Best Of: How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Want

Best Of: How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Want

Best Of: How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Want

It’s easy to think we know what our ideal clients want but oftentimes we use words and phrases that they aren’t using, so there is a big disconnect in the messaging to attract the people you want to help.  One common example of this we see quite often is thinking something along the lines that our clients want “a more vibrant and healthy life” when that’s not what they’re thinking at all because that’s very broad and pretty general. They’re thinking about something much more tangible, measurable and/or specific, and that’s why understanding what they truly want can make all the difference in how many clients enroll in your programs.  People want something concrete if they are going to make an investment. 

We’re bringing back an episode we did a while back that shares 3 simple ways to find out what your ideal clients truly want, so you can – A. Attract more of your ideal clients and B.  Have more paying clients. 

You’ll use the information you gather in places such as your website, sales pages, landing pages for your free offers. You can also use it for some of your free content such as blog posts, podcast episodes, and social media content, including videos.

The good news is that this is actually really easy to do, and we’ll kick things off with #1: 

1. Your Facebook group.  If you have a Facebook group or any other online community, you can find out a ton of information about your ideal clients there.  The first way to utilize your group to find out what your ideal clients want is to use the membership questions feature to screen people before you approve them to join.  When you go to your admin tools section of your Facebook group, you’ll see the option for ‘membership questions’.  You can ask up to 3 questions, and one of them should give prospective members the opportunity to share their top struggles and challenges with you.  A simple question to ask would be “What is your biggest struggle with ______________.”  So, if your niche is helping women balance menopausal symptoms naturally, it could read something like this: “What is your biggest struggle with your menopausal symptoms.”   This should be a one very short, concise question, so people know how to answer it.  You want to keep track of the answers and look for common words and phrases they’re using to describe the problem.  One way to keep track of these answers is to use Google sheets, and you can just copy and paste the answers. When you use the same words that your audience is using, they are going to feel like you really understand them, and that helps them see you as a possible solution.   

Another way to use your Facebook group to find out what your ideal clients want is to use occasional polls, direct question posts and paying close attention to questions that are posted and conversations that are going on.  Polls aren’t the best because they aren’t open-ended questions, but if you’re narrowing down some options, it can be helpful to get some input.   For example, if your niche is related to gluten-free living, a poll question could be: What would you say is your biggest frustration when it comes to eating a gluten-free diet?  Poll answer #1.  Finding affordable food options. 2. Preparing meals.  3. Eating out.  Then allow people to add their own answer if there is something else that is a top struggle for them that’s different than the choices you list.   

A direct question post would be where you ask a question which can give you more information than a poll.  You can ask the same question I just mentioned about “What is your biggest frustration when it comes to eating a gluten-free diet?” but leave it as a regular post and people can add their answer in the comments. 

Facebook groups are great because most of the members already have a level of trust with you, so they will feel comfortable being open to sharing their answers.

2. Discovery Calls: Yes, these calls are designed to enroll clients, but they are also meant to find out what your clients really want and see if you are a good fit to help them.  Discovery calls are going to give you the most detailed an in-depth information. This is why really listening during these calls and taking notes is critical.  When you ask the right questions, you are going to get invaluable market research about where they are struggling the most, how they are feeling about it, what they actually want and why they want it.  Most people will open up to you during this call and you’ll get a lot more detailed information, you’ll hear their tone of voice and emotions, and you’ll have the chance to ask follow-up questions if you need clarification. 

Asking questions such as: What is your biggest struggle with this right now?  What has been the biggest roadblock for you?  How would it feel if you reached your goal or had this problem solved?  can give you a ton of great insights into what they really want and why.

If you want a complete step-by-step discovery call script, so you have more great questions to ask, you can download my free Ultimate Health Coach Toolkit which also includes a Food Diary, Meal Planning Worksheet, Exercise Log, Coaching Session Template and more. 

3. Surveys to your email list.

Surveys are another great option for gathering information about your target audience.  You’ll get a lot more responses when you offer an incentive. We’ve done this several times with great success and we like to offer Amazon gift cards because everyone likes them.  You can offer two $25 gift cards and let people know you will be choosing two winners at random – include the deadline of when they need to complete the survey and pick a date then you’ll announce the winners. 

You can use for this if you want, and make sure one of the questions you ask is for their email address, so you can notify them and send the eGift card. Even though survey monkey is a paid service, it’s the easiest way we’ve found to use surveys. 

You don’t have to limit this to just your email subscribers since you can also share the survey link on social media and in your Facebook group.

Your survey doesn’t have to be super involved.  You can ask 3-5 questions to find out what their biggest struggle is that relates to your niche, what they have already tried, how is it impacting their life and what are their top 1-2 goals.   

Start with whichever of the 3 options we shared seems easiest to you right now and you add more later if you want.    

Let’s recap the 3 ways to find out what your ideal clients want:

  1. Your Facebook group – screening questions, polls, direct questions
  2. Discovery Calls
  3. Surveys to your email list

These are all great ways to do market research.

Take the information you gather and compare it to your current messaging and see where you can make some changes and/or additions to make it really grab the attention of the people you are trying to reach. Remember, you aren’t trying to attract everyone – you only want to get the attention of your dream clients. This will take a little time to figure out, but it will be so worth it because you’ll be enrolling more clients. 

Be sure to download my FREE Ultimate Health Coach Toolkit with 7 essential health coaching resources, including a detailed outline/script for your discovery calls.

Resources and Links mentioned on the show:

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BEST OF: How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group

BEST OF: How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group

BEST OF: How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group

Hosting a Facebook group for your coaching business can be a great way to build trust with your audience, position yourself as an expert and get new clients when it’s done the right way.  In order for your group to work as client generating strategy, there are a few key pieces you need to have in place.

We’re bringing back an episode we did earlier this year, and if you have a Facebook group or you want to start one, AND you want to get clients from it, this will be super helpful for you.

We cover a lot, including:

  • The #1 thing your group must have in place if you want to attract the right members – your ideal clients.
  • What you want to include in your group if you want people to connect with you and trust you as soon as they join.
  • The common missing piece in most groups that is the top reason you aren’t getting more clients and how to fix it.

Want to accelerate the growth of your group? Download your free PDF guide called 10 Free Ways to Grow Your Facebook Group.

In this episode, we’re sharing 3 ways to get more clients from your Facebook group. 

Let’s kick it off with strategy #1

1. Be very clear about who you help and how you help them.

Can people tell right away who your group is for and what you do? This comes into play several ways including the name of your group and the type of content you share. Having a successful FB group comes down to having a defined group name and theme that will attract the right people and allow members to get to know you and see you as a knowledgeable and trustworthy expert.

If people join a general health and wellness group, they could be looking for any number of solutions, including weight loss, managing diabetes, looking for ideas for exercise, ideas for managing their autoimmune condition or hormonal imbalances – the list goes on and on.  They could also be men or women of any age range. If you have this type of group and you offer your paid program that helps women over 50 balance their hormones to lose weight, you will have very few group members interested in joining because many of the people in your group are not your ideal clients.

BUT, when your group is very specific and clear about who it’s for, when you DO go to promote your paid offers, you’ll have more people signing up to work with you.

Think about the name of your group – is it very clear to people if it’s for them or not?

This will be a big help with coming up with content to share in the group, as well as topics for livestreams or any demos.

When you have the right people in your group, more members will invest in your paid programs when you offer them.

So, #1 is to have a clear group title and theme that will attract the people you want to help.

How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group
2. People need to get to know you before they invest! Video is the best way to do this.

If you think about the people that you follow on social media or the groups that you belong to, who are the ones you feel you know the most?  It’s almost certainly those who are doing video, right? Whether it’s live or recorded, it helps build a connection. You don’t really get to know people with just graphics, photos and motivational quotes – people want to know YOU as a person. When people feel a connection with you, they are much more likely to take the next step by working with you.

There are different places in your group where you can incorporate video and the first one is in the welcome video. A welcome video is important because for most of your new members, it will be their first impression of you and your community, and it sets the stage for how they will interact.  You can do a quick 1–2-minute video that welcomes them and lets them know what to expect and you look forward to getting know them – super easy.

Another important way to incorporate video is by livestreaming in the group. This is the most impactful way because people get to see you and interact with you in real time. This dramatically accelerates the know, like, trust factor.  Doing one livestream a month is a good place to start. That’s what I do because it’s very doable for me and I look forward to it each month.

When you are doing any type of longer form video such as livestreams, sprinkle in client success stories or how you helped a client with a specific problem, so it plants a seed and serves as a reminder about what you do without it being a sales pitch.   

3. Making offers frequently enough.

This is the missing piece in many groups because we know you don’t want to come across as being salesy – but if people don’t know what you do, how can they enroll in your paid programs?

The 80/20 rule is a good guideline to keep in mind with this. If 80% of the time, you’re showing up on a regular basis in the group with helpful information, building trust and rapport, giving support, you’ve earned the right to share your promotions and offers 20% of the time.

You’ll want to plan this out in your marketing strategy and whenever you are promoting a program to your email subscribers, make sure you are also sharing about it in your group.

How to Get More Clients from Your Facebook Group
Here are 3 ways to share your offers in your group:

  • Include an invitation to book a discovery call in the welcome post and share the link to your online calendar such as calendly.
  • Invite people to get one of your free resources that has an email follow-up sequence that leads to booking a call or enrolling in your coaching program, membership or other offer.
  • Make occasional time-sensitive offers. This could be that you have opened up additional spots for discovery calls this month or you have opened up X number of spots for new clients this month and share the link for how they can take action. You can also offer different bonuses throughout the year as an incentive.

The key is to be strategic and intentional with this, so you have it planned out as part of your marketing strategy.

Because I know another challenge health coaches have is growing their group, I have a great free resource to help you with this…

It’s my free checklist with 10 ways to grow your FB group without spending a penny on things like ads.

You’ll also learn my #1 secret tip to help you get more of the RIGHT people in your group (this is something besides making sure the name of your group is specific enough).

We can’t wait to hear how it goes with your group after you implement the tips we shared today!

Resources and Links mentioned on the show:

Let's Connect on Facebook:

Subscribe and listen to The Wellness Business Podcast on your favorite platform!

Best Of: How to Plan Out 30 Days of Your Social Media Content in One Hour or Less

Best Of: How to Plan Out 30 Days of Your Social Media Content in One Hour or Less

Best Of: How to Plan Out 30 Days of Your Social Media Content in One Hour or Less

We hear it all the time – “I know I should show up consistently on social media, but I don’t know what to post” or “I want to share helpful content on social media but it takes too much time.”

We totally get it, and if you’re nodding your head in agreement with either of those sentiments, you’re going to love this episode we’re bringing back about How to Plan Out 30 Days of Your Social Media Content in One Hour or Less.

Here’s what you’ll discover in this episode:

  • Why it’s important to have a variety of posts on social media
  • The 3 different categories of posts you should include
  • 5 examples of types of posts you can put on rotation every month
  • How to come up with 30 days or more worth of posts each and every month

If you want to be more consistent on social media, but it has just felt too time consuming to come up with ideas for posts and videos, tune in to find out how to simplify the process.

BTW…I have a free guide that covers what we’re going to talk about in more detail and it’s called Social Media Planning Made Easy. This is a handy guide you can refer back to over and over again with a ton of ideas for coming up with social media posts, including 16 ideas for posts that you can put on rotation each month to build awareness, grow your email list AND convert followers to clients.

Strategy #1: Use a variety of posts.

Sharing a variety of posts on social media helps keep your feed interesting and more importantly, it keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more. Think about the people you follow and why you follow them. We get bored if we see the same types of posts on a feed over and over again, so you want to keep it interesting.

Let’s talk a little bit about your social media strategy before we go into specific ideas for your posts.

In addition to having a variety of posts, you want to keep the customer journey in mind with your content. We talk about the customer journey a lot on this podcast because it’s so important. Think of the customer journey as a sales funnel where people go from just finding out about you all the way to eventually becoming a paying client. On social media, this means incorporating posts that will turn some of your followers into clients, rather than just posting for the sake of posting. Likes and comments are great but being intentional about what you’re posting will make a huge difference in your results.

Some posts should create awareness about you and your services, some should lead people to the next step with you by either joining your Facebook group, reading a blog post, downloading a free resource to get on your email list, or scheduling a discovery call, and some should directly lead to sales. The more touch points people have with you, the more they get to know you and trust you, and these are the people who are much more likely to enroll in your programs.

Needless to say, including video (live or recorded) as part of your content strategy is critical if you want to stand out and dramatically expedite the customer journey.

Strategy #2: There are 3 main categories of posts you want to include as part of your social media strategy

  • Awareness & Nurture – This is where people become aware of who you are and get to know, like and trust you. These posts can be informational or inspirational. These can also be posts that are humorous and relatable in some way.
  • Lead generation – Turning followers into subscribers by sharing your lead magnets (free offers).
  • Sales – Inviting people to enroll in your paid programs. This will either be with a free discovery call or strategy session for 1-on-1 coaching or directly to your group online program if you have one. 

So, Awareness & Nurture, lead generation and sales are your categories. Use a mix of these posts throughout the month, and notice which posts get the most engagement, responses and results and do more of those. 

Here are 5 examples of types of posts you can put on rotation to get you started and I include a total of 16 examples in my free guide:

  1. Quote graphics – these are great because they tend to get a lot of shares which can get you in front of new people. (Awareness/nurture category)
  2. Behind the scenes with you – what are you working on or what is your latest find that you love. People also love sneak peeks of things. You can share that you are working on a new program a webinar, or a challenge, for example. (Awareness/nurture category)
  3. Share a success story about you or a client – this makes what you do come to life when you share stories about how your life changed or the life of your client. (Awareness/nurture category)
  4. Promote your freebies to grow your email list  – remember that social media is where people find you and you want to connect off of social to build trust and invite people to work with you. (Lead generation)
  5. Book a call with you – the #1 way you are going to get clients will be through free calls, so the more you do, the more clients you will have. (Sales)

The Difference Between Your Free and Paid Content

Strategy #3: Come up with 8-12 core pillars of content

Make a list of 8-12 topics that are related to your services or coaching program. The key here is to use topics that tie into how you help your clients, so the more specific, the better. Using a Google Sheet for this is helpful, so you have it one place to refer to and you can continue to add more ideas as they come to you.

Once you have your 8-12 core pillars, break those up into smaller topics until you have at least 5 for each pillar (8 pillars x 5 smaller topics will give you 40 different topics. If you have 12 pillars with 5 topics, you have 60). 

Here’s an example of what this could look like: If your niche is helping moms who have food sensitivities transition to a gluten free diet, what 8-12 main topics would you cover with your audience that tie into your offers and coaching programs?  Consider some of the common questions you get since these can be good topics too.

Here are 8 examples of pillars of content for this niche that you can break down into smaller topics:

  1. Hidden sources of gluten
  2. Meal planning when you’re the only one in your family who is GF
  3. How to avoid cross contamination in the kitchen
  4. How to shop GF on a budget
  5. Eating out while traveling
  6. Gluten free baking tips
  7. How to eat healthy while GF (some GF food is junk food)
  8. What to do if you consumed gluten by mistake

When you start using the pillar content strategy, coming up with content for social media will be so much easier and you can do this in one hour or less each month.

The other great thing is that it also helps you focus on topics that are centered around not just your zone of genius, but also topics that relate to your niche and the programs you offer.

If you open up a Google sheet, you can add your 8-12 pillars of content across the top, and then list your topics down each column and add to them as you go. Another option is to create a new tab in your Google sheet for each pillar.  You can also use Trello or Evernote if you prefer. You just want to keep a running list, so you can continue to add to it as ideas strike, so whatever tech works for you is fine. 

Remember to repurpose your content. For example, one topic can be used for a story, a video or livestream and a static post.

If you have 8 pillars and you have at least 5 topics in each one, you are set for more than 40 days because you likely don’t post 7 days a week. Maybe you post 5 days a week, so 40 posts would be 8 weeks of content.  You can add or change pillars as you go.  If you can only think of 3-5, start there. 

You want to include the 3 categories we mentioned too:  Awareness & Nurture, Lead and Sales.  So, when you add in posts for those, you’re going to have so much content ready to go.

You have to write out the posts or video outline, but that’s usually the easy part – keep it short, sweet and helpful and imagine your post is only for your ideal client – it’s not for everyone. Imagine you are writing to one person.

Are you feeling a bit more enthused about this now? We hope so.


Let’s recap what we covered about how to plan out 30 days of your social media content in one hour or less each month.

Strategy #1: Use a variety of posts.

Strategy #2: There are 3 main categories of posts you want to include as part of your social media strategy:  Attract & Nurture, Lead generation and sales.

Strategy #3: Come up with 8-12 core pillars of content.

BONUS TIP:  You can schedule your posts ahead of time with a scheduling app like Planoly which works with Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, or MeetEdgar for FB and IG. You can also google “social media scheduling apps” and look at more options.

Be sure to download your free copy of my guide, Social Media Planning Made Easy. It’s going to save you so much time and help you come up with better content that moves your ideal client along on their customer journey.  You’ll also learn the #1 secret to getting engagement on your posts. 

Resources and Links mentioned on the show:

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Subscribe and listen to The Wellness Business Podcast on your favorite platform!

BEST OF: 5 Ways to Market Your Health Coaching Business

BEST OF: 5 Ways to Market Your Health Coaching Business

BEST OF: 5 Ways to Market Your Health Coaching Business

One of the top struggles we know most wellness business owners have is knowing how to market their business, so they can get a steady flow of new clients. Since this is such an important topic, we are bringing back an episode we did a few months ago that shares 5 simple but effective marketing strategies you can start using right now.

Marketing can be kept very simple, especially in the beginning as you’re testing things out and you’re feeling more confident about your niche and your skills as a coach. You don’t need a complicated 5-step sales funnel or any high-tech tools to be successful. You just need to make a plan that includes some foundational concepts and be consistent.  Just like everything else, you’re going to keep learning as you go, so be patient with yourself and realize that not everything you try is going to be home run, and it’s all part of the process to test and experiment.

Before we cover the 5 strategies, it goes without saying that you must first be clear on who your ideal client is – your niche, so your marketing and your messaging is reaching the right people. You want people to know right away if you are for them or not. You don’t need a build a huge audience, you just need to build an audience of people who want what YOU are offering. 

If you are still working on narrowing down your niche, be sure to check out episode 265 where we covered 3 Simple Steps to Validate Your Niche Marketing Message.

Let’s start with strategy #1 – Publish content on a regular basis.

Share content on social media and email that is related to your niche and how you help people. The most effective form of content is video because it helps people get to know you much quicker than just image posts.  Not all of your posts have to be video, but you want to include it as part of your strategy. Short form video such as Reels are good for reaching more people and allowing others to find you when you use trending music and hashtags. Pick 1-2 social media platforms and go all in rather than dabbling in a few and not being consistent. 

Other forms of content are good too such as blogs and podcasts. 

TIP #1: Focus on the forms of content you have time for right now and that you will enjoy the most.  The most important part of the success of your content is being consistent, so make a plan you can stick with on a regular basis – whatever that looks like for you. 

TIP #2 – Repurpose your content – you can use your blog content for part of your emails, social media posts, and vice versa.  One topic can be broken up in several ways to be used in multiple places in different formats.   

2. Have an opt-in on your website to collect email addresses.

Growing your email list will be one of the most important things you do for your business and it will also be a key indicator in the profitability of your business. When you’re feeling discouraged about your reach on social media and/or the algorithm changes again, you are still in control of your email list and no one can take that away from you.  Even if your email open rate is 20%, that is still much higher than your reach on social media.

We recommend you have your opt-in showing on your home page, and also use a pop-up opt-in if possible. A pop-up opt-in is where your free offer pops up after people are on your website for a certain amount of time. At a minimum, be sure to have your free offer on your home page towards the top, so visitors see it as soon as they land on your page.

If you don’t have a website yet, that’s okay. You can still promote your freebies on social media to grow your email list. You can use something like MailerLite where the free version includes email management for up to 1,000 subscribers as well as landing page templates for your freebies and sales pages. Having a website is not a must as you get started, so don’t let that hold you back.   

5 Ways to Market Your Health Coaching Business

3.  Email your subscribers weekly, if possible, so you stay top of mind.

You may know this is a good idea, but you might be wondering what your emails be about.  Topics, can be taken from your social media posts, and it can also come from questions you get from clients or prospects, any myths you want to bust or common misconceptions about your area of expertise are some ideas to consider. 

Most people will not be ready to work with you when they first get your freebie or follow up sequence, so this is why keeping top of mind is so important. If people opt in for your free offer and they don’t hear from you for 2-3 months, when they do get an email from you, they are likely to unsubscribe because they don’t remember who you are. 

4. Host a Facebook group or other online community.

One of my zones of genius and favorite topics to talk about is Facebook groups, and that’s because you get to build a community around your area of expertise. A Facebook group is different than a Facebook business page because your group is where people will gather, hang out and interact with other people – they aren’t doing that one business pages.  Your group is also where people get to know you, and you get to know them and find out more about what they want and where they struggle. This is important for your marketing and for ideas for your content – for your free content as well as ideas for your coaching programs and other offers.  Some ideas for this podcast come from questions in the groups that Karen and I host.  They sometimes also give us ideas for webinar topics and other offers.  When you can find out where your ideal clients struggle the most and you find out more about their Why – that’s priceless. 

If you want to host your own Facebook group but you aren’t sure how to run one, and how to get your ideal clients to join, my Group Accelerator mini course, walks you through everything you need to know, step by step.  You’ll learn how to grow a highly engaged group that turns members into clients, and the mini course is 50% off right now. 

5. Be a guest on podcasts

One of the best ways to grow your audience and your following is to leverage other people’s audiences, and podcasting is one great example of this. We did an entire episode all about how to get booked on podcasts, including how to research podcasts for possible guest opportunities. It was back on episode 89.  If you set a goal to get on one podcast a month, you would be amazed at the growth of your business in a few short months. Plus, it allows you to make new connections with the hosts and you never know what opportunities can come from that.  Sometimes, another podcast host will hear your interview and they may reach out to have you on their show too.

Before that imposter syndrome creeps up, just know that you don’t have to know everything to be a podcast guest – just focus on that topics you are most passionate about and feel the most comfortable talking about.  Of course, you want the topics to be related to your niche, but you can be newer at what you do and still be a great guest who can share helpful information.

Where can you begin?

Don’t let this overwhelm you; start with one thing for now and do that until you can add something else.  Maybe you aren’t able to outsource anything at the moment, and that’s okay too. When you are able to, hire a virtual assistant or social media manager who can take some of these tasks off your plate.  A virtual assistant can even help research potential podcasts for you to be on.

We can’t wait to hear where you are in the process and what strategies you can add or be more consistent with in the coming months. 

Resources and Links mentioned on the show:

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The Formula for Getting Clients Through Social Media in 2023

The Formula for Getting Clients Through Social Media in 2023

The Formula for Getting Clients Through Social Media in 2023

Are you spending hours on social media every week but you’re not getting clients?

If you aren’t having much success getting clients from social media, it’s likely because there are a few missing pieces in your strategy or maybe you don’t really have much of an actual strategy except for posting content to check it off the old to-do list.

The good news is that by implementing a few key changes, you can turn things around and start getting clients each and every month, even if you don’t have thousands and thousands of followers yet.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • The #1 thing you must have in place to stand out and attract the right audience
  • How to lead followers to the next step in the customer journey, so they move closer to becoming a client
  • How to create content that will attract the right people and have them coming back to your account day after day
  • The social media content format that isn’t optional in 2023

And more!

If you’re ready to deploy a strategy that will help you get more clients from social media, this is the episode for you.

Here’s what’s important to remember; social media is not the final destination but it’s a starting point to allow people to connect with you and find out more about you and what your business has to offer. Social media is usually the starting point of the customer journey where people first learn about you, and you have to map out what the next steps are that will move people along the customer journey – all the way to becoming a client.  This can take time and the more you plan it out, the better results you’ll see.

A common mistake people make with their social media is posting content just to check something off their to-do list, but there is no real strategy in place as far as how to lead people to the next step and turn them into paying clients, and that’s what we’re going to help you with today.

Here are 5 things to implement with your social media strategy, so you can start seeing dramatically better results quickly: 

#1. Have a clear and specific niche, so you stand out and attract the RIGHT people – not just everyone and anyone.  You don’t want to attract the masses on social media, and you don’t need your posts to go viral because it will likely reach a ton of people who are not your ideal clients.  Narrowing in on who you help and what problem you help them solve, will help you know what type of content to create, so you can get the attention of the folks you can help.

You want to get clarity on WHO you help, what problem you help them solve and HOW you help them – the process or system you use.  When you go from sharing more general information to specialty-specific content, you’ll attract more of your ideal clients and that’s what you want.

This is something we spend a lot of time on with our Wellness Business Accelerator students because it’s really such a huge foundational piece
of a successful business. Enrollment ended last week, but you can get on the wait list for later this fall if you want more information about joining us – go to and you’ll be able to get on the VIP wait list there.

#2. The second thing that is important to keep in mind is the customer journey.  What is a next step followers can take to get to know you more? You want to think about these steps as touchpoints or micro steps – and each one helps people get to know more about you and if you are the person to help them.  The more people get to know you AND understand how you might be able to help them, the more likely they are to sign up for your programs – it all starts with trust.  Examples of this include a next step such as: Join your Facebook group, sign up for one of your free resources, read one of your blog posts, join a challenge, watch one of your videos, book a discovery call, join your program. How are you incorporating the customer journey right now and how often are you directing people to another touchpoint?  You want to do this at least twice a week if possible.

#3. Come up with 5-7 content pillars or categories of posts that are related to your niche, so when people visit your social media accounts and they see your first few posts, they can instantly tell what you are about and who you help (this can also help you stay ‘on topic’ with your content). These pillars or categories will be you go-to content ideas that will grow and evolve over time. The better your content is, the more devoted followers you will have. I do this by using a Google sheet, and I have columns with the content pillar names at the top, and then my social media team and I fill in the topics that are related to that pillar or category. It makes it so much easier to keep things organized this way and it also makes it easier to know what type of content to cover. If your niche is helping people with gluten sensitivity, transition to a gluten-free lifestyle, an example of 5 content pillars that could work.

        1. Hidden sources of gluten in food and personal care products
        2. Meal planning when you’re the only one in your family who is GF
        3. How to avoid cross contamination in the kitchen
        4. How to shop GF on a budget
        5. Eating GF while traveling

Keep in mind that each pillar is broken down into smaller bite size topics, so the pillar about Eating out while traveling could cover many different posts such as:  how to prepare snacks for the road, preparing snacks for the plane, scouting out the grocery stores and restaurants near your destination, what GF apps to use, and so on.

This is something else we go into in great detail inside the WBA in the lesson on Turning SM Followers into Paying Clients, so if you didn’t join us in the WBA last week, be sure to get on the waitlist at  so you can  join us next time.

#4. Incorporate video into your social media strategy, so people can instantly connect with you and get a sense of your personality.  Video really isn’t optional in 2023 if you want to stand out and build your business. People want to work with those they feel like they know and trust, and video is the quickest and most effective way to do it. Start simply with stories, reels or other recorded video format to get practice and build your confidence. Think about the people you follow and the accounts you like, chances are, they are doing video on a regular basis, and you feel like you have a connection with them, right?  You want to do the same for your audience. How many vides are you doing each week?  It doesn’t have to be all of your content because some people prefer to read content, but 1-2 videos each week will help you reach more people and allow your followers to get to know you.  I find doing 1-2 reels each week is doable, and I do some face to camera stories as well as one livestream in my Facebook group each month.  That works for me, so find what works for you – it may be more, or it might be less – but start where you can and grow from there.

#5: This is a big one! Make offers on a regular basis (discovery calls, joining your group program or membership).   

Okay, be honest – how often are you sharing offers to work with you?  Most coaches aren’t doing this nearly often enough, and it’s one of the main reasons they aren’t getting more clients.  It would be great if our followers just clicked on our bio and booked a call without a prompt, but the truth is that our audience needs reminders about what we do, who we help, client success stories, testimonials – this takes some time, so being consistent with this is super important. 

Are you mentioning your paid programs or client success stories at least once a week?  One way to do this is to sprinkle in short stories about progress a client made or a goal they achieved. Don’t use their name, but you can say something like “I was just speaking with one of my clients last week and she was so excited to tell me she was able to fit into the jeans she had pushed way back into the back of the closet because she didn’t think she’d be ever to wear them again.”  You can share quick wins your clients have had, and then say “If you’d like to see if we would be a good fit to work together, click the link below to book a free discovery call”.  Easy, breezy, right?


Here are 5 things to implement with your social media strategy to see better results and start getting clients:

  1. Have a clear and specific niche, so you stand out and attract the RIGHT people – not just everyone and anyone.
  2. Keep the customer journey in mind.
  3. Come up with 5-7 ‘content pillars’.
  4. Incorporate video into your strategy.
  5. Make offers on a regular basis.

What is one thing you can start this week?

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