7 Holiday Promotion Ideas to Boost Revenue


Have you been thinking about running a holiday promotion, but you aren’t sure what to offer? It can feel a little confusing, so I have some ideas to share with you to get the ball rolling and the creative juices flowing.   

A holiday promotion can be a great way to entice your audience to enroll in one of your programs, while you get a boost in revenue.

People are always on the lookout for sales around the holidays, so this could be a good opportunity to make an offer they can’t resist. Especially with inflation, budgets are a bit tighter, so your audience may jump at the chance to work with you when they see a special offer that speaks to them.

In order for this to be effective, your holiday offer should only be available for a limited time (3-5 days is one option for a time frame).  As you are emailing your subscribers and posting on social media, be sure to mention when the offer ends, so they know it’s time sensitive.  If you offer 1-on-1 coaching, that means they would need to book a discovery call with you and pay for their coaching sessions before the deadline ends.

Here are 7 holiday offer ideas to consider:

  • A paid live online workshop with a holiday theme (low cost – $19 – $29)
  • A pre-sale on your New Year program (with early bird enrollment savings)
  • A reduced rate on your 1-on-1 coaching (you can gear this around getting through the holiday season while staying on track or kicking off the New Year)
  • Get 1 or 2 extra sessions for free when people enroll in your 1-on-1 coaching program (be sure to include the dollar value of this, so people are aware of the value they are receiving)
  • A sale on a short-term (30 days or less) online program such as a detox, reset, jumpstart or other program
  • Savings on a 60-90-day online coaching program (DIY or with your support)
  • Add a special bonus for the holidays that is specific to your niche. A couple of ideas for this bonus could be a virtual cooking class, a live workshop via Zoom where people get to interact with you and ask questions.

You can choose any dates that work for you for this – you don’t have to do a Black Friday promotion.  You can run your special offer any time you want.

Do any ideas come to mind?

Keep it simple.  A holiday promotion doesn’t need to be complicated at all.  The key is to offer a solution to your ideal client’s most common problem, set a time frame for your promotion and start spreading the word.

If you want to wait until after the holidays and do a New Year offer, you can do that too and use the same ideas above (or use another offer idea you may have that I didn’t include).

If you need more ideas, including how to plan out your promotion and what to include, check out episode 71 of The Wellness Business Podcast about the 5-Step Holiday Promotion Blueprint that we did back in 2018 (the same concepts would apply today).

If you want to offer a coaching program but you don’t have time to put one together on your own, check out the SHOP tab for a selection of done-for-you program options.

Let me know if you have plans for a holiday promotion and if you have any questions.