How to Get More Accomplished with Less Stress and Fewer Distractions
Would you like to know how to accomplish more with less stress and fewer distractions each day?
Most of us are dealing with more distractions now than ever, and maybe you’re feeling that way too. All of these distractions like social media and email can easily derail our day and sabotage our productivity.
On this episode of The Wellness Business Podcast, I’m sharing how I was feeling stressed, and what I’m doing now that is simple, but life changing. Karen shares what she does when she procrastinates and what she does now to avoid distractions and take control of her schedule.
Being more intentional, deliberate and focused is a game changer.
Tune in to hear an open and honest conversation about our struggles in this area, and see what habits and patterns you may have developed that are sabotaging your productivity, so you can accomplish more and feel less stressed too.
Resources and Links mentioned on the show:
Resources mentioned on this episode:
Social Media Marketing Podcast (episode 346 with guest Brian Solis)
Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast (episode 258 with guest Michael Hyatt)
Book: Life Scale by Brian Solis
Book: Free to Focus by Michael Hyatt
Book: Do Less by Kate Northrup
Links to Resources:
Wellness Business Insider’s Club
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