2 Simple Strategies to Help Your Clients Get the Best Results

2 Simple Strategies to Help Your Clients Get the Best Results

Discover How to Use Goal Setting To Accelerate Client Results and Create Raving Fans.

Goal setting can be one of the most important topics you can cover with your clients.

When working with clients on goal setting, I think it’s important to have them do more than just write down their short-term and long-term goals. By taking the time to really figure out what your clients want on a deeper level, you’ll be setting the stage for how you can best support them.

The goal-setting session is often when you learn the most about your new client, and it’s also when clients learn a lot about themselves. Pretty powerful and exciting stuff!

When your clients can dig deeper, uncover their ‘WHY’ and align that with their priorities, the path to their goals becomes clearer.

This type of goal setting is a much more motivating and rewarding process for them, and it helps you to be able to coach more effectively. Effective coaching usually means better results for your clients! Satisfied clients are much more likely to refer their friends to you, and these people become your raving fans!

I typically do a 15-30-minute Discovery Session phone call (or Skype) as my initial consultation with a potential client. This is where we start to talk about goals, which helps set the stage for us working together – plus we get to see if we are a good fit for each other.

Grab your own FREE Discovery Session outline with scripting HERE.

Let’s look at two simple but powerful strategies to help your clients get crystal clear about their goals so you can help them get the best results.

First and foremost, it’s important to realize that having clear goals acts like our own personal GPS, which directs decisions, actions and behaviors to move us to our desired destination.

A great place to start is to identify the desired end result (or destination). For example, if your client has a goal to ‘be healthier’ what does that really mean to them? What may be ‘healthy’ for one client may be different for another, depending on their goals and where they are when they begin their journey with you.

Step 1: Walk your client through creating detailed goals.

Writing down “Lose 20 pounds” is a start, but what is it that they want from losing 20 pounds? If it’s ‘being healthier,’ what does that mean to your client?

Does it mean they can be more active, look and feel better in their clothes, feel more attractive?

Does it mean being able to keep up with their children or grandchildren?

Are they tired of feeling out of shape?

Why are any of these goals important to them?

You may find that your clients have never really thought it through all that much, so this allows them the space to do this.

When you can peel back the layers of the onion, and find out what it is your clients really want, you’ll be able to coach them more effectively. The stronger the driving force behind their goals, the better their chances are for achieving them.

Getting connected to people’s ‘why’ also helps them commit to their exercise routine and stick to healthier eating habits. That’s not to say they aren’t going to have bad days, get off track or get stuck, but it becomes easier for them to get back on track when those things happen. We all have off days but it’s what we do after that one bad day or string of bad days that matters. Having a compelling enough ‘why’ can keep us moving in the right direction.

Step 2: Help your clients get clear about their core values or priorities.

One way to help your clients gain clarity is to have them make a list of their top five life priorities (they can list more if they want, but start with at least five).

Examples include: Spouse, children, friends, self, school, spirituality, health, fitness, adventure, career, etc. Notice what they have included on their list. Did they include themselves on that list or are they at the very bottom of the list?

This step helps in a couple of different ways – it helps both of you realize where they are putting their own needs on their list, and it will also help them make decisions more easily.  When you are clear on your priorities, it makes it easier to say ‘no’ to the things that are pulling at you, that are not on your list.

For example, if your client’s top priorities include reducing stress and feeling like they have a more balanced life, turning down a request to volunteer becomes easier if their schedule is already full.

I find that many clients have a hard time eating healthy and being active because they are way too busy.  Their schedules are controlling them, they aren’t controlling their schedules.

Being conscious of your priorities and working to keep them in alignment with your decisions helps you reach your goals.

If you find that your clients are getting off track and feeling a bit frustrated with their progress, it may be helpful to revisit their goals. Have them dig a little deeper to see what it is they truly want. You can start by revisiting their goals with them and asking more questions about why each of those goals is important so that they can dig a little deeper to find their ‘why.’  Sometimes, it’s a matter of your clients taking a step back to see how things may be out of alignment, and can be the roadblock to them reaching their goals. Help them figure out what needs to change.

Remember, you aren’t responsible for clients reaching their goals; they have to do the work.  TWEET IT

You get to guide your clients and help them realize what’s possible, encourage them along the way, and help them get back on track when needed. When you give your clients the space to discover the real reason they want to achieve their goals, and they decide to own it – with your support, they can become unstoppable!

Need a little help getting started?

Get a detailed outline with scripting for your initial consultation with prospective clients.

Download your FREE Discovery Session Guide HERE.

Wishing you much success!
