The Cure for Imposter Syndrome
If you are dealing with imposter syndrome right now, you are definitely not alone, and it doesn’t just affect health coaches. When we start something new or we reach a new level of success, there will often be times when we feel a level of self-doubt which can leave us feeling like an imposter.
In today’s episode you’ll discover:
- 3 steps to quickly cure imposter syndrome no matter what stage of business you’re in
- Our own personal imposter syndrome stories and how we’ve navigated this path through the years
- A simple one-sentence response that you can use anytime you are asked a question by a potential client that you don’t know the answer to, that will have them loving your approach
If you’ve ever dealt with imposter syndrome, this is an episode you won’t want to miss.
The official definition of imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud.
Imposter syndrome can cause fear of success, fear of failure or even fear of being exposed as a fraud.
Here is what one other coach say.
I suffer from it every day and I’ve been at this a while!
Changes as you become a more seasoned business owner
Every time you up-level your business you are going to be challenged by imposter syndrome.
We do know some coaches that have moved past the imposter syndrome phase. Here’s what one coach commented…
Imposter syndrome is only a story you tell yourself, no one else knows about it. You can actually ignore that thought and remember that you do have the answers that matter. If someone asks you something you don’t know just say, “ you know I’ve never been asked that question, let me think about it and I’ll get back to you.” There is no shame in not knowing something. It is a shame not to share the wealth of knowledge you do have. You’ve got this!
Ahhh, we love that!
Let’s take a few minutes to dive into 3 steps to cure impostor syndrome once and for all.
Step 1: Learn to quickly identify the feelings that cause you to feel like an impostor.
Being able to quickly identify the feelings that cause you to feel inadequate is crucial to shutting down those nasty voices inside your head. Typically, each of us has a very specific voice reel that plays in our head when we feel like we’re not good enough. As soon as you recognize that voice you must turn it around with feelings of positivity. Keep a list close by of people you’ve helped & successes you’ve experienced that you can reference whenever necessary.
Step 2: Identify a support person or group that you can rely on in times of need.
Having a friend, family member or trusted colleague that you can confide in is a must. All of us need a go-to support person in our life. In business, entrepreneurs often join mastermind groups to find support. I’ve always believed that the old saying, “misery loves company” goes deeper than what it appears to say on the surface. I’ve always believed that when two people share a similar experience the potential for extreme healing and growth is usually the outcome. Having that support person that knows what your experiencing is the quickest way to banish those feelings of fraud.
Step 3: Become crystal clear on what is fact and what is fiction.
Anytime that you begin to feel like an impostor ask yourself this question, “Do I feel this way because of something I know for a fact or is it coming from a feeling of inadequacy?” When you have strong feelings about something it can feel very real, however, without something factual to back it up it remains just a feeling. Knowing the difference between the two is the best way to break that cycle of negativity.
The last thing we want to is that most health coaches are carrying a huge burden on their shoulders thinking that they need to know everything so they can answer every single question someone asks them. That is not the case. Your role as a health coach is to be a trusted and reliable resource and sometimes that means simply saying, “I don’t know the answer to that question off the top of my head but I have a network of colleagues that I can tap into to get the most up-to-date information on this topic.”
We promise that your potential client will appreciate you doing the legwork for them and will never ever look at you as an imposter for not knowing the answer to their question.