The Lead Magnet-Niche Connection & How to Audit Yours for Higher Conversions

The Lead Magnet-Niche Connection & How to Audit Yours for Higher Conversions

The Lead Magnet-Niche Connection & How to Audit Yours for Higher Conversions

On this episode, we’re discussing the lead magnet-niche connection which means confirming your lead magnet is closely aligned with your ideal clients, so you are getting more of the right people on your email list. More ideal client subscribers mean more people enrolling in your coaching programs, so this is an important piece of the puzzle.

What we’re sharing is a 3-phase process for auditing your lead magnet. It’s our proven approach for helping our coaching clients align their lead magnet with their niche resulting in the maximum number of ideal client subscribers to their list.

Phase 1 – Choosing a Niche.

Our philosophy for choosing a niche boils down to three simple things:

  • Who you help
  • How you help
  • And the transformation that you offer

Back on episode 216 we covered: 3 Simple Steps to Nailing Your Niche. If this is something that you’re still struggling with or feel like you need additional fine tuning, this would be a great episode to check out.

Before your dream clients feel that you are the coach for them, you have to be clear yourself about what you do and who you help. Your marketing message should leave potential clients saying “yes” this is for me or “no” it is not. If they are left wondering and unsure what you do, that means you have work to do.

For the rest of this episode, we’re going to assume that you have your niche dialed in to what we refer to as a marketable ideal client.

Phase 2 – Choosing a lead magnet that aligns with your niche statement.

We’ve found that most coaches create freebies with the intention of getting the highest number of people to download it. So, they tend to offer something that is more of general health information that appeals to the masses vs. a niche specific lead magnet.

While that may or may not grow your email list more quickly, it overlooks the ultimate goal of getting the ‘right’ people on your email list. Those that are actually interested in what you have to offer – your coaching services or coaching program.

Think of your lead magnet as a stepping stone commitment from a potential client between them finding you for the first time and them enrolling in your program. That conversion rate will be much higher if that steppingstone commitment, your lead magnet, is in alignment with your paid program.

Phase 3 – Audit Your Lead Magnet

1. Is your dream client aware of their challenge, are they searching for a solution, and do they have money to invest? This is what we call a marketable ideal client. Will your lead magnet teach them something specific related to your paid program?

2. Does your program/coaching services solve that challenge for them? Again, it’s important to confirm that the lead magnet you are offering is in some way related to your offer. That’s the stepping stone we were talking about earlier.

3. Is your lead magnet content connected to their challenge and can it give them a quick win? A quick win means that they can quickly and easily implement what they learn from your lead magnet and get a result that inspires them and has them excited to learn more.

4. Is your lead magnet content part of your actual program? This is the simplest way to create a lead magnet that is guaranteed to be in alignment with your program. Just take a small piece of your program and turn it into a free download. A resource guide, checklist, cheat sheet, etc. are all great options.

5. Does your lead magnet title clearly identify who it’s for vs. general health? (Ask 5 friends/family to read the title and tell you what it is and who it’s for)

Here are a few examples of client-specific lead magnets:

  • 7-Day Meal Plan for Managing Diabetes
  • 10 Tips for Reducing Stress and Anxiety without Medication
  • Bloat-Free Baking Guide for Women with IBS

In each of these examples it’s very clear who it’s for. In example #1, it’s people with diabetes. In example two it’s people suffering from stress and anxiety. In example three it’s women with IBS.

6. Are you promoting your lead magnet consistently and on all channels, (social bios, social posts, website home page, website popup, about me page, groups) with clear language so they are clear it is for them? If the answer is yes, is your email list steadily growing? There is no better test for your lead magnet then putting it out there to grow your list. If people are joining then more than likely it’s dialed in but if no one is taking action chances are you have work to do.

5) Recap

Now that you’ve been through the audit process, it’s time to analyze your answers. Where can you make changes that will improve your content and/or results? If you aren’t consistently growing your email list each month then there is a disconnect somewhere. Keep making changes until you have a lead magnet that is growing your list with your marketable ideal client AND the people on your list are also becoming paying clients.

If you need support in creating a lead magnet that is perfect for your dream clients I have a guide that will help. It’s called: Create an Irresistible Client-Attracting Freebie in 60 Minutes – A Lead Magnet Template for Coaches.


We will be opening the doors to the Wellness Business Accelerator next month, and if you want to know as soon as enrollment opens, be sure to join our VIP waitlist here.  This is our signature program where we walk you through how to reach your ideal clients online and consistently enroll new clients within 60 days. We’d love to have you join us! 

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Best Of: How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Want

Best Of: How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Want

Best Of: How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Want

It’s easy to think we know what our ideal clients want but oftentimes we use words and phrases that they aren’t using, so there is a big disconnect in the messaging to attract the people you want to help.  One common example of this we see quite often is thinking something along the lines that our clients want “a more vibrant and healthy life” when that’s not what they’re thinking at all because that’s very broad and pretty general. They’re thinking about something much more tangible, measurable and/or specific, and that’s why understanding what they truly want can make all the difference in how many clients enroll in your programs.  People want something concrete if they are going to make an investment. 

We’re bringing back an episode we did a while back that shares 3 simple ways to find out what your ideal clients truly want, so you can – A. Attract more of your ideal clients and B.  Have more paying clients. 

You’ll use the information you gather in places such as your website, sales pages, landing pages for your free offers. You can also use it for some of your free content such as blog posts, podcast episodes, and social media content, including videos.

The good news is that this is actually really easy to do, and we’ll kick things off with #1: 

1. Your Facebook group.  If you have a Facebook group or any other online community, you can find out a ton of information about your ideal clients there.  The first way to utilize your group to find out what your ideal clients want is to use the membership questions feature to screen people before you approve them to join.  When you go to your admin tools section of your Facebook group, you’ll see the option for ‘membership questions’.  You can ask up to 3 questions, and one of them should give prospective members the opportunity to share their top struggles and challenges with you.  A simple question to ask would be “What is your biggest struggle with ______________.”  So, if your niche is helping women balance menopausal symptoms naturally, it could read something like this: “What is your biggest struggle with your menopausal symptoms.”   This should be a one very short, concise question, so people know how to answer it.  You want to keep track of the answers and look for common words and phrases they’re using to describe the problem.  One way to keep track of these answers is to use Google sheets, and you can just copy and paste the answers. When you use the same words that your audience is using, they are going to feel like you really understand them, and that helps them see you as a possible solution.   

Another way to use your Facebook group to find out what your ideal clients want is to use occasional polls, direct question posts and paying close attention to questions that are posted and conversations that are going on.  Polls aren’t the best because they aren’t open-ended questions, but if you’re narrowing down some options, it can be helpful to get some input.   For example, if your niche is related to gluten-free living, a poll question could be: What would you say is your biggest frustration when it comes to eating a gluten-free diet?  Poll answer #1.  Finding affordable food options. 2. Preparing meals.  3. Eating out.  Then allow people to add their own answer if there is something else that is a top struggle for them that’s different than the choices you list.   

A direct question post would be where you ask a question which can give you more information than a poll.  You can ask the same question I just mentioned about “What is your biggest frustration when it comes to eating a gluten-free diet?” but leave it as a regular post and people can add their answer in the comments. 

Facebook groups are great because most of the members already have a level of trust with you, so they will feel comfortable being open to sharing their answers.

2. Discovery Calls: Yes, these calls are designed to enroll clients, but they are also meant to find out what your clients really want and see if you are a good fit to help them.  Discovery calls are going to give you the most detailed an in-depth information. This is why really listening during these calls and taking notes is critical.  When you ask the right questions, you are going to get invaluable market research about where they are struggling the most, how they are feeling about it, what they actually want and why they want it.  Most people will open up to you during this call and you’ll get a lot more detailed information, you’ll hear their tone of voice and emotions, and you’ll have the chance to ask follow-up questions if you need clarification. 

Asking questions such as: What is your biggest struggle with this right now?  What has been the biggest roadblock for you?  How would it feel if you reached your goal or had this problem solved?  can give you a ton of great insights into what they really want and why.

If you want a complete step-by-step discovery call script, so you have more great questions to ask, you can download my free Ultimate Health Coach Toolkit which also includes a Food Diary, Meal Planning Worksheet, Exercise Log, Coaching Session Template and more. 

3. Surveys to your email list.

Surveys are another great option for gathering information about your target audience.  You’ll get a lot more responses when you offer an incentive. We’ve done this several times with great success and we like to offer Amazon gift cards because everyone likes them.  You can offer two $25 gift cards and let people know you will be choosing two winners at random – include the deadline of when they need to complete the survey and pick a date then you’ll announce the winners. 

You can use for this if you want, and make sure one of the questions you ask is for their email address, so you can notify them and send the eGift card. Even though survey monkey is a paid service, it’s the easiest way we’ve found to use surveys. 

You don’t have to limit this to just your email subscribers since you can also share the survey link on social media and in your Facebook group.

Your survey doesn’t have to be super involved.  You can ask 3-5 questions to find out what their biggest struggle is that relates to your niche, what they have already tried, how is it impacting their life and what are their top 1-2 goals.   

Start with whichever of the 3 options we shared seems easiest to you right now and you add more later if you want.    

Let’s recap the 3 ways to find out what your ideal clients want:

  1. Your Facebook group – screening questions, polls, direct questions
  2. Discovery Calls
  3. Surveys to your email list

These are all great ways to do market research.

Take the information you gather and compare it to your current messaging and see where you can make some changes and/or additions to make it really grab the attention of the people you are trying to reach. Remember, you aren’t trying to attract everyone – you only want to get the attention of your dream clients. This will take a little time to figure out, but it will be so worth it because you’ll be enrolling more clients. 

Be sure to download my FREE Ultimate Health Coach Toolkit with 7 essential health coaching resources, including a detailed outline/script for your discovery calls.

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Feeling Like Your Coaching Business is Stuck? 3 Ideas for Giving It a Boost

Feeling Like Your Coaching Business is Stuck? 3 Ideas for Giving It a Boost

Feeling Like Your Coaching Business Is Stuck? 3 Ideas for Giving it a Boost

​There are times in every business when things seem hard or confusing, and it’s often at the very beginning because there is so much to figure out. If you’re in a place right now where you’re feeling stuck, we have 3 ideas that can help.

Even though Karen and I have each been in business for about 10 years, there are still times when things don’t go as planned and we have to take a step back to evaluate what happened and figure out how we can improve for next time. It’s all part of the process.

Today, we’re going to cover 3 specific areas of your marketing that you want to look at closely because these are the most common places where we see coaches struggle.

We see it with coaches in our Facebook groups and we see it with coaches when they first join our Wellness Business Accelerator program – our signature course that teaches a proven system for reaching your ideal clients online and consistently enrolling new clients within 60 days. We’ll be opening the doors to the WBA on Monday, April 17th, and if you’d like to be notified when the doors open, just message me on Instagram here.

Let’s dive into the ideas for giving your business a boost.

When we look at the health coaches who are struggling to get clients, one thing we notice is: 

1. They don’t have a marketable ideal client.  A marketable ideal client is someone who:

    1. Knows they have a problem – they are aware of their struggle or issue.
    2. Wants to solve the problem – they are looking for a solution.
    3. Has money to invest into that solution – this is important, so you have people who are willing and ready to invest in the solution.

This is one of the first things we cover in the Wellness Business Accelerator because it’s so foundational and critical for reaching the people you want to help. Once coaches have this in place, everything else get easier because they are attracting the right people.

You could be trying to reach people on social media who may be aware of the problem they have (let’s say it’s high blood sugar) but they aren’t actively looking for a solution and they don’t have money to invest, so those people will never become paying clients no matter how amazing your marketing is or how often you show up for them. These people definitely need help but until they are ready and willing to invest in solving the problem by hiring you they aren’t the people you are trying to connect with.

One way to solve this problem and make sure you are attracting the right people that have all of the attributes of a marketable ideal client is to be very clear in your messaging and the content you create – are you speaking to the people who already know they have a problem, they are looking for a solution and they are ready to take action because they have money to invest?

So, you could choose a niche, but you also want to be sure it’s a marketable ideal client.  We cover all of this in the WBA to make it easy.

Another common struggle coaches have is:

2. Not getting the attention of their dream clients on social media.  This is typically due to 3 reasons:

    1. Not speaking clearly with the words and phrases your ideal clients are using – you’re using industry jargon or words they are not actually using so there is a disconnect
    2. Not creating content around their pain points – maybe you’re covering more general content but it’s not specific to your niche
    3. No clear theme in your content creation strategy – you’re posting graphics and other content but there is no real path for taking followers to the next step of the customer journey which leads them to working with you.

Let’s look at not speaking clearly with the words and phrases your ideal clients are using because this is very common.  One example would be if your niche was helping women improve their menopausal symptoms through diet and lifestyle.  These women may be thinking about their frustration with hot flashes, waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, sudden weight gain around their waist and mood swings. If you’re focusing more on words like ‘balancing hormones and hormonal imbalances” they may not resonate with that because it’s not speaking to the pain points they have – it’s going over their heads. That doesn’t mean you can’t use those words in places like your sales page and other areas of you copy and your content, but you want to focus on using more of what they are already thinking and saying, so they can relate to you more and see that you may be the one to help them.  We covered this topic in detail on episode 296 about How to Find Out What Your Ideal Clients Really Want, so check that one out if you need help with this.

Remember, you’re not trying to reach the masses with your social media content. You are trying to get people to say, “Yes, this is for me” or “No, this is not for me”. You do that through creating content that speaks clearly and concisely about what you believe, your unique approach to solving their problem, and consistently inviting them to work with you.

Let’s move on to #3, which is…

3. Lack of consistency in making offers. This includes things such as:

    1. Opening and promoting spots on your calendar for discovery calls
    2. Opening the doors to your program/services at least once per quarter (open/close cart launch)

This is a big one! We know health coaches don’t want to come off as being salesy, but what often happens is the other extreme – they never or rarely ever promote their programs or invite people to book discovery calls. It would be amazing if our followers and subscribers automatically knew how we can help them, but they need reminders and they also need us to have direct calls to action such as how to book a call, how they can sign up to work with us, join a membership or other program.  There has to be an intentional strategy with this where you plan it out on social media, and you map out any launches or promotions you want to do.

How often are you making offers – inviting people to take the next step in one of your paid programs?  If you don’t have enough clients right now, chances are, you aren’t doing it often enough.  One of the things we love helping our Wellness Business Accelerator students accomplish while we are together is to do a deep dive into how to make offers, how to map out their launches and the best way to get your followers excited about working with you before you even open the doors.

We know there is a lot to learn when it comes to growing your business with online strategies such as social media and email list building, but the good news is you CAN learn exactly how to do it. We love sharing our proven strategies to systematize and scale your efforts so you’ll save time and we’ll help you get the best results in the shortest time possible.

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The Art of Attracting Ideal Clients: How to Define Your Target Market

The Art of Attracting Ideal Clients: How to Define Your Target Market

The Art of Attracting Ideal Clients: How to Define Your Target Market

Attracting ideal clients for your health coaching business starts with defining your target market, and having a good understanding of the problem they want solved or the goal they want to achieve.  A marketable ideal client is someone that knows they have a problem, want to solve that problem, is looking for a solution, and has money to invest to get access to the solution (your coaching program or other offer).

When you know who it is that you want to work with, you can be crystal clear in your marketing language so those people will be instantly attracted to you.

In today’s episode you’ll discover…

  • A limiting belief trap that many coaches fall into as it relates to defining their target market that holds them back from targeting the right people and enrolling clients.
  • Our signature formula designed to help you decide what makes an ideal client identity valuable in the sense that they can easily be converted from a follower into a paying client.
  • How to add layering to your target market that takes an otherwise vague ideal client identity to laser-focused and crystal clear so it’s easy for someone to say, “yes, that’s me.”

More than likely, you’ve heard us discuss the importance of defining your ideal client identity on some of our other podcast episodes. That’s because it truly is one of the most important decisions that you can make when starting your business. When you know who it is that you want to work with most you can be crystal clear in your marketing language so those people will be instantly attracted to you.

What we’re going to discuss today will be a new spin on this topic so we urge you to stick with us until the end of this episode. We’ve worked with hundreds of coaches inside our Wellness Business Accelerator program and we’ve helped many of them define their ideal client identity using a very special formula that we created.

Today we’re going to share part of the Wellness Business Accelerator program with you with a sneak peek into one of our lessons. What you’ll learn today comes from our lesson called: How to Finally Nail Your Niche Within 30 Days to Fill Your Program.

On a side note, we’ve been hard at work over the past few months updating our signature program with the very best and up-to-date information to support health coaches create and grow profitable coaching businesses. We think you’re going to find the formula we teach you today extremely valuable in choosing your target market which is why we want you to know that we’ll be opening the doors to the brand-new version of Wellness Business Accelerator in just a few weeks. We’re so very excited to share more of the juicy details with you over the next few weeks. Mark your calendar for April 3rd which is when we’ll be sending you a very special invitation to join us.

Let’s discuss what it takes to define your target market.

First, it takes a willingness on your part to narrow down who you want to work with from being vague and all-encompassing to one clearly defined group of people. We know that for many coaches that can feel scary because it feels like you’re leaving money on the table. Sadly, way too many coaches fall into that trap which is why they struggle to get clients. Here’s why…

Just for a moment put yourself in the shoes of your ideal client. Do you think they are looking for someone that is vague in who they help or someone that claims to be a jack of all trades? Or, do you think it’s more likely that they are looking for a specialist, someone that is an expert in one thing and one thing only?

Of course, they are looking for a specialist. We all are! When we are trying to solve a problem, we want to find a professional with the training and experience that makes them the best candidate to help us get to our end goal in the quickest way possible.

If that’s resonating with you, hang on because there’s more. We don’t want you to stop there when choosing your ideal client. There is another layer we want to share with you. It’s our own signature formula designed to help you decide what makes an ideal client identity valuable in the sense that they can easily be converted from a follower into a paying client.

It’s what we call a ‘marketable ideal client’.

A marketable ideal client is someone that knows they have a problem, want to solve that problem, is looking for a solution, and has money to invest to get access to the solution.

If they are missing any one of those characteristics you’ll struggle to convert them into paying customers.

For example, let’s say that the person has money to spend but doesn’t even realize they have a problem. There is no amount of marketing or persuasion that will get them to invest in your paid program.

Here’s another example. Imagine that they know they have a problem, would like to solve the problem, but aren’t really seeking a solution because they have limiting beliefs that it’ll be too hard or won’t work for them. This group of people will be equally difficult to convert into paying clients.

However, when they have all four characteristics: knows they have a problem, want to solve that problem, is looking for a solution, and has money to invest to get access to the solution, the likelihood you’ll enroll them in your paid program goes up significantly. At that point the sale is as close to being made as possible. You just have to ask for it.

Now let’s dive a little deeper with a couple more examples to make this concept as clear as possible.

When you’re choosing your target market, we encourage the coaches we work with to layer their client attributes as a way of zeroing in on the most profitable identity there is.

Layering can include:

  • Demographic information – age, gender, cultural background, or family status
  • Coaching specialty – diabetes, menopause, Alzheimer’s, intermittent fasting, ketogenic diet
  • Client career/profession – teachers, stay-at-home moms, shift workers

Each layer allows you to niche down further and further until you have a dialed in, laser-focused ideal client.

Let us give you some examples.

  • One coach we’ve worked with layers Ketogenic diet with Intermittent Fasting for Women. One without the other wouldn’t accurately describe the person she is looking to work with so the layering of the two attracts her dream clients and repels everyone else.
  • Another coach we’ve worked with layers support for Alzheimer’s with the Bredeson Protocol. She is certified to coach the Bredesen protocol so it sets her apart from any other coach that supports people with Alzheimer’s. Also, as she markets her business and people find her website those that are looking for someone certified in this protocol will be very interested in what she has to offer. She is layering her support of Alzheimer’s patients with her certification of the Bredesen protocol.
  • Finally, another example of layering comes from another coach that we’ve worked with and her niche statement is: I help women over 50 shape up and lose weight with at-home workouts and a whole foods approach! Her target market has many layers.

a) Women

b) Over 50

c) Want to lose weight

d) Likes the idea of at-home workouts

e) Support with a whole food approach

As you can see, she adds layers that narrow down her niche so it’s easy for someone to say yes that’s me, or no that’s not me. She is putting a stake in the ground saying she is the ‘specialist’ in this area. We love that!


Is your head spinning with possibilities? We hope so because defining your target market in this way will most definitely have more of those dream clients paying attention to you.

This formula is something we’ve successfully used to support hundreds of coaches to define their target market through the Wellness Business Accelerator program. Today we’ve just scratched the surface of how our lesson called – How to Finally Nail Your Niche Within 30 Days to Fill Your Program can help you define your profitable target market. When you join us in the WBA this lesson will also teach you our 3-Step Ideal Client Validation Process as well as the 4 categories your ideal client could fall into within your customer journey. We’ve helped hundreds of other coaches define their target market and we can help you too.

We hope you’re as excited as we are about the brand-new Wellness Business Accelerator program and how it will impact the success of your wellness business this year. As a quick reminder, mark your calendar for April 3rd as well as keep listening to the podcast because we’ll be sharing more of the exciting details over the next few weeks.

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3 Common Facebook Group Mistakes to Avoid

3 Common Facebook Group Mistakes to Avoid

3 Common Facebook Group Mistakes to Avoid

If you have a Facebook group for your health coaching business but it seems like an uphill battle to get members to engage (and sign up for your programs) it could be that you’re making one or more common mistakes. 

The good news is that you can turn things around pretty quickly.  Once you know what mistakes to avoid, you’ll have more of the right people joining your group, and you’ll also have more members enrolling in your paid programs (instead of them only consuming your free content).

On this episode we’re sharing 3 Common Facebook Group Mistakes to Avoid, and here’s what you’ll discover:

  • The #1 reason why people are joining your group but not becoming clients
  • Tips for naming your group to attract the right members
  • One of the first things new members will look for as soon as they join your group, and if you don’t have this in place, you are missing a huge opportunity to build trust and connection
  • How to lead people to the next step to working with you in a non-salesy way

Let’s dive in!

Mistake #1: The group name is not directly aligned with or related to your niche.

One of the common mistakes made with groups is that the group name isn’t clear about who it’s for. This is a problem because if your group is pretty generic about health and wellness, you may have a lot of people joining, but they won’t necessarily be your ideal clients. This means engagement tends to be low and people won’t be enrolling in your programs because they aren’t a good fit for your particular area of expertise and your offers.

One way to know if your group name is specific enough is can people self-identify that this is an area where they need help and is it very obvious who the group is for.  Will people see the group and know right away if it’s for them or not?  Remember, you only want your potential ideal clients joining your community, so be bold about claiming your niche and go all in on it.

See if you can spot the difference in these two names and see which one is very specific:

  1. Abundant Health and Energy
  2. Thrive Through Menopause

The first one is general and could be for anyone – men or women at any age with any issue or problem. The 2nd one would be an option if your niche was helping women with menopausal issues, and the right people will be interested in joining and the wrong people will scroll on by, and that’s exactly what you want.

When you look at your group name, is it specific enough?  You can always fine tune it a bit to narrow it down more. 

Mistake #2: No welcome video pinned to the top of the group.

This is a really important element to include in your group because when people first join your group, they come in and take a peek around. They want to know who you are as the host of the group and the expert. When they see a welcome video from you, they instantly get to connect with you and get a feel for your personality and what you’re about.  Think about what you do when you join a new group – you want to see what’s going on and find out if it’s going to be a helpful community – or not.  By having a short 1-2 minute video pinned to the very top, it’s usually one of the first things new members will check out, and when they feel like they’re in the right place, they are more likely to come back the group, post questions and engage.

Mistake #3: No (or very few) calls to action to work with you. A call to action to work with you could be to book a discovery call or join your paid program. It’s easy to post content in your group, but it’s important that members know how they can take the next step to get support from you.  People are busy and they don’t want to have to dig around to find out what you do and how you can help them, so you want to post about it from time to time.

There are several ways to do this and one of them is during your livestreams in your group. You can share a story about a client and what problem they were having when they came to see you and what the result was after they implemented what you recommended.  This creates interest and curiosity about working with you. During the livestream, mention that you have a few spots open for discovery calls this month and how they can schedule one. 

Another way is to post occasional direct invites in your group to book a free discovery call. Be sure to include who it’s for and a link to your online calendar to make it easy for people to take action. 

Need more ideas for your Facebook group?

Be sure to download your free Facebook Group Audit Checklist, so you can audit your own group to help troubleshoot any issues you’re having and get the best results possible. 

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