Creating a Marketing Message that Speaks to and Attracts Your Ideal Client

Creating a marketing message that speaks to and attracts your ideal health coaching clients can be tricky. In order to stand out and position yourself as the go-to expert for your area of expertise so, you need to develop a marketing message that actually speaks to them specifically.

If you’ve been frustrated with the response you’re getting on social media and not enough people are singing up to work with you, your marketing message may be off, or it may not be specific enough.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why you need a clear marketing message that speaks to and attracts your ideal clients
  • How to develop a one-line description of who you help, how you help and the results they could get from working with
  • How we developed our own marketing messages and how it impacts our client attraction and program enrollment

This episode is perfect for anyone who feels like they aren’t attracting enough or the right clients, so tune in to find out how you can change that with just a few simple steps!

Need more guidance and ideas?

Check out this free resource to walk you through the 3-step process that only takes 30 minutes (or less!): “Craft A Marketing Message That Your Ideal Health Coaching Client Can’t Resist.”

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