Feeling Like Your Coaching Business Is Stuck? 3 Ideas for Giving it a Boost

​There are times in every business when things seem hard or confusing, and it’s often at the very beginning because there is so much to figure out. If you’re in a place right now where you’re feeling stuck, we have 3 ideas that can help.

Even though Karen and I have each been in business for about 10 years, there are still times when things don’t go as planned and we have to take a step back to evaluate what happened and figure out how we can improve for next time. It’s all part of the process.

Today, we’re going to cover 3 specific areas of your marketing that you want to look at closely because these are the most common places where we see coaches struggle.

We see it with coaches in our Facebook groups and we see it with coaches when they first join our Wellness Business Accelerator program – our signature course that teaches a proven system for reaching your ideal clients online and consistently enrolling new clients within 60 days. We’ll be opening the doors to the WBA on Monday, April 17th, and if you’d like to be notified when the doors open, just message me on Instagram here.

Let’s dive into the ideas for giving your business a boost.

When we look at the health coaches who are struggling to get clients, one thing we notice is: 

1. They don’t have a marketable ideal client.  A marketable ideal client is someone who:

    1. Knows they have a problem – they are aware of their struggle or issue.
    2. Wants to solve the problem – they are looking for a solution.
    3. Has money to invest into that solution – this is important, so you have people who are willing and ready to invest in the solution.

This is one of the first things we cover in the Wellness Business Accelerator because it’s so foundational and critical for reaching the people you want to help. Once coaches have this in place, everything else get easier because they are attracting the right people.

You could be trying to reach people on social media who may be aware of the problem they have (let’s say it’s high blood sugar) but they aren’t actively looking for a solution and they don’t have money to invest, so those people will never become paying clients no matter how amazing your marketing is or how often you show up for them. These people definitely need help but until they are ready and willing to invest in solving the problem by hiring you they aren’t the people you are trying to connect with.

One way to solve this problem and make sure you are attracting the right people that have all of the attributes of a marketable ideal client is to be very clear in your messaging and the content you create – are you speaking to the people who already know they have a problem, they are looking for a solution and they are ready to take action because they have money to invest?

So, you could choose a niche, but you also want to be sure it’s a marketable ideal client.  We cover all of this in the WBA to make it easy.

Another common struggle coaches have is:

2. Not getting the attention of their dream clients on social media.  This is typically due to 3 reasons:

    1. Not speaking clearly with the words and phrases your ideal clients are using – you’re using industry jargon or words they are not actually using so there is a disconnect
    2. Not creating content around their pain points – maybe you’re covering more general content but it’s not specific to your niche
    3. No clear theme in your content creation strategy – you’re posting graphics and other content but there is no real path for taking followers to the next step of the customer journey which leads them to working with you.

Let’s look at not speaking clearly with the words and phrases your ideal clients are using because this is very common.  One example would be if your niche was helping women improve their menopausal symptoms through diet and lifestyle.  These women may be thinking about their frustration with hot flashes, waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, sudden weight gain around their waist and mood swings. If you’re focusing more on words like ‘balancing hormones and hormonal imbalances” they may not resonate with that because it’s not speaking to the pain points they have – it’s going over their heads. That doesn’t mean you can’t use those words in places like your sales page and other areas of you copy and your content, but you want to focus on using more of what they are already thinking and saying, so they can relate to you more and see that you may be the one to help them.  We covered this topic in detail on episode 296 about How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Really Want, so check that one out if you need help with this.

Remember, you’re not trying to reach the masses with your social media content. You are trying to get people to say, “Yes, this is for me” or “No, this is not for me”. You do that through creating content that speaks clearly and concisely about what you believe, your unique approach to solving their problem, and consistently inviting them to work with you.

Let’s move on to #3, which is…

3. Lack of consistency in making offers. This includes things such as:

    1. Opening and promoting spots on your calendar for discovery calls
    2. Opening the doors to your program/services at least once per quarter (open/close cart launch)

This is a big one! We know health coaches don’t want to come off as being salesy, but what often happens is the other extreme – they never or rarely ever promote their programs or invite people to book discovery calls. It would be amazing if our followers and subscribers automatically knew how we can help them, but they need reminders and they also need us to have direct calls to action such as how to book a call, how they can sign up to work with us, join a membership or other program.  There has to be an intentional strategy with this where you plan it out on social media, and you map out any launches or promotions you want to do.

How often are you making offers – inviting people to take the next step in one of your paid programs?  If you don’t have enough clients right now, chances are, you aren’t doing it often enough.  One of the things we love helping our Wellness Business Accelerator students accomplish while we are together is to do a deep dive into how to make offers, how to map out their launches and the best way to get your followers excited about working with you before you even open the doors.

We know there is a lot to learn when it comes to growing your business with online strategies such as social media and email list building, but the good news is you CAN learn exactly how to do it. We love sharing our proven strategies to systematize and scale your efforts so you’ll save time and we’ll help you get the best results in the shortest time possible.

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