How to Plan and Promote Your Next Livestream Video for More Engagement

Live video still works incredibly well because you get to interact with your audience in real time, and when you plan and promote your livestreams ahead of time, you’ll see more attendees and engagement.

In this week’s episode of The Wellness Business Podcast, we are covering:

  • Why livestream video should be critical piece of every online business owner’s client attraction and sales strategy
  • Our 8-step process for planning and promoting your next livestream video for maximum engagement
  • Why interacting through live video speeds up the journey your dream clients have as they go through your customer journey

While all video content has its place, there is one form that stands out above the rest because it encourages a two-way conversation, as well as continued engagement rather than a passive viewing experience.

Here are the 8 steps we are covering on this episode:

Step 1: Choose a Date

Choose a date that is convenient for you, so you can be consistent. Most of your video views will come from replays so, do what works best for your schedule while also considering when your audience is most likely to be online.

Step 2: Choose a Topic

Your topic should be something that is compelling to your dream clients. Choose a topic that can easily be related back to your paid program. The easiest thing to do is to use something that’s easy to teach in 15 minutes or less.

Step 3: Create an Outline

Next, you’ll want to create your livestream outline. The easiest thing to do is to break your content down into three bullet points or three teaching points and one call to action, (A call to action is the next step you want your video viewers to take like, download a freebie, join your group, listen to your podcast, read your latest blog post, etc.)

A simple outline flows like this:

  • Introduce the topic/title
  • Introduce yourself
  • Teach 3 bullet points
  • Share the call to action
  • Recap and wrap up

Step 4: Craft a Compelling Video Title

Creating a compelling video title is more than half the battle of getting someone to watch your video. Every video title should let the reader know who it’s for and what it’s about. We also have a separate podcast episode dedicated specifically to writing high-quality video titles. It’s episode 214 and it’s called – 5-Part Formula for Writing Client-Specific Video Titles.

Step 5: Choose a Platform

There are many places that you can go live. A few of the most popular are:

  • Facebook (on your page)
  • Facebook (in your group)
  • Instagram Live
  • YouTube

Choose the one(s) where your dream clients spend the most time.

Step 6: Create a Promotional Graphic

My favorite place to create graphics is Canva. It’s easy to use, completely free, and has lots of templates to choose from. When creating the graphic, you’ll want to include the following:

  • Video Title
  • Date & Time
  • Where you’ll be going live

Step 7: Write a Social Media Post

One way to get more people to view your livestream, (both live and on the replay), is by promoting it ahead of time on social media. Let your audience know what you’ll be teaching and what they’ll get out of it. The best way to do that is by including 3 benefit / bullet statements that describe what they’ll learn.

The things you want to include in your post are:

Video Title
Date & Time
The premise behind the training, (why you feel it is important)
3-4 Bullet Points describing what they’ll learn

Step 8: Write an Email to Your List

Now it’s time to write and send an email to your email list. For simplicity use the same bullet points and training description that you posted on social media. Be sure to include: date, time, topic, location.

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