Do you have a good strategy in place for attracting a steady stream of new clients?

If you don’t have a good plan in place yet, this post will give you a few great ideas of where you can start.

If you would like to add new clients to your practice in the next 30 days, adding a dynamic, short-term, online program can be a fantastic way to go.

This program can be called a ‘Jump Start’ or ‘Challenge’ program.

Short-term, online programs are a phenomenal way to get your foot in the door with your ideal clients. This gives people a sample of how you can help them on a larger scale.

These programs are designed to be the gateway that gets your audience into your sales funnel with something they NEED now. When they see that your offering is affordable, and it provides an immediate, personal benefit to them, they’ll be on board. And once they buy from you, they stay and buy over and over again.

This is the beginning of getting raving fans, testimonials, and referrals

What are the benefits of adding a 30-Day online program to your practice? Is it really worth your while? Good questions. Today I’m going to share some of the benefits of launching a 30-Day online challenge program so you can launch one too.

I will refer to this type of program as a Jump Start since it helps people jump start their goals.

The Basics

An online Jump Start program is typically a low-price compelling offering to bring new people into your tribe. This type of program is great for beginners; for individuals who want to make a change, but aren’t quite sure where to start. Jump start programs allow potential clients to give you a test run, so to speak, to see how you can help them reach their goals.

There are a few things to keep in mind when considering launching your own program.

You want your program to be:

  • Very affordable for your audience – $29 – $49. (Low risk for people to try)
  • Short-term, typically 21-30 days
  • Easy to follow – easy to succeed, and enjoyable to do

Online Jump start programs are intended to be very affordable. The objective is to provide a service at a price that is too good to pass up. Remember, your Jump Start program is a gateway in which new clients can get a sample of how you can help them. The easier the process is, the more likely your clients will be to stick with you long term.

Short-Term Vs. Long-Term

The main concern of many health coaches is that a short-term program means a short-term client. After all, don’t you want your client to stick with you after the program is completed? Yes. And that’s the beauty of a Jump Start program.

Jump Start programs are designed to help your clients begin to implement healthy habits. The key word in that sentence is “begin.” The individuals who are looking for your help are looking to make positive improvements in their lives- step-by-step. You are going to help them make these changes with the Jump Start program.

The reason the program is short term is because it allows your clients to visualize their success more readily and then take immediate action. Being able to visualize your goals in the short term is a huge motivator. We live in a society that insists on instant gratification.

An individual will feel that sticking with something for 30 days is more manageable than committing to several months of coaching. By participating in the Jump Start program, your clients will be able to see success in the short term, which will allow for sustained long-term success (i.e. if they can do this for 30 days, they can do anything).

Don’t get me wrong; long-term goals are great. But how many times have you actually stuck to a long-term goal? …That’s what I thought. We’re all guilty of it. Humans are programmed to desire success in the short term. The beautiful thing about short-term success is that it often leads to long-term success.

Power In Numbers

Online Jump Start programs are also great because they can attract a larger number of participants. It can be based on your ideal client, but it’s likely to appeal to a large audience.

There is an extra level of support when you have a group of people that are all focused on similar goals; they tend to help each other, share ideas and inspiration. This element isn’t present with 1-on-1 coaching, so it can be pretty powerful.

What to Include

Your 30-Day program can include one topic each week for 4 weeks. It makes it easy for participants to succeed when you focus on one healthy habit at a time; Think ‘baby steps’ here.

  • Decide on the 4 weekly topics to feature for your program over the 30 days
  • Create graphics for your program
  • Set up a private Facebook group for ongoing support during your Jump Start
  • Create a sign-up page for people to enroll (add Paypal or Stripe payment option)
  • Set up your weekly content to go out via your email provider (Mailchimp, Aweber, etc.)
  • Determine what program you want to offer as the next-step for participants to work with you (A 30-120 day program perhaps).

Yes, there is a bit of planning and work involved when you set this up, but I have a much easier way if this seems too daunting for you. No worries, keep reading.

Launching Your Program

Now we arrive at the fun part – Or the daunting part, depending on how you look at it. Creating a 30-Day program definitely takes some time if you want to do it right. The good news is that you create the program once, but you can use it over and over again; rinse and repeat.

You can launch your program very simply by using your email marketing service (Mailchimp, Aweber, etc) or you can get ‘fancy’ and use a membership site. If this is your first time doing something like this, I recommend keeping things very simple and add some bells and whistles later if you decide to. I have run online programs both ways, and simple works just as well.

Promote your program everywhere and anywhere you can; your current email list and social media are good places to start. Even though this is an online program, you can still look to your local contacts for participants. Think about getting in touch with your local church or school for a great group of participants.

I know, I know…you may be thinking “This sounds great, but I just don’t have the time to do all of that.” I totally get it. You want to have an entry-level program to attract clients, but it makes your head spin when you think about all the pieces to put together.

The great news is you can have a program like this that is completely done for you; a complete plug-in and play program.

The Fit and Healthy 30-Day Jump Start is a completely brandable, ready-to-launch online program for your business.

This program was created to help health coaches, just like you, start attracting new clients, and generate income.

You can create your own program from scratch if you have the time and desire, or you can get one that’s all ready to go.

Find out more HERE

Whether you want to create another income stream that will allow you to leverage your time as you help more people, or you want to add a low-cost, client-attracting program, an online Jump Start program can be the doorway to a consistent stream of new clients.

Wishing you much success!
