Maximizing Your Online Reach: Strategies for Amplifying Your Content

Maximizing Your Online Reach: Strategies for Amplifying Your Content

Maximizing Your Online Reach: Strategies for Amplifying Your Content

Maximizing your online reach is essential for getting your content in front of a larger audience to reach more people. When your content can be seen by more folks, it gives you the chance to grow your following, build trust and rapport, while you also grow your email list and enroll more clients. It all starts with your content.

In this episode, you’ll discover: 

  • How to leverage other people’s audience to get in front new ideal clients
  • Ideas for repurposing your content to save time and reach more people
  • The quickest way to grow your email list while also boosting your credibility and visibility
  • And more

If you want to increase your visibility online and reach more people, tune in to find out 5 of our top tips to get you started. 

Reaching as many people as possible is important but you don’t want to reach just ANY people; you want to get in front of more of your ideal clients – the people who want to learn from you and work with you. Attracting your ideal clients online starts with knowing who you want to help and what goal you help them achieve or what problem you help them solve. Once you’re clear about that, how do you reach as many people as possible? 

That’s what we’re going to be talking about today which is Maximizing Your Online Reach: Strategies for Amplifying Your Content. If you’re trying to figure out your niche, we have a great episode to refer you to which is #216 where we covered 3 Simple Steps to Nail Your Niche as a Health Coach This is step one in marketing your business, so it’s not something you want to skip over. 

Let’s dive in!

Maximizing your online reach is essential for getting your content in front of a larger audience to reach more people.

We’re going to share 5 strategies to help you do just that.

1. Leverage other people’s audiences. Getting in front of other people’s audiences is one of the best and quickest ways accomplish this. One way to do this is to be a guest on blogs like MindBodyGreen or any blogs of colleagues you know who have a similar audience. Maybe you know a personal trainer or physical therapist whose audience can benefit from your area of specialty.  Reach out to them if they have a blog and see if they would be interested in having you share some helpful information with their audience.  They will typically promote the blog to their audience which helps you get in front of more people, and you would share it with your audience which helps you with your social proof and level of authority.  This is also a benefit to the other person because they’ll be getting exposure to your audience as well. This is a great way to network and collaborate. I did something similar to this when I was a guest speaker for Practice Better back in July. I was invited as a guest to present a webinar topic, so they promoted it to their audience and I promoted it to mine – so it was a win-win. You can also reach more people by being a guest on podcasts.  We covered how to get booked on podcasts way back on episode 89, so be sure to check that out where we share our insider secrets with you. 

2. Repurpose your content. We talk about this quite a bit on the podcast, but it can be overlooked. Use one piece of content in multiple formats. For example, turn a blog post into a video or a podcast episode, then also break it up into social media posts This way, you can reach audiences with different content preferences.  We do this for the podcast each week – we have the podcast as our main form of content, and we also use it for our blog posts, social media posts, emails AND reels or stories.  So, this one format of content – is used 3 – 5 other ways each week.  Decide which will be your main content medium, and what are other ways you can use it.

Content format options include:

  • Blog
  • Podcast
  • YouTube
  • Livestreams
  • Stories
  • Email
  • Reels
  • TikTok

Every time you create one piece of content, ask yourself how else you can use it.

3. Host an online summit. While this is way more involved as far as the time involved and the tech, it is hands down the quickest way to grow your email list and get in front of brand-new people. It’s also a phenomenal way to network with colleagues and even meet new ones when you ask your summit guests for recommendations for other people who may be interested in being on the summit. If you have a summit with 10 speakers and each one had an email list of 5,000 people, that’s 50,000 people you can get in front of from one event.  I’ve seen summits that have as many as 25 speakers, so imagine how many new people you can reach.  There are companies and virtual assistants who specialize in handling most of the tech and logistics stuff, so if this interests you, see if you can find a recommendation for a VA who helps people run summits.

4. Consistency. This applies to pretty much everything in business, but consistency with your content is important.  Decide on a schedule that works for you.  If you can’t post 5-7 days a week, commit to 2 or 3.  Same with emailing your subscribers, if you can’t do weekly, stick with bi-weekly. If you want to stay top of mind, people need to see your content on a regular basis – whatever that looks like for you.  Be realistic, so you can remain consistent rather than being sporadic. 

5. Run Facebook ads.  While the first 4 tips we shared were free, there are times when you may want to invest in paid ads to reach more people.  Karen and I do this when we are promoting a webinar or challenge, so we can let as many people as possible know about it. You can run ads to grow your email list too, and for that you would have a free resource to promote and your ad would share who the resource is for and how it will help them, and the link where they can sign up to get it. The benefit of running ads is that you can reach more people, and it can be running behind the scenes 24/7.  It takes some time to learn how to run ads, but if it’s something you want to do, we think it’s worth learning or outsourcing it to someone who can run them for you.

Let’s recap the 5 ways to maximize your online reach: 

  1. Leverage other people’s audiences.
  2. Repurpose your content.
  3. Host an online summit.
  4. Consistency.
  5. Run Facebook ads. 

Which of these options appeal to you the most right now?  You can choose more than one too – you can run ads while you’re also repurposing content and leveraging other people’s audiences. 

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The 5 Elements for Writing a Client Attracting Social Media Bio

The 5 Elements for Writing a Client Attracting Social Media Bio

The 5 Elements for Writing a Client Attracting Social Media Bio

Did you know you only have up to 7 seconds to grab someone’s attention on social media to get them to check out your bio and decide if they want to learn more and follow you?  This is why you need to do everything you can to make sure your social media bio is as clear as possible. When someone lands on your profile or page, you want them to think “OMG this person, this business, is exactly what I need and am looking for.”

Creating a bio that speaks directly to your dream clients takes a little time, so on this week’s episode of The Wellness Business Podcast, we’re sharing a 5-step process that will make this easy.

In this episode you’ll discover…

  • The 5-part formula for writing a client attracting social media bio that will speak directly to your dream clients
  • The do’s and don’ts of bio writing that will keep the process super simple
  • Multiple examples of others in the health and wellness space that have crystal clear bios you can use for inspiration

There is no time like the present to rework your social media bio into a client attraction masterpiece.

Okay, let’s jump in.

Karen has been a member of Jasmine Star’s Social Curator program for years and she recently watched a training called Build A Boss Bio which reminded her how important being crystal clear in your bio is for attracting your dream clients. That’s why we decided to share that formula with you today on the podcast.

This formula can be used on every social media platform so it’s not limited just to Instagram.

The Boss Bio formula includes 5 elements. We’re going to go through each one and provide some examples to help bring each one to life.

Element #1: Get focused with your title

Choose clear over creative.

What do we mean by that?

A great litmus test of your title is whether a 10-year old could understand what you do after reading it?

For example, if you’re a photographer, then put photographer in your title. Don’t use something creative like “purveyor of exquisite memories”.

If you’re that photographer and I land on your profile and it says ‘purveyor of exquisite memories’ rather than ‘photographer’ and I’m only hanging out there for 7 seconds, I’ll be honest, I’m not going to know what you do and I won’t be researching any further to figure it out.

As a ‘purveyor of exquisite memories’ are you a photographer, videographer, scrapbooker, journaler, story teller… I have no idea and I’m not going to scroll through your feed to find out.

People want simple and easy. They don’t want to figure things out. Here is a great example of this.

Element #2: List the benefit you offer for your followers

Pro tip: Your account isn’t about you… It’s about what your business can do for your followers so remember that when you write your bio.

Describe as succinctly as you can what benefit you and your program offer your clients. Think in terms of outcome. A great example of this is from Corinne Olsen below.

Element #3: Who’s your account for?

You want people to land on your bio and say YES, this business or this coach is for me! Or NO, this business is not for me.

If that is happening, it means that your bio is crystal clear. That’s the goal!

When an account is tailor made for your dream customer, there’s a higher chance of turning them into a paying client.

Element #4: Contact information

How do you want people to reach out to you? After reading your bio someone may want to contact you or connect with you more personally. Do you want them to email you, call you, private message you? Pick one and add it to your bio. (NOTE: We recommend NOT giving away your cell phone number. If you have a separate business number then great but you don’t want every person on social media being able to call you directly.)

Element #5: Link to your party favor a.ka. –  your freebie

In your bio you should give something away for free.

Before you ask for something, (the sale), you want to give something first.

We’re talking about your freebie.

When considering what freebie to give, ask yourself, ‘What could I give for free related to my program or service that would help my ideal client in some way?’

Remember, this is a test. If you try something and it works, great! If it doesn’t switch it out.

On Instagram you have the opportunity to share one link and one link only so you want to use it wisely. Think of this as a call-to-action. What’s the next step you want someone to take? We do not recommend putting your website link there because it’s just too open ended and general. That’s not really a call-to-action. Be specific!

Options like:

Grab this guide

Listen to this recording

Watch this video

One last PRO TIP before we wrap up. Whenever possible use emojis in place of words to add variety and save space in your bio. For example, if you save someone time then use a clock. If you save someone money then use the money bag.


Spend 20 minutes today reworking your social media bio then ask 3 people to review your updated bio and ask them to tell you what you do. If they can clearly tell you what you do then you hit the nail on the head. If they can’t explain it easily, you have more work to do.

Don’t forget to grab your Social Media Bio Workbook where Karen shares lots of examples of what to do and what not to do when writing your bio. Scroll down to get access. 

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How to Use Content to Attract Your Ideal Clients

How to Use Content to Attract Your Ideal Clients

How to Use Content to Attract Your Ideal Clients

Using your content can be one of the best ways to attract your ideal clients and turn them into raving fans and clients.  Your content helps build trust and authority, so it’s a critical part of your marketing strategy.

We’re breaking it all down this week on The Wellness Business Podcast. 

In this episode we’re sharing:

  • Our 3-step method for consistently creating content that attracts your ideal clients every single week
  • How to repurpose one piece of content multiple times so you show up consistently while working less
  • The best way to determine what type of content feels the easiest so you’ll remain consistent with your content calendar

People work with those they know and trust, and your content is a very important component of building that trust.

Tune into this episode to learn how to use your content as a marketing machine.

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Why Your Copy Isn’t Converting

Why Your Copy Isn’t Converting

Why Your Copy Isn’t Converting

If you have ever promoted a free offer, a webinar or a paid program and the results were disappointing, there are 4 common reasons why your copy isn’t converting and we’re diving into them on this episode of the podcast. 

Low conversion rates happen to all of us at some point or another but when you know how to troubleshoot the problem, you’ll see much higher conversion rates. 

In this episode, we’re sharing the top 4 reasons and giving you examples of how to fix them.

Reason #1: You are speaking more about the features or the “stuff” they get instead of the benefits and results.

Reason #2: You are not focusing enough on their pain points and conveying that you understand where they are right now.

Reason #3: You aren’t using the words or phrases they are using or things they are saying to themselves.

Reason #4: You aren’t addressing and disarming their objections.

Copywriting comes into play with ALL all of your messaging, from your emails and social media posts to your sales pages, landing pages for your free offers, your website, your blog posts and more.

Listen in to learn more about these 4 reasons and find out how you can easily turn it around to get more people taking action.

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