BEST OF: How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group

Hosting a Facebook group for your coaching business can be a great way to build trust with your audience, position yourself as an expert and get new clients when it’s done the right way.  In order for your group to work as client generating strategy, there are a few key pieces you need to have in place.

We’re bringing back an episode we did earlier this year, and if you have a Facebook group or you want to start one, AND you want to get clients from it, this will be super helpful for you.

We cover a lot, including:

  • The #1 thing your group must have in place if you want to attract the right members – your ideal clients.
  • What you want to include in your group if you want people to connect with you and trust you as soon as they join.
  • The common missing piece in most groups that is the top reason you aren’t getting more clients and how to fix it.

Want to accelerate the growth of your group? Download your free PDF guide called 10 Free Ways to Grow Your Facebook Group.

In this episode, we’re sharing 3 ways to get more clients from your Facebook group. 

Let’s kick it off with strategy #1

1. Be very clear about who you help and how you help them.

Can people tell right away who your group is for and what you do? This comes into play several ways including the name of your group and the type of content you share. Having a successful FB group comes down to having a defined group name and theme that will attract the right people and allow members to get to know you and see you as a knowledgeable and trustworthy expert.

If people join a general health and wellness group, they could be looking for any number of solutions, including weight loss, managing diabetes, looking for ideas for exercise, ideas for managing their autoimmune condition or hormonal imbalances – the list goes on and on.  They could also be men or women of any age range. If you have this type of group and you offer your paid program that helps women over 50 balance their hormones to lose weight, you will have very few group members interested in joining because many of the people in your group are not your ideal clients.

BUT, when your group is very specific and clear about who it’s for, when you DO go to promote your paid offers, you’ll have more people signing up to work with you.

Think about the name of your group – is it very clear to people if it’s for them or not?

This will be a big help with coming up with content to share in the group, as well as topics for livestreams or any demos.

When you have the right people in your group, more members will invest in your paid programs when you offer them.

So, #1 is to have a clear group title and theme that will attract the people you want to help.

How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group
2. People need to get to know you before they invest! Video is the best way to do this.

If you think about the people that you follow on social media or the groups that you belong to, who are the ones you feel you know the most?  It’s almost certainly those who are doing video, right? Whether it’s live or recorded, it helps build a connection. You don’t really get to know people with just graphics, photos and motivational quotes – people want to know YOU as a person. When people feel a connection with you, they are much more likely to take the next step by working with you.

There are different places in your group where you can incorporate video and the first one is in the welcome video. A welcome video is important because for most of your new members, it will be their first impression of you and your community, and it sets the stage for how they will interact.  You can do a quick 1–2-minute video that welcomes them and lets them know what to expect and you look forward to getting know them – super easy.

Another important way to incorporate video is by livestreaming in the group. This is the most impactful way because people get to see you and interact with you in real time. This dramatically accelerates the know, like, trust factor.  Doing one livestream a month is a good place to start. That’s what I do because it’s very doable for me and I look forward to it each month.

When you are doing any type of longer form video such as livestreams, sprinkle in client success stories or how you helped a client with a specific problem, so it plants a seed and serves as a reminder about what you do without it being a sales pitch.   

3. Making offers frequently enough.

This is the missing piece in many groups because we know you don’t want to come across as being salesy – but if people don’t know what you do, how can they enroll in your paid programs?

The 80/20 rule is a good guideline to keep in mind with this. If 80% of the time, you’re showing up on a regular basis in the group with helpful information, building trust and rapport, giving support, you’ve earned the right to share your promotions and offers 20% of the time.

You’ll want to plan this out in your marketing strategy and whenever you are promoting a program to your email subscribers, make sure you are also sharing about it in your group.

How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group
Here are 3 ways to share your offers in your group:

  • Include an invitation to book a discovery call in the welcome post and share the link to your online calendar such as calendly.
  • Invite people to get one of your free resources that has an email follow-up sequence that leads to booking a call or enrolling in your coaching program, membership or other offer.
  • Make occasional time-sensitive offers. This could be that you have opened up additional spots for discovery calls this month or you have opened up X number of spots for new clients this month and share the link for how they can take action. You can also offer different bonuses throughout the year as an incentive.

The key is to be strategic and intentional with this, so you have it planned out as part of your marketing strategy.

Because I know another challenge health coaches have is growing their group, I have a great free resource to help you with this…

It’s my free checklist with 10 ways to grow your FB group without spending a penny on things like ads.

You’ll also learn my #1 secret tip to help you get more of the RIGHT people in your group (this is something besides making sure the name of your group is specific enough).

We can’t wait to hear how it goes with your group after you implement the tips we shared today!

Resources and Links mentioned on the show:

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