How to Generate over $10,000 with a 30-Day Online Program – Part 2

How to Generate over $10,000 with a 30-Day Online Program – Part 2

How to Generate over $10,000 with a 30-Day Online Program – Part 2

If you want to know exactly how a nutritionist generated over $10,000 with her first 30-day online program, you’re going to want to listen to this episode.

Be sure to listen to last week’s episode (#112) where she shares what she did to get over 100 people enrolled in her first program, and then 250 the second time she launched.

In this episode, we’re diving into the nitty gritty to learn exactly what Paola included in her program, plus what type of support she provided and how she ran her program from a tech standpoint.

After listening, you’ll know:

  • How to implement the tech side of launching an online program to keep things simple so you can focus on your clients and the benefit your program provides
  • What Paola learned from her first launch and what she did differently the second time around (which generated $25,000!)
  • How to get testimonials for your online program so it stands out amongst your competition
  • How to transition from an introductory program to a next-level program
  • How to manage your time in your program so you’re not having to worry about it 24/7

Hit play (and be sure to SUBSCRIBE) so you can learn how Paola created and launched her program and earned over $10,000 during the first launch!

Plus, if you want to simplify your online program creation even more, check out the program Paoloa used. This is my  30-Day Fit and Healthy Jump Start done-for-you program and you’ll get get 20% OFF until August 31st with the coupon code: PODCAST113

Resources and Links mentioned on the show:

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7 Steps to Successful Wellness Workshops

7 Steps to Successful Wellness Workshops

7 Steps to Successful Wellness Workshops

This episode of The Wellness Business Podcast is all about the 7 key steps you want to have in place to have successful wellness workshops. Workshops are an extremely effective way to convert attendees into paying clients. In fact, one of the greatest benefits of running workshops is that it actually helps speed up the client journey, so you can turn them into paying clients faster!

This week, I’m putting Karen Pattock in the hot seat to reveal the exact steps she took when she used wellness workshops in her health coaching business. It was an extremely effective marketing tool for her, so she’s sharing her secrets in this episode.

We are also announcing the winners from our 50th episode giveaway, so be sure to give this episode a listen and see if you’re a winner of one of the awesome prizes are we’re giving away!

In this episode we talk about…

  • Why workshops are an effective business tool to gain new paying clients
  • How to smoothly an easily transition to offering your paid programs without feeling salesy or awkward
  • Examples of great workshop topics
  • How to get audience engagement and participation

Karen is giving you her Free Guide, 4 Foolproof Methods To Use Workshops To Fill Your Wellness Programs, to help you build a successful workshop!

Resources and Links mentioned on the show:

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How to Improve Client Compliance for Better Results

How to Improve Client Compliance for Better Results

How to Improve Client Compliance for Better Results

Have you ever wondered how to improve client compliance to get better results? If you’ve had clients who struggle with implementing your recommendations, you know it can leave you feeling a bit confused and frustrated, wondering what to do.

Let’s face it; Your clients are only with you for a couple of hours a month, so it’s the 700+ hours in between sessions where your clients can really find it challenging to change their habits. That’s why it’s important to have some sort of accountability tool in place that allows for support and communication between sessions.

This week’s episode of The Wellness Business Podcast is dedicated to Using Digital Coaching Tools to Keep Clients Accountable and Help Them Meet their Goals

In this episode of The Wellness Business Podcast, our special guest Phil Beene talks about some of the best digital tools to help clients succeed.

We cover…

  • What is digital coaching and how a Health Coach can incorporate it into their business
  • How digital coaching tools improve the client experience and simplify the overall coaching model
  • Leveraging digital tools to improve your client experience with accountability, tracking, compliance and communication
  • Why digital coaching tools substantially increase the perceived value of your coaching program

Phil is also giving you FREE access to Dr. Steve’s Guide to Digital Coaching.

CLICK HERE to get your copy of the free guide.

Resources and Links mentioned on the show:

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How to Price Your Health Coaching Programs

How to Price Your Health Coaching Programs

Show Notes

In this episode, Karen and Kathleen discuss the best way to decide how to price your coaching programs for maximum benefit. Pricing your health programs properly can be an intimidating decision. Tackle this challenging decision and begin pricing your health programs to match the value you offer!

Karen and Kathleen consistently hear 4 main concerns when it comes to figuring out how to price a wellness program fairly while still being profitable:

  1. Afraid of pricing too high
  2. Not sure what others are charging
  3. Not sure what benefits to offer in a program
  4. Imposter Syndrome

Karen and Kathleen will help you overcome these four main obstacles, plus offer helpful guidance for setting (and updating) your fees. You’ll learn six major factors to take into consideration when pricing your programs, and also discover how to find out what is your ideal clients want in a program.

Resources and Links mentioned on the show:

Grab Karen’s 7 Day Money Mindset Challenge today!

Have a specific question for Karen and Kathleen? Be sure to visit The Wellness Business Podcast Website or The Wellness Business Podcast Facebook Page to reach out to Karen and Kathleen with a question!

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Show Notes

In this episode, Karen and Kathleen chat with Angie Jones, of Healthy Angie about how using the Facebook Livestream feature has completely changed her business.  Angie discussed her overall strategy, how she prepares, and the added benefits she’s noticed after using Facebook Live.

Angie’s Overall Strategy

  1. Just do it! Don’t be afraid of going live. Your streams don’t have to be perfect, it’s all about being yourself. Worst case scenario, delete it afterwards!
  2. Be consistent when it comes to your live streams. Try and find a day or time each week and stick with it.
  3. Promote it ahead of time. This is when I’ll be live streaming, and this is what I’ll talk about. Promoting it ahead of time lets your followers know when to tune in AND holds you accountable to follow through.
  4. Don’t worry about how many people join in on the live portion of your video.
  5. Repurpose the content! That one video can turn into a weekly email, a weekly blog post, and be shared across various social media pages, keeping your business in your customer’s minds.

How to Prepare:

  1. Know your opening line. You only have a few seconds to capture the attention of a potential customer. Know your opening hook and have it prepared.
  2. Have an outline nearby to guide you. Place any products or props you want to show in the area ahead of time.
  3. Don’t rehearse too much, it’s not about being perfect, but about being you!
  4. Know your closer and your call to action, the ending is just as important as the beginning.,
  5. Remember your video will have two audiences, the live audience and the replay audience. Make yourself accessible to both.

Added Benefits:

  1. Gaining self confidence in who you are and what you stand for.
  2. Client’s reaching out more often via message or email, they have a better feeling for who Angie is now and are more comfortable reaching out to her.
  3. Angie’s email list has more than doubled!

Weekly Action Items:

  1. Download your FREE Facebook Live Stream Checklist.
  2. Take Angie’s lead and create a live stream for your business this week. 

Subscribe and listen to The Wellness Business Podcast on your favorite platform!

5 Strategies for Getting Started In Corporate Wellness

5 Strategies for Getting Started In Corporate Wellness

If you’ve ever considered moving into corporate wellness as a health coach, you’re going to love this article.

My guest expert today is Lisa Kelly of Kelly Consulting. I’ve known Lisa for a few years now, and she is one of the most knowledgeable people I know when it comes to corporate wellness. I know this is an area of great interest to many health coaches, so I reached out to Lisa so she could share some of her wisdom and strategies with you.

As a health coach, you strive to cultivate the personal health and wellness of your clients and help them become the very best versions of themselves. The daily pressures and demands of work, however, greatly impact their time/ability to focus on making positive changes. Similarly, high stress and toxic work environments have a dramatic impact on the health, well-being, and happiness of employees. This often results in poor work performance that ultimately affects the success of the organization and is costly in terms of outcomes and health claims. In fact, statistics show that unhappy workers cost the U.S. up to $550 Billion a year.1

Sadly, we don’t need statistics to point out the obvious. Many employees attest first hand to the negative impact job demands are having on their health and life today.

Working longer days, the inability to disconnect from work, and the demands and expectations put upon employees to “do more with less,” is dramatically affecting the physical and emotional well-being of employees today. Work-life balance is becoming elusive and more difficult to make a reality and it is evident that employee and organizational productivity is becoming a casualty as a result.

More than ever, there is an urgent need for the presence of corporate health coaches and consultants or what I like to refer to as “Corporate Wellness Change Agents” in the workplace.

This is where YOU can come in!
Simply put, organizations today and their employees need YOU – many employers may not even realize just how much!

As a health coach/corporate wellness change agent, you can play a pivotal role in creating healthy, vibrant work environments. The kind of work environment that creates the conditions for healthy, happy employees – employees who bring their best selves to work, have a “growth mindset,” and take ownership of both personal and corporate well-being, the pre-cursors for thriving employees and organizations.

YOU can help make a difference!

Kelly Goodwin, CWWA and Number Ten employees, Heart and Stroke Big Bike Race

Workplace Wellness is a very multi-dimensional and comprehensive industry. As Corporate Wellness Change Agents, to effectively serve the varied needs of both organizations and their employees, you will be likely be involved in a broad range of wellness solutions addressing Physical, Emotional, Career, Social, Financial and Community Well-being to name a few.

5 Strategies for Moving into Corporate Wellness

There are numerous success strategies that can help health coaches position themselves for lucrative and rewarding employment/contract opportunities across the globe.
Engaging in the following will help prepare and successfully position you for a variety of corporate wellness opportunities with your employer or client organizations.

1. Certification training and skill development

Developing your knowledge, skills, and resources in corporate wellness through a comprehensive, experiential-based training program will catapult you ahead of the competition and effectively prepare you for employment and consulting opportunities in this industry.

2. Network – build relationships – identify Workplace Wellness opportunities

  • Join community and professional networking groups – offer to present at their meetings (Lunch and Learns are a great option).
  • Network and build relationships using social media groups such as LinkedIn
  • Prepare and share corporate wellness related articles with LinkedIn and other contacts to nurture professional relationships and help establish you as an expert or leader in the field
  • Post your articles in LinkedIn Pulse or Huffington Post (be sure to insert a short bio)


Promotional display by Stephanie Flanders-Martin, CMWA at a professional networking meeting.


3. Utilize compelling marketing resources and strategies

  • YOUR USP – unique selling proposition (i.e. 30 Second Marketing Pitch)
  • Professionally prepared bio page
  • Corporate Wellness targeted resumes
  • Professional print or digital brochures
  • Customized, employer-specific proposals

4. Identify employer wellness needs and present targeted solutions

  • Research employer prospects via websites, LinkedIn pages, and industry articles
  • Identify employer/employee pain points via face-to-face Discovery Meeting(s)
  • Engage “Consultative Selling” techniques in Discovery Meetings (i.e. to understand their needs before selling your programs or services to them)
  • Prepare and deliver in-person presentation(s) of employer-centric, results-oriented corporate wellness solution
  • Follow up with employer(s) every few weeks – it can often take up to ten or more touch points and follow-ups to get them to realize the merits/necessity of workplace wellness for their organization and the value of your programs and services.

Don’t give up! Remember, they need YOU, even if they have not realized it yet – they will. Be patient and keep the lines of communication open with them!


 5. Develop customizable Workplace Wellness toolkits

To prepare and position yourself for future corporate wellness contracts or employment opportunities you will want to have a comprehensive set of customizable workplace wellness assessments/evaluations, audits, policy templates, Lunch and Learns and Wellness campaigns, etc. in your toolkit. Having a robust corporate wellness toolkit at your fingertips will help you to be professionally ready, prepared, and confident in your interviews/presentations and enable you to hit the ground running when an employer is ready to interview or hire you!

In closing, there has never been a better time to consider a career as a “Corporate Wellness Change Agent”! As emphasized, employers/employees, need you, you just have to show them how much!

About the Author:
“Lisa Kelly, President, Kelly Wellness Consulting Inc., has been cultivating healthy changes within workplaces and with personal clients for over 20 years. Through her “Workplace Wellness Ambassador Certification Programs,” Lisa’s mission is to create an innovative and collaborative landscape for global workplace wellness that fosters employee-driven, results-oriented wellness solutions benefiting employers, employees, and communities at large.”



Note: This post includes an affiliate link which means if you make a purchase, I may earn a commission. I only recommend programs and services I believe in, but do your own research to determine what’s best for you.