Case Study: How Helen is Quickly Growing Her Health Coaching Business with a Very Specific Niche
Today, we have a case study with Helen who is rapidly growing her health coaching business with a very specific niche.
We love doing case studies on the podcast because it shows what’s possible when you have a good plan in place, and you work the plan consistently without getting hung up on perfection (or paralyzed by fear).
Helen Phillips is one of our Wellness Business Insider’s Club members, and in this episode she’s giving us an inside look at what she’s been doing in her business over the past few months to not only see massive growth, but also how she’s made some mindset shifts that have boosted her confidence and skyrocketed her visibility.
In this episode, Helen reveals how she:
- Nailed down her niche, and has become known as a leader in her community in a short period of time
- Has grown her Facebook group by over 1000 members
- Has built her email list to over 600 people in 5 months
- Uses free challenges to grow her email list, build her Facebook group and fill her programs
- Went from feeling like an imposter to owning her niche and feeling confident and unstoppable
Helen is a blast to interview, and you’ll see why when you listen. Her energy and positive attitude is contagious, and we know you’re going to love what she shares during the interview.
There’s still time to join our free live training series called: The Secrets to Turn Your Health Coaching Hobby Into A Profitable Business. Even though we started on the 25th, you can watch the replays and join the fun in our pop-up Facebook group.
In this 4-part training series, we’re covering…
- The behind-the-scenes secrets of the most successful coaches we know and how they turned their businesses from a hobby to highly profitable
- The most up-to-date information on what it takes to actually attract your ideal client and enroll them into your programs, (there has been big changes in this area of marketing and you must get up to speed on those changes to be successful)
- The intricate details to building out a customer success path with you that not only warms up your followers but gets them excited to enroll in your programs
- Last, and certainly not least, we’ll share what red-hot areas will require a lot of your attention each month and also which tasks can either be outsourced, streamlined, or removed from your business altogether as a way of creating the business of your dreams
If you’re ready for a crazy successful 2020, be sure to register for our free LIVE training series, “The Secrets To Turn Your Health Coaching Hobby Into A Profitable Business!”
Free training series: “The Secrets to Turn Your Health Coaching Hobby Into a Profitable Business”
Links to Resources:
Wellness Business Insider’s Club
The Wellness Business Insider’s Club Is Enrolling New Members. Want to Join Us?
If you love the style and format of The Wellness Business Podcast you’ll love our mentorship program Wellness Business Insider’s Club.
Each month you’ll learn one simple strategy that improves your skills as a business owner that results in your business being more profitable. CLICK HERE to get all the details about upcoming lessons.