The Final Episode

The Final Episode

The Final Episode

Well friends, as the title of this podcast indicates, this is our final episode of The Wellness Business Podcast. Believe us when we say this is bittersweet. We have loved creating this podcast during the past 7 years.

The decision to make this our final episode was not an easy one but the timing feels right because we both have other projects in the works that we want to focus our time on. Creating and producing a podcast is a lot of work, and while we have enjoyed every minute of it over the past 7 years, we’re both ready for a new chapter.

In this episode, we’re sharing 4 of our very best business building podcast episodes that will outline a simple growth formula appropriate for wellness business owners.

We’ll also share your next best step for working with us and getting our support as you implement each step. Our goal always has been and continues to be putting our expertise to work for you in your business and getting to profitable results sooner rather than later.   

In the spirit of this being our final episode we wanted to leave you with a simple blueprint for growing your wellness business using some of our most valuable podcast episodes as well as a link to get additional support from us in the future.

Okay, let’s dive in!

Step 1Choose a marketable ideal client.

Episode 216 – 3 Simple Steps to Nailing Your Niche

Why this is important – We’ve talked about nailing your niche a lot on this podcast and there’s a reason why. It’s because it is the single most important decision you can make when starting your business. In episode 216, we walk you through the 3 P’s of defining your ideal client. It’s a simple formula that will help you dial in on your dream client. The one that knows they have a problem, is looking for a solution, and has money to invest in your paid program.

Step 2 – Create an irresistible lead magnet.

Episode 217 – 3 Secrets to Creating the Perfect Lead Magnet to Attract Your Ideal Clients

Why this is important – Once you’ve established who your niche client is the next thing you want to focus on is creating a lead magnet that your ideal customer would find irresistible. We’ve all been in the situation where we’ve seen someone offering something for free and we just have to get our hands on it. That’s exactly how we want your dream client to feel when they are offered your freebie.

In episode 217, we do a deep dive into how you can figure out and create your own irresistible lead magnet. In addition to the how, we give you lots of examples to make it easy for you to accomplish this task on your own.

Step 3Email List growth.

Episode 138 – 5 Free Ways to Grow Your Email List and Promote Your Free Offer

Why this is important – Next up is growing your email list. The irresistible lead magnet you created in step two is the key to making this easy. Your email list is the single most valuable asset of your business. That’s because the people on that list are always your hottest leads and the most likely to invest in your paid programs and work with you.

In episode 138, we share our best strategies for consistently growing your email list every single week. 

Step 4 – Make consistent offers.

Episode 240 – How to Sell Without Selling to Fill Your Coaching Programs

Why this is important – Making offers consistently let’s people know how they can work with you. It’s really the difference between having an expensive hobby and having a profitable business.

Over the years we’ve heard from many coaches that they don’t like selling and really dislike feeling salesy. But the truth is that running a business requires selling. It’s important to let your followers and subscribers know how they can work with you.

In episode 240, we share simple strategies that increase the number of people enrolling in your paid program without you ever feeling salesy. It’s truly easier than you think, and in this episode, we walk you through 3 simple methods that we’ve been teaching our clients for years.

5) Recap info

Coaches who experience the most growth and build a profitable business, follow a framework that shows them where to focus their time and effort to get in front of their ideal audience and enroll clients.  If that’s something you would like to do as a next step, we invite you to join Wellness Business Accelerator. We have updated the program, so coaches can join any time.  You can learn more about it by going to

If you want to stay in touch with us and learn more about what we have in the works the best place to reach out is on Instagram or our Facebook Groups.

You can find my Health Coach Biz Support group here.

You can find Karen’s Health Coach Client Attraction group here.

Thank you again so much for tuning in and being a part of OUR world.

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7 Technical Steps for Flawless Freebie Delivery

7 Technical Steps for Flawless Freebie Delivery

7 Technical Steps for Flawless Freebie Delivery

If you’ve created a free resource to grow your email list, you may be asking yourself “Okay, so now what do I do?” 

This week, we’re sharing the technical process necessary to deliver your freebie to your new email subscribers. By breaking down each step, we demystify the technical aspects, revealing a straightforward path to successful freebie implementation in any coaching business.

In this episode you’ll discover: 

  • The 7-step tech-friendly freebie delivery process that we personally use in our businesses and teach our clients for flawless delivery
  • The purpose of a follow-up email sequence and why, when designed correctly, it’ll lead to more paying clients
  • Why this rinse-and-repeat process, once implemented the first time, makes future lead magnets a breeze to set up

A coach recently asked a great question which was “How do I actually DO the technical aspect of a freebie? Connecting the online pieces?”

We know this can feel like a bit of a puzzle, so we wanted to cover it in a way that would simplify the process, so you know what to do.  Each step that we cover builds on the previous step and by the time we finish this episode you’ll discover that it isn’t nearly as complicated or technical as you may have thought.

Step 1 – Create freebie (pdf download)

For this step, we’re going to assume that you already have a client-specific lead magnet ready to go, designed for your dream client. It’s important to create a freebie that is specific for the needs of your ideal client. If you’re still trying to figure this out, or you have a freebie that isn’t attracting the right people, we have another podcast episode that will help you dial it in. It’s called – Supercharging Your List Building: 5 Vital Elements for High-Converting Freebies. It’s episode 314 and we will link to it in the show notes so you can easily find it.

Step 2 – Upload to an online storage platform

If you have an online business, then you more than likely already have a favorite online storage platform. We know that many coaches use Dropbox or Google Drive. There are plenty of options to choose from so it’s important to use one that you like. The main purpose of storing this in an online platform is so that it will be given a unique URL that you’ll be able to share with your new email subscriber in a delivery email so they can download it.

Step 3 – Grab the unique URL

Once you’ve uploaded it to the online storage platform of your choice, you’ll want to log in and grab the unique URL that it was given. This is typically located in the “Share” option for that particular upload.

7 Technical Steps for Flawless Freebie Delivery

Step 4 – Set up the registration page

Next, you’ll need to set up a couple of web pages which is what we’re covering here in step 4 and the next step, step 5. The easiest and quickest way to do this is through your email management system. They all have templates that can be quickly customized for your audience. 

The first page you’ll want to customize is a registration page, also known as an opt-in page or landing page. This is where people enter their email address as a way of subscribing to your email list and getting your freebie delivered to them. We encourage our WBA students to only ask for an email address (and not a name). We’ve found that there are higher conversions when you don’t also require a first name to be entered. Choose a simple template that is easy to customize.

Step 5 – Set up a thank you / confirmation page

The second web page you’ll want to set up is a thank you page, also known as a confirmation page. Basically, this is the page your new subscriber will be taken to once they click the submit button on the registration page. The thank you page will thank them for subscribing and let them know to check their email because you’ll be sending the freebie resource right over to them. Again, there are simple templates within your email management system that will make this process easy to accomplish.

Step 6 – Delivery email (include the link to download the freebie)

The delivery email should be pretty simple. It’ll congratulate them for making the choice to request the free download, give them the link to download it, (this is the link you grabbed in step 3 from your online storage platform), and encourage them to dive in right away. You may also let them know that you’ll be following up soon with another email to see how it’s going.

Step 7 – Follow-up email sequence (automated)

Our final step is a follow-up email sequence. This step will take you a little longer to accomplish than the rest but is worth the extra time because the main purpose of these email is to introduce your paid program and let your new subscriber know how they can work with you.

This follow-up email sequence should be automated and delivered over the next 7-14 days depending on how many emails you write. Keep in mind that you’ll want to include details about your experience, more info on how to implement the info they received in the freebie, case-studies, testimonials, and benefits of joining your paid program.

This entire process, from creating your freebie through making more sales with your automated follow-up email sequence is something we cover in depth in the Wellness Business Accelerator program. We have an entire lesson dedicated to this topic called: Create the Perfect Lead Magnet and Landing Page to Attract Your Ideal Clients.

  • How to figure out a great topic for your lead magnet that your audience will be excited to get their hands on.
  • The formula for coming up with the perfect lead magnet title that results in high conversions (more people signing up for it).
  • The blueprint for simple, but high-converting landing pages that create desire for your free offer.
  • We also include 5 done-for-you follow-up emails to send to your new subscribers and landing page examples that will make implementing what you learn quick and easy.

This is a great example why our past WBA students love this program so much. It’s a step-by-step on-demand program that gives you absolutely everything you need to be successful in growing your business.

This is just one lesson of many included when you become a Wellness Business Accelerator member. Don’t forget to add your name to our VIP Waitlist to get notified next week when the doors open on 4/23/24. 

We hope to see you on the inside!

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Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

It’s common to feel overwhelmed at times when it comes to your health coaching business, so if you’re feeling like there’s a lot to juggle right now, you’re in good company. You wear many hats as a health coach and business owner, so there are going to be times when you feel like it’s a LOT!  We’ve been there too and there are still times we feel overwhelmed, but we’re much better at managing it and dealing with it now. So today we’re sharing Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

Sometimes, feeling overwhelmed can prevent you from taking action or making decisions which keeps you stuck, so by implementing our 4 tips, you’ll feel less stressed and be more productive.   

Let’s start with tip #1 for conquering overwhelm in your coaching business. 

1. Prioritize tasks and projects

This is the one that helps me the most and I use it all the time. Make a list of what needs to be done and include the due date or deadline.  I like Trello for this but I also use pen and paper, so use what you like. For bigger projects that have multiple steps, I use Trello, but for my general to-do list that I refer to a couple of times a day, it’s old school pen and paper in my spiral bound notebook from Target.   Each week, determine what tasks and projects are a priority for the week or for the month. Sometimes, a priority is based on a deadline you want to meet such as your weekly email or blog post and sometimes, it’s a deadline for content for social media or something else. Map out a timeline and what can be done each day or each week, so you have a plan to help stay on track.  Even putting things in writing can help, so you have a visual on it.

I did this recently with a promotion I was doing.  I felt like there were several things I needed to do in addition to preparing for the promotion, including outlining podcast episodes, writing copy for Facebook ads and more, so I prioritized based on the deadlines, and that’s always helpful for me. I also looked at my list of promotional ideas for my 3-day sale and looked at what was a must and what was optional, so I could decide what I was going to include.  Not everything made the cut based on my timeline and other things I had going on and that’s okay.  When I’m pressed for time or feeling overwhelmed, I ask myself what the top priority is right now and what is optional. 

2. What can you simplify or streamline?

It’s easy to get caught up in complicating things or going too elaborate sometimes.  An example of this would be that you’re going to be hosting a webinar and you want to have a workbook to go along with it for the registrants to download. While a workbook would be nice, it’s not a must, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, perhaps this is something you can do next time.  Another example would be instead of hosting your online challenge or group program in a platform like Kajabi, how about hosting it in a FB group for now? Instead of focusing on everything being perfect or having all the bells and whistles, focus on how you can help clients in the easiest way possible.

Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

3. What can you outsource?

There is a lot to do as a wellness business owner and that means it’s very easy to get lost in the details of the behind-the-scenes tasks. Entering and formatting blog posts, creating and scheduling social media posts, writing emails, creating graphics and/or slide decks, setting up landing pages and sales pages, the list goes on and on.  Write down everything you do and see if there are tasks you can have a virtual assistant do for you.  Even if you take one or two things off your plate, it will free up some of your time to work with clients or reduce your overwhelm.   We did a detailed episode about finding and working with virtual assistants on episode 308 – it was called: Getting Help Sooner Rather than Later – 5 Steps to Take When Hiring a Virtual Assistant. We highly recommend listening to that one if you’re thinking about hiring someone.  I still have my very first VA on my team from 7 or 8 years ago. I remember feeling elated and relieved to delegate some things to her and I’ve never looked back. I was doing it all on my own for too long, so I know how that is. I’ve added more people to my virtual team over the years, and I’d be lost with out them.  Adding even one assistant for a couple of hours a week can make you feel like you can come up for air and get a break from your long to-do list.

4. Take it one step at a time and one day at a time.

Remind yourself that you can only do one thing at a time and you’re doing the best you can and remember to take breaks. Taking breaks during the day and time off each week is critical because if you burn out, it’s so much worse.   Sometimes, just changing your environment or physiology can help.  Get outside for 5 minutes, take a walk, do some deep breathing, get a change of scenery by getting some work done at a local coffee shop, chat with a friend – whatever makes you happy.

Which one of these tips do you think will help you the most? Or maybe you have  a tip that helps you with overwhelm. Come on over to Instagram to let us know.  You can find me at @kathleenlegrys and Karen at @karenpattock.

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Get it Done: 5 Steps to Overcome Your Tech Challenges

Get it Done: 5 Steps to Overcome Your Tech Challenges

Get it Done: 5 Steps to Overcome Your Tech Challenges

If you’re facing tech challenges as a health coach, you are not alone.  We hear this quite often, so we know the struggle can be real and quite frustrating. 

While having an online business requires some tech, coming at it from a different perspective can sometimes be helpful.

In this episode of The Wellness Business Podcast, you’ll discover:

  • A 5-step strategy that will help you determine whether it makes financial sense to stick it out to overcome the tech-challenge yourself or instead, hire a virtual assistant
  • The importance of analyzing the cost implications of choosing between DIY solutions and seeking external assistance
  • A super-simple strategy that allows you to hire someone to help you that won’t cost you a single penny
  • The best approach when hiring a virtual assistant to guarantee that you get the results you’re looking for within your allotted budget

In this episode, our goal isn’t to cover the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant to help you if you’re dealing with a tech-challenge, but rather to give you a 5-step process that helps you overcome your tech challenge once and for all. Yes, in some cases, that may require hiring someone to help, but in other cases, our system may prove that you are the right person for the job.

Let’s dive in!

Here are 5 Steps to Overcome Your Tech Challenges

Step 1 – Identify the specific tech challenge you’re facing

First and foremost, you have to know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish. For example, this could be setting up a MailerLite landing page, thank you page, email delivery & automated follow email sequence. That feels like a lot of moving parts but when you work inside one platform it does make it easier to navigate.

When you feel like the task is big and overwhelming it’s easy to stay in analysis paralysis. However, when you identify the specific tech challenge you’re having it may not be as big as you thought. For example, in the scenario shared above, it may be that you’re only having trouble with one piece of that puzzle, rather than the entire process. Hiring someone to help you with that one piece could be more cost-effective and a huge time-saver that makes it worth your while to bring them on board.

Step 2 – Decide if you can do it yourself with minimum learning or if you need to find someone to help you

This is the ultimate question, right? Do you need outside help which costs money vs. spending hours or even days, figuring it out yourself? There is a cost to doing it yourself. Time spent doing that task means less time for working with clients. Does the expense savings outweigh the lost revenue? Even if you don’t have clients at the moment, time spent working on back-office tasks means you’re not doing the marketing things that attract clients to you. That’s a major trade off and has the potential of lost revenue. It has to be part of your decision-making process.

As we discussed in step 1 – if you break down the project you’re trying to complete you may find that it’s only a small portion of it that you need assistance with vs. the entire project.

Step 3 – Look for someone in your family, friends, colleague group that has tech skills that would be open to helping you

In other words, get scrappy. While you may not be the techiest person in your circle of family and friends you have a skill set that you may be able to offer as an exchange for their services. Think of bartering your services for theirs.

Karen hired a high school student to edit her YouTube videos several years ago, and it was a great decision.

Maybe it’s a tech-savvy grandchild or girlfriend/boyfriend of someone you know. You can either offer a reasonable rate or offer something in exchange. Maybe a coaching session, meal planning, or a discount on a 30-day coaching program.

Outside the health coaching space, you could offer to babysit or a week of meal prep may be a good option. Be creative and see what you could do that would help them that doesn’t include paying them.

Get it Done: 5 Steps to Overcome Your Tech Challenges

Step 4 – If you decide to hire a VA, here are a couple options to find the right person

The easiest and best option is to ask for recommendations from other coaches. It’s always great to get an introduction from someone in your field. It takes the guesswork out of whether the VA is legit and reliable.

Another great option, and one Karen has personally used, is to post the job description in the VA Savvies FB group. This does require a little more work and keep in mind that the job description will need to be extremely specific to get the right person. Since this will more than likely be a one-time service it makes sense to ask the applicant to give you a quote to complete the job.

If hiring someone is on your radar, be sure to listen to episode 308 of the podcast. In that episode we walk you through Getting Help Sooner Rather Than Later – 5 Steps to Take When Hiring a Virtual Assistant.

Step 5 – Review applicants and quotes. Hire skilled VA with specific instructions, milestones, and timelines

Here we are at step #5 and at this point you’ve for sure made the decision whether you’re going to work through the tech challenge yourself or hire someone to help you.

If you’re decision is to hire someone then it’s key to set yourself up for success by giving them specific instructions, milestones, and timelines. Every subcontractor needs to have some form of accountability as a way of completing the job on time and giving you the results that you’re looking for. The more details you can agree upon before they start the less chance things will go off the rails. Do your best to make sure you are both on the same page.

Lastly, requiring a specific quote from them ahead of time is imperative so you know that completing the project is within your budget and they feel like they are getting paid what they are worth.

While tech challenges can feel stressful sometimes, it can be an opportunity to either learn something new or decide to take it off your plate and delegate it to someone else.  As we always say: “There is always a way!”

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Takeaway Tuesday – Our Best Recommendations to Prepare for a Successful Photo Shoot

Takeaway Tuesday – Our Best Recommendations to Prepare for a Successful Photo Shoot

Takeaway Tuesday – Our Best Recommendations to Prepare for a Successful Photo Shoot

We’re sharing some behind-the-scenes prep we’re doing for an upcoming photo shoot we have scheduled. Photo shoots aren’t just about the clothes you wear or whether you’re having a good hair day. There are several key factors like location, props, etc. that should be taken into consideration for the best outcome.

We’re also diving into a trending topic related to offering a free download on your website. We’ve seen a trend lately of coaches only having popups on their website vs. a static opt-in opportunity and in this episode, we’re sharing why we believe it’s important to have both.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Our behind-the-scenes tips and strategies to have a successful photo shoot complete with a list of props we like to include
  • Ideas for great backdrops for casual photos on social media or B-roll for Instagram Reels
  • Our recommendations for the best place to locate your opt-in opportunity on your website and whether pop-ups are still a good idea

Grab your favorite headphones and let’s dive in!

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3 Secrets to Running a Successful Health Coaching Program

3 Secrets to Running a Successful Health Coaching Program

3 Secrets to Running a Successful Health Coaching Program

There are a few key elements to creating and running successful health coaching programs, and today, we’re sharing 3 of the most important ones. When you have a system or process to share that you can also rinse and repeat, your clients will be more successful, and you’ll be able to help more people.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • Why it’s important for you and your clients to have a blueprint to follow
  • How to come up with topics to cover to help your clients get the best results
  • A common mistake that’s easy to make with coaching programs (that often causes clients to give up)


Secret #1:  Your program takes clients through a process they can follow to get results.

This is your system or blueprint, and people love knowing there is a plan they can follow. When you think about helping your clients go from where there are now to where they want to be, what do they need to know and implement to see results?  When you think about taking your clients by the hand and guiding them through the steps they should have in place, what does that look like?

Maybe they can benefit from topics such as:

  • Meal planning and prep tips, so they aren’t eating out as often, and they can eat more nutritious meals.
  • Adding in more whole foods to improve digestion and energy.
  • Managing stress, which helps with pretty much any goal they are trying to achieve, whether it’s weight loss, blood sugar control, immune function, etc.   

Brainstorm and write down the 6-12 key topics that come to mind – this will depend on the length of your program. If it’s 3 months, and you cover 2 topics per month, you can start with 6 topics. If it’s a 6-month program, map out 12 topics to cover.

In my done-for-you 6-month health coaching program called “Coach with Confidence” you get 12 foundational coaching sessions that are all laid out, including action steps to make it easy for clients to implement. They are beautifully designed in Canva, so you can either use it with your 1-on-1 clients or for an online group program.

It’s important to have a system you can take each client through, so you aren’t winging it or recreating the wheel for each client or each session.  This is also not optional if you have an online group coaching program where everyone is going through the same topics at a time. Having a system makes everything easier – for you and for your clients.

Secret #2: Your program is repeatable/scalable.

When you have a coaching program that you can rinse and repeat, and you have a system people can follow, you have a program you can scale.  This means you can run it over and over again without creating a program or process for each client. If you’re doing 1-on-1 coaching, there will be some minor customizing of the program based on the client’s situation and goals, but the overall blueprint they follow will remain the same.

Having a program you can run and scale saves you a ton of time, provides your clients with a step-by-step formula they can follow, and it gives you unlimited earning potential.

Secret #3. It doesn’t overwhelm the client.

This is so important to keep in mind because an overwhelmed client will often give up or quit because it feels like too much.  This is a common mistake that’s easy to make – giving your clients too much information at one time.  Small steps that build on each other is the best way to set your clients up for success.

Each client will be unique, so when you’re doing 1-on-1 coaching, you’ll have to gauge their level of ability to take action after each session. When clients feel stuck – it could mean they need to dial things back and just focus one small change at a time, and that’s okay. Everyone goes at their own pace.  You don’t want to throw too much information at people, and remember they aren’t at the same place in their journey that you are.  When clients feel like they are making progress, it keeps them motivated to keep going and seeing results, and that means happy clients and more referrals.   

Let’s recap the 3 secrets to a successful health coaching program:

#1:  It takes clients through a process they can follow to get results.

#2: It’s repeatable/scalable.

#3. It doesn’t overwhelm the client.

As you create or run your coaching programs, keep these 3 tips in mind.

Check out my Coach with Confidence program that gives you everything you need to run a successful health coaching program. 

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