How to Come Up with the Perfect Free Offer Title to Grow Your Email List

If you want to grow an email list full of ideal client subscribers, having an irresistible free resource is critical, and it all starts with the title of your freebie because you want it to grab the attention of the people you want to attract.

Truth be told – the title will be the biggest determining factor in the number of people who opt in for it. No pressure, right?

Today, we are going to help you come up with the perfect lead magnet topic and title, and we’ll share a few examples, to get the creative juices flowing a bit.

These 3 tips will apply no matter what type of lead magnet you are creating – it could be PDF guide, a checklist, a webinar or a video series. 

1. Pick a topic that is relevant to your niche. 

Who do you help and what result do you help them get? If you are still working on this, we recommend listening to episode 216 of the podcast where we covered 3 Simple Steps to Nailing Your Niche as a Health Coach. Your freebie should cover a problem or pain point your ideal clients have and want solved. You can address a common question you get, a common myth you want to bust or a struggle your clients have. What comes to mind for you?  Do you see topics covered on social media and you want to put your own spin on it or come at it from a different angle perhaps?  Brainstorm and make a list and see what ideas come up.

2. The title must be clear, easy to understand and have your ideal clients thinking “I need that!” because they can tell it will help them with the particular problem they have right now.

You may be thinking – but my program covers 10-12 different topics – that’s okay – pick one that you think will appeal to most of your ideal clients. Remember, everything is a test, so you are going to experiment a bit to see what resonates with your audience. 

3. The title needs to be SPECIFIC and important to your audience.

As we covered in #1, the topic needs to be relevant to your niche, and the title does too because the title is what will either draw people in to learn more or have them click away because it’s either not clear what it’s about, how it will help them, or they feel it’s not relevant to them.  The title also needs to convey a benefit they will receive after they consume it. Titles that are general and generic will not convert, so taking the time to come up with a title that will grab attention and have people happy to give you their email address is well worth it when you see your email list growing week after week.

Here are a few examples of high-converting lead magnet titles

  • A Beginners Guide to Intermittent Fasting
  • 10 Hormone-Balancing Snacks You Can Take with You on the Go
  • 10 Foods to Avoid if You Have IBS 
  • 5 Secrets to Balancing Blood Sugar While Still Enjoying Your Favorite Foods

What these examples have in common is that they are very specific to a niche and they cover a specific topic, and that’s exactly what you want to do.

One super cool free online tool you can use is called blog title generator and you can use it for blog post title ideas and for other things too like your freebies.  You can find it at

I was playing around with that site and I entered “Intermittent Fasting” and here are just a couple of the title ideas that came up:

  • Why Most Intermittent Fasting Fails.
  • 3 Intermittent Fasting Secrets You Never Knew.

Blog Title Generator can give you some ideas you hadn’t considered, and it may even help you come up with the details for your topic.

Keep in mind that your free resource is still a type of offer so, even though people aren’t paying for it, you still have to “sell it” as far as including how it will help them in some way.  What benefits will they receive when they download or access your guide or video? 

If you still need more help, be sure to check out the lesson we have on this in the Wellness Business Accelerator that will help you come up with an irresistible free offer your audience will love and appreciate. 

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