The Lead Magnet-Niche Connection & How to Audit Yours for Higher Conversions
On this episode, we’re discussing the lead magnet-niche connection which means confirming your lead magnet is closely aligned with your ideal clients, so you are getting more of the right people on your email list. More ideal client subscribers mean more people enrolling in your coaching programs, so this is an important piece of the puzzle.
What we’re sharing is a 3-phase process for auditing your lead magnet. It’s our proven approach for helping our coaching clients align their lead magnet with their niche resulting in the maximum number of ideal client subscribers to their list.
Phase 1 – Choosing a Niche.
Our philosophy for choosing a niche boils down to three simple things:
- Who you help
- How you help
- And the transformation that you offer
Back on episode 216 we covered: 3 Simple Steps to Nailing Your Niche. If this is something that you’re still struggling with or feel like you need additional fine tuning, this would be a great episode to check out.
Before your dream clients feel that you are the coach for them, you have to be clear yourself about what you do and who you help. Your marketing message should leave potential clients saying “yes” this is for me or “no” it is not. If they are left wondering and unsure what you do, that means you have work to do.
For the rest of this episode, we’re going to assume that you have your niche dialed in to what we refer to as a marketable ideal client.
Phase 2 – Choosing a lead magnet that aligns with your niche statement.
We’ve found that most coaches create freebies with the intention of getting the highest number of people to download it. So, they tend to offer something that is more of general health information that appeals to the masses vs. a niche specific lead magnet.
While that may or may not grow your email list more quickly, it overlooks the ultimate goal of getting the ‘right’ people on your email list. Those that are actually interested in what you have to offer – your coaching services or coaching program.
Think of your lead magnet as a stepping stone commitment from a potential client between them finding you for the first time and them enrolling in your program. That conversion rate will be much higher if that steppingstone commitment, your lead magnet, is in alignment with your paid program.
Phase 3 – Audit Your Lead Magnet
1. Is your dream client aware of their challenge, are they searching for a solution, and do they have money to invest? This is what we call a marketable ideal client. Will your lead magnet teach them something specific related to your paid program?
2. Does your program/coaching services solve that challenge for them? Again, it’s important to confirm that the lead magnet you are offering is in some way related to your offer. That’s the stepping stone we were talking about earlier.
3. Is your lead magnet content connected to their challenge and can it give them a quick win? A quick win means that they can quickly and easily implement what they learn from your lead magnet and get a result that inspires them and has them excited to learn more.
4. Is your lead magnet content part of your actual program? This is the simplest way to create a lead magnet that is guaranteed to be in alignment with your program. Just take a small piece of your program and turn it into a free download. A resource guide, checklist, cheat sheet, etc. are all great options.
5. Does your lead magnet title clearly identify who it’s for vs. general health? (Ask 5 friends/family to read the title and tell you what it is and who it’s for)
Here are a few examples of client-specific lead magnets:
- 7-Day Meal Plan for Managing Diabetes
- 10 Tips for Reducing Stress and Anxiety without Medication
- Bloat-Free Baking Guide for Women with IBS
In each of these examples it’s very clear who it’s for. In example #1, it’s people with diabetes. In example two it’s people suffering from stress and anxiety. In example three it’s women with IBS.
6. Are you promoting your lead magnet consistently and on all channels, (social bios, social posts, website home page, website popup, about me page, groups) with clear language so they are clear it is for them? If the answer is yes, is your email list steadily growing? There is no better test for your lead magnet then putting it out there to grow your list. If people are joining then more than likely it’s dialed in but if no one is taking action chances are you have work to do.
5) Recap
Now that you’ve been through the audit process, it’s time to analyze your answers. Where can you make changes that will improve your content and/or results? If you aren’t consistently growing your email list each month then there is a disconnect somewhere. Keep making changes until you have a lead magnet that is growing your list with your marketable ideal client AND the people on your list are also becoming paying clients.
If you need support in creating a lead magnet that is perfect for your dream clients I have a guide that will help. It’s called: Create an Irresistible Client-Attracting Freebie in 60 Minutes – A Lead Magnet Template for Coaches.
We will be opening the doors to the Wellness Business Accelerator next month, and if you want to know as soon as enrollment opens, be sure to join our VIP waitlist here. This is our signature program where we walk you through how to reach your ideal clients online and consistently enroll new clients within 60 days. We’d love to have you join us!