3 FREE Ways To Generate Creative Blog Post Ideas

3 FREE Ways To Generate Creative Blog Post Ideas

I have another amazing guest post today on how to generate creative blog post ideas. This one is from my good friend and colleague, Lori Kennedy.

In this article, Lori is going to give you 3 easy ways to generate creative blog post ideas, so you can focus on creating content that resonates with your audience.  I know this is something we all struggle with at times, so I know you will find these tips helpful. 

Be sure to scroll all the way down to the end of the article if you find that you still need help with blog ideas and/or content.  Lori has something new that’s pretty cool!

Here’s Lori…

Have you ever sat down at your computer all ready to pump out some amazing content and then proceed to stare at the blinking cursor for the next 10 minutes; finally you give up and head over to Facebook?

Maybe you have awesome ideas but never write them down.  Then when it comes time to blog you can’t think of a single thing to write about. Or, maybe you hate writing and resent having to come up with a blog post every week.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “Content Is King” and it’s true. Yet, if content is king, then consistency is queen. There’s nothing less trustworthy than a blog that hasn’t been updated in months.

If you aren’t publishing a blog post on a weekly basis (or more often) and promoting your blogs daily on social media it’s going to be hard for your ideal client to find you and think of you as an expert.

Your blog is the platform from which you build your brand, share your big reason why, educate and entertain your ideal clients so they feel inspired and motivated to first subscribe to your email list and then work with you.

The BIG problem is knowing what to blog about and then having enough time to research and write an awesome 500 -750 word blog post each and every week, right?

To avoid the ‘blinking cursor’ problem let me walk you through 3 free ways to generate ideas for your blog so you can keep a running list of blog topics that you can easily refer back to.

Way # 1: Find Magazines Your Ideal Clients Read

This is your excuse to grab a cup of tea and read some of your favorite magazines, either in print or online. Magazines write articles that they know their readers want to read which means they’ve done the work for you.

Pay attention to the different subjects written about in the magazines, the paid advertising and specifically the headlines. Write down the headlines and model them (don’t directly copy) for your own articles.

For example, if you’re looking for ideas around clean eating, Clean Eating Magazine would be a great place to get inspiration. One of the headlines on the cover might be something like “Soup Your Way Healthy”. You can modify that to fit just about anything — “Juice Your Way Healthy” “Detox Your Way Healthy” “Meditate Your Way Healthy”.

Way # 2: Creep Facebook Groups

Free Facebook groups are amazing places to learn tons about your ideal clients. Join Facebook groups that feature your niche, not to promote yourself because that is bad form but to follow the conversations going on inside the group.

People post loads of questions inside Facebook groups. Write down each question and turn the questions into a blog topics. The question becomes the headline and your blog answers the question.

For example, let’s say you are in a digestion group and someone asks if they should be taking a probiotic. Read the comments and note down the responses. This then becomes your blog topic — “5 Ways To Know If You Should Be Taking A Probiotic”.  Then describe the presence of a symptom as each of the ways your reader would know if they should be taking a probiotic.

Way # 3: Generate Creative Blog Post Ideas by Reading Amazon Book Reviews

Amazon book reviews are like an untapped pot of gold when it comes to generating ideas for blogs and even signature programs. Pick a handful of books that are targeted at your ideal client and then read all of the reviews.

People will comment about what they liked, what they didn’t like and ask questions. Just like in the example above you will keep a log of ideas that are sparked by reading the reviews. The gold is in the negative comments or constructive feedback — you can fill in the gaps left by the book with your blog.

To take it one step further you could write a book review on your blog and then add in some additional tips or resources based on what the comments said was left out.

There you have it… 3 FREE ways to generate ideas for your blog. Schedule time in your calendar each week to do blog research so you can build up your blog idea catalogue. Remember that consistency in publishing content is essential to growing your brand and building the know, like, trust factor with your ideal clients.

Lori Kennedy is a mom, nutritionist, and the founder of the Wellness Business Hub. She works with health practitioners to help them create and launch their online health programs so they can serve more clients, have more impact and make more money.

You can find out more about Lori HERE

Still need ideas for your blog?

Check out Lori’s done-for-you blog and newsletter content HERE.  You can have everything you need for your blog posts, newsletters and social media promos in one simple, easy-to-use package (at an amazing price!).

Creative Blog Post Ideas

Note: This post includes an affiliate link which means I may earn a commission if you make a purchase.  I only recommend programs that I truly believe in, or have used myself, but do your own due diligence to make sure it’s right for you.