something I can use again and again.

Whether you decide to create a 30-day program on your own or use one I’ve created, the strategies we shared in this episode will help make it successful!

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Blueprint for a Profitable Health Coaching Business

Blueprint for a Profitable Health Coaching Business

Blueprint for a Profitable Health Coaching Business

There are so many things to do as a health coach and business owner, and sometimes, you may not be sure where to start or where to focus your time. Everything feels like it’s important, so what do you do so you feel like you’re actually making progress?   

I don’t know about you, but I always love having a blueprint to follow, so I feel like I have a plan. If you do too, we think you’ll find this episode super helpful because we’re sharing a blueprint for a profitable health coaching business. 

We’ve been there too, and we know it’s not a great feeling, so we have 4 strategies to share that will help.   

1.  Have a clear picture of what you want for your coaching business, and put it in writing

  • Decide what you want your business to look like, including when you want to work and how you want to work. Do you want to do all online coaching, all 1-on-1 or combination of both? This is your business, so you get to design it in a way that works for you. 
  • What do you want to earn from your business each year? Break that down into monthly goals to determine how many clients you’ll need – from 1-on-1 clients to your online group programs.  We’ll cover more about this in a bit.

Blueprint for a Profitable Health Coaching Business

2. Be clear about who you help and how you help them, so you can attract your ideal clients – Declare Your Niche

Have you figured out your niche yet? This can take some time, but it will help set you apart and also help you attract the right people.  This is an important part of your marketing and content strategy. When you go from a niche that is general to content that speaks to specific people who are looking for help with a specific problem or goal they want to reach, you will stand out so much more, and that means more people will be interested in working with you.

One example of this would be saying your niche is something like:

I help women live a healthy life and feel more vibrant. 

That’s pretty vague and general, right? The benefits aren’t very clear, so your followers and subscribers aren’t going to be compelled to invest in a program that doesn’t offer a specific solution to a particular problem they know they have.   


I help women over 40 lose weight and gain muscle through targeted exercise programs and sustainable nutritional habits.

With this example, it’s very clear WHO you help and what you help them do.

If this is something you’re working on, and would like a little help, we covered this in detail on episode 265. The title of the episode is 3 Simple Steps to Validate Your Niche Marketing Message.

3. A Way to Help Clients while you also reach your financial goals – this is your offer or your coaching program(s)

When we mentioned setting income goals and mapping out how you’ll reach them, you want to consider your program offers. How many programs will you have and how will you price them? 

If you have a goal of $30k this year, you can reach that through different offers such as:

  • 1-on-1 coaching
  • Online group programs
  • Membership

One way to reach the $30k would be to have 20 clients at $1,0000 (that would be $20k) and then $10k could be through your online group programs or membership program.  There are many ways to reach one goal, and by mapping it out, you’ll see how to get there. 

4. Marketing

Decide where and how you want to get the word out about your business. Consistency with this is important, so determine what is realistic for you right now, so you can set up a schedule that works for you. 

Options for marketing your business include…

  • Email marketing – most of your sales will come from email, so it’s important to grow your email list, stay in touch weekly or bi-weekly and invite subscribers to take the next step with you – book a discovery call, join a free challenge, enroll in your program, etc.
  • Paid ads such as Facebook/Instagram – this will allow you to reach a lot more people, grow your email list or get registrants for your webinars.
  • Social media – Go all in on a couple of platforms, so you can be consistent.  Use different content formats such as video, livestream, graphics, photos, etc.  Test what your audience responds to the most.
  • Hosting workshops – online or at your local gyms, yoga studios or anywhere your ideal clients might be hanging out in your town or city. 
  • Being a guest on podcasts to get in front of new audiences – this is a great way to reach more people, and some hosts will allow you to share about your free offer that can also help you grow your email list.
  • Hosting your own podcast – you can make new connections by inviting guests on your show.  When you ask if they can share the episode with their audience when it goes live, this gets you in front of their audience too.

Marketing doesn’t have to be complicated, but you do want to decide which strategies you want to use and be consistent with it because it does take time and the more people see you and have the chance to learn how you can help them, the more paying clients you’ll have.   

Let’s recap your Blueprint for a Profitable Health Coaching Business.

1.  Set Goals – Have a clear picture of where you want to go, so you can map out a way to get there.

2. Be clear about who you help and how you help them, so you can attract your ideal clients and fill your programs.   

3. A Way to Help Clients while you also reach your financial goals – this is your coaching program or membership.

4. Decide where and how you want to market your business.

Be sure to put it in writing. We like using Trello for this because you can map out everything, set due dates and reminders and see everything in one place.  If you have a larger team and want something a little more robust, ClickUp is good too.  I think Trello is great if it’s just for you and maybe one team member. 

Go through each step and see where you want to start.

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5 Questions to Help You Stay Focused on the Right Things to Grow Your Business

5 Questions to Help You Stay Focused on the Right Things to Grow Your Business

5 Questions to Help You Stay Focused on the Right Things to Grow Your Business

There is a lot to do when it comes to growing your wellness business, but some things are more important than others for actually getting clients.  It’s easy to get distracted by sparkly objects and hop from one project to the other, but when you ask yourself the 5 questions we’re sharing today, it will help you stay on track more, and feel more focused which means making progress faster.

These are questions we ask ourselves on a regular basis because we know all too well how easy it is to want to get sidetracked by those sparkly objects. 

On this episode, you’ll discover:

  • 5 questions to ask yourself to stay focused and grow your business
  • What to do when you feel pulled in too many different directions
  • How to say yes to only the things you really want to do in your business to see progress faster

When you ask yourself these 5 questions on a regular basis, you’ll be blown away at what you can accomplish. 

When you’re a new health coach, it feels like everything is a high priority – building a website, setting up social media, figuring out a logo, creating content for your audience, growing your email list, and the list goes on and on.  But each project or task doesn’t necessarily get you where you want to go, so knowing how to prioritize your time and effort is key.

These are questions we ask ourselves on a regular basis because we know all too well how easy it is to want to get sidetracked by those sparkly objects. 

We see this frequently with our Wellness Business Accelerator students when they first join our program.  It feels like there are so many decisions to make in your business, and when you feel overwhelmed, it’s hard to prioritize what should be done.   Once coaches go through the first lesson on The 4 Core Pillars of a Profitable Wellness Business, it sets the stage for the actions that will have the biggest impact in the shortest amount of time.

We’ll be opening the doors to the WBA in October, and if you want to be notified as soon as the doors open, so you can get access to the special bonuses we’ll have, click here.    

5 Questions to Help You Stay Focused on the Right Things to Grow Your Business

Let’s dive into the first question you want to ask yourself to stay on track and grow your business. 

This is a big one and the more often you ask yourself this question, the more you will be able to make better decisions for your business.   

Will this help me get clients?

This question translates to – will this help me generate income?

Say for example, you’re spending hours working on a logo for your website.  Will that help you get clients? As fun as it may be to spend hours on a logo, that is not something that will help you get clients because no one who visits your website is going to care or even there is no logo. They don’t care because they’re on your site to check out what you do and see if you might be able to help them. 

If you’re a new health coach, it’s not even that important to have a website. You can do just fine using single landing pages from your email software program.  The most important thing you can focus on is getting in front of people and offering your free resources to grow your email list and inviting people to work with you.

So, ask yourself: Will this help me get clients? If the answer is no, you may want to skip it for now, and move on to something else.  Focus on more income-generating tasks and actions. 

Question #2:  Will this help me get in front of more people?

As you’re working on or planning out projects, ask yourself if it will help you get more exposure to your ideal clients.   An example of this would be focusing on getting booked as a guest on podcasts or online summits.  Both of these are free ways you can reach more people. 

Another example would be doing local workshops. We know coaches who offer workshops at their local gym or health food store and the owners promote the workshop to their clients and customers, so you are getting in front of new people.   

The more people you get in front of, the more followers you can get, the more email subscribers you’ll have and ultimately, the more clients you will have.

Question #3: 

Will this help me build my email list?

This is another big one because the profitability of your business is directly tied to the size and quality of your email list.  Your subscribers are the people who are opening your emails, reading your content and they are also the ones who are mostly likely to take a buying action such as joining your paid program.

If you’re going to be a guest on a podcast, find out if you can share information about one of your free resources.  If you’re writing a blog post, see if there is a way to work in mentioning and linking to a freebie you have that relates to the topic.  Look for opportunities that will help you get more laser targeted subscribers because that will help you get more clients.

Question #4:

Will this provide value to my audience?

Before you create content or free resources, ask yourself if it’s something you ideal clients will find helpful, valuable, entertaining or motivating.  It’s easy to feel like we have to crank out endless content, but it’s better to focus on the quality of the content than it is to focus on the quantity. Good content gets shares, comments, DM’s, helps you connect with your followers and get new followers. 

Ask yourself if it’s something you think your audience will appreciate and find valuable.

Lastly, we have question #5

This is important because it’s easy to get lost in the weeds of our business, work long hours and feel like we have to keep going, going, going. 

Ask yourself:

Is this something I want to do? – The second part of that question is “Do I have time to do this without it causing stress? 

For us, this question is a bit of a joy and happiness meter. It can also have to do with personal growth.  Another version of this question is “Will this bring me joy and happiness?”.  If it’s something that excites you, you may want to reconsider doing it.  You may be nervous about doing something new and that’s all part of personal growth, but if it’s something you dread doing, your time might be better spent on something you will actually enjoy.

I hit burnout twice in my business over the past 10 years. I definitely learned my lesson the second time and part of that was only saying yes to the things I was excited about, and no to the things I didn’t really want to do.

I used to say yes to pretty much every opportunity that came my way. I wasn’t prioritizing my down time and thought I could just go, go, go.  I didn’t really ask myself the 2nd part of the question which was “Do I have time to do this without it causing me stress?”  When you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else, because there are only so many hours in the day.  So, choose wisely and be selective. 

When you’re brand new, you may not be able to be as selective, and that’s okay, but say yes to the things that answer more of the 5 questions we covered, which are:

  • Will this help me get clients? 
  • Will this help me get in front of more people?
  • Will this help me build my email list?
  • Will this provide value to my audience?
  • Is this something I want to do? Will it bring me joy and happiness and not stress me out?

Each decision you make doesn’t have to be a yes to all 5 questions, but it should be a yes to at least one, and ideally, at least 2.

Be sure to get on the VIP waitlist for the WBA. This is our signature program where we teach health coaches how grow their business and get a consistent influx of new clients. We share a proven framework that gets results and we’re excited to open the doors again in October.

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