5 Confidence-Boosting Strategies for Health Coaches

5 Confidence-Boosting Strategies for Health Coaches

5 Confidence-Boosting Strategies for Health Coaches

Do you ever wish you felt more confident in your role as a health coach? If so, you are not alone.  It’s easy to feel a lack of confidence when you’re starting something new, and it’s quite normal, so today we’re sharing 5 strategies you can use to boost your confidence as you work on building your coaching business. 

Let’s kick things off with our first strategy. 

1. Realize you’re going to start out as a beginner and that’s where we all begin with something new, so don’t compare yourself to others who are further ahead than you are right now. This is one of the top mistakes we hear from coachesthey feel like they should be much further along, but it’s mostly based on what they see other coaches doing, not realizing those coaches also started where you are right now. You will make mistakes and have bumps along the way and each step you take will lead you to the next one and it’s all about making progress. Setting goals right from the start can help push you past your comfort zone, so you’re continuing to get in front of new people, expand your reach and get the word out about what you do. When we think back to the mistakes we’ve made and failures we’ve had, we know they each led us to the next step which helped move us forward.  Not everything you do is going to be a home run, and it’s all part of the process.  Embrace being a beginner and give yourself grace each step of the way. 

2. Practice is your best friend. Whether it’s doing discovery calls, hosting workshops, recording videos or doing livestreams – you won’t be great at them in the beginning, but each time you do it, you will get better and better.  This is the most important thing you can do if you want to feel more confident – keep doing it even when you feel like you’re not good at it. No one is at first. When I think back to how awful I was at doing video a few short years ago, I laugh about it, but at the time it just felt really hard and very uncomfortable, and I was bad at it.  Last month, someone paid me a very nice compliment by saying I was very natural on video.  That ‘looking natural’ on video took me about 2 years to get to, and that means a lot of practice was involved.  It’s a good reminder that even when you’re doing something that feels awkward and you wonder if you’ll ever get better at it, all it really takes is practice and a desire to improve. 

3. Networking and connecting with peers. It can sometimes feel a bit lonely as a wellness business owner, so being surrounded with people who have similar goals is helpful for boosting your confidence.  This can mean having an accountability partner with a colleague where you schedule regular calls to check in or it could be joining a Facebook group full of your peers. Karen Pattock and I each have a Facebook group for health coaches where you can connect, share ideas and ask question. My group is Health Coach Biz Support and Karen’s group is Health Coach Client Attraction, so come on over and join us. Karen and I connected online, years ago through an IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) Facebook group, so you never know what connections you can make. When you feel like you’re alone on an island, trying to build your business, it’s a little isolating, so be sure to tap into the power of others who understand what you’re doing and want to see you succeed.   

4. Keep a running list of client success stories as a reminder of the positive changes you’ve helped people make, so you can revisit them from time to time.  Once you start working with clients and you either have them complete a survey at the end of their program, or they email you with something positive they have to say, keep some of those comments visible, so you can refer to them as a reminder of your WHY and the difference you’re making in people’s lives. These can also be great for testimonials for your website (be sure to get permission from people first of course). Sometimes if we’re having one of those weeks, we need a reminder that what we’re doing is making a difference. 

5. Boosting your confidence takes having a mindset of constant growth and learning – whether it’s the tech part of your business, the marketing, or anything else, continuing to learn is what will help you grow. Confidence comes from having a plan of action and knowing where to focus your time and energy, rather than feeling like you’re just spinning your wheels, not sure what to do. We both know how much investing in the right mentors and programs can save you time and money in the long run.  Whether it’s attending conferences, enrolling in online courses or working with a business coach, learning is always a good thing – as long as you are also implementing.  Speaking of growth and learning, we will be opening the doors to the Wellness Business Accelerator program on April 23rd. This is our signature program that teaches wellness business owners how to reach their ideal clients online and consistently enroll new clients within 60 days.  You can join the WBA VIP wait list via the link above, so you’ll be notified as soon as the doors open. We would love to welcome you!

Every time we start something new, it takes us outside our comfort zone, but that’s where amazing growth can happen. Embrace the journey, stay focused on your goals, and celebrate every win along the way!

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Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

It’s common to feel overwhelmed at times when it comes to your health coaching business, so if you’re feeling like there’s a lot to juggle right now, you’re in good company. You wear many hats as a health coach and business owner, so there are going to be times when you feel like it’s a LOT!  We’ve been there too and there are still times we feel overwhelmed, but we’re much better at managing it and dealing with it now. So today we’re sharing Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

Sometimes, feeling overwhelmed can prevent you from taking action or making decisions which keeps you stuck, so by implementing our 4 tips, you’ll feel less stressed and be more productive.   

Let’s start with tip #1 for conquering overwhelm in your coaching business. 

1. Prioritize tasks and projects

This is the one that helps me the most and I use it all the time. Make a list of what needs to be done and include the due date or deadline.  I like Trello for this but I also use pen and paper, so use what you like. For bigger projects that have multiple steps, I use Trello, but for my general to-do list that I refer to a couple of times a day, it’s old school pen and paper in my spiral bound notebook from Target.   Each week, determine what tasks and projects are a priority for the week or for the month. Sometimes, a priority is based on a deadline you want to meet such as your weekly email or blog post and sometimes, it’s a deadline for content for social media or something else. Map out a timeline and what can be done each day or each week, so you have a plan to help stay on track.  Even putting things in writing can help, so you have a visual on it.

I did this recently with a promotion I was doing.  I felt like there were several things I needed to do in addition to preparing for the promotion, including outlining podcast episodes, writing copy for Facebook ads and more, so I prioritized based on the deadlines, and that’s always helpful for me. I also looked at my list of promotional ideas for my 3-day sale and looked at what was a must and what was optional, so I could decide what I was going to include.  Not everything made the cut based on my timeline and other things I had going on and that’s okay.  When I’m pressed for time or feeling overwhelmed, I ask myself what the top priority is right now and what is optional. 

2. What can you simplify or streamline?

It’s easy to get caught up in complicating things or going too elaborate sometimes.  An example of this would be that you’re going to be hosting a webinar and you want to have a workbook to go along with it for the registrants to download. While a workbook would be nice, it’s not a must, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed, perhaps this is something you can do next time.  Another example would be instead of hosting your online challenge or group program in a platform like Kajabi, how about hosting it in a FB group for now? Instead of focusing on everything being perfect or having all the bells and whistles, focus on how you can help clients in the easiest way possible.

Our Top Tips for Conquering Overwhelm in Your Coaching Business

3. What can you outsource?

There is a lot to do as a wellness business owner and that means it’s very easy to get lost in the details of the behind-the-scenes tasks. Entering and formatting blog posts, creating and scheduling social media posts, writing emails, creating graphics and/or slide decks, setting up landing pages and sales pages, the list goes on and on.  Write down everything you do and see if there are tasks you can have a virtual assistant do for you.  Even if you take one or two things off your plate, it will free up some of your time to work with clients or reduce your overwhelm.   We did a detailed episode about finding and working with virtual assistants on episode 308 – it was called: Getting Help Sooner Rather than Later – 5 Steps to Take When Hiring a Virtual Assistant. We highly recommend listening to that one if you’re thinking about hiring someone.  I still have my very first VA on my team from 7 or 8 years ago. I remember feeling elated and relieved to delegate some things to her and I’ve never looked back. I was doing it all on my own for too long, so I know how that is. I’ve added more people to my virtual team over the years, and I’d be lost with out them.  Adding even one assistant for a couple of hours a week can make you feel like you can come up for air and get a break from your long to-do list.

4. Take it one step at a time and one day at a time.

Remind yourself that you can only do one thing at a time and you’re doing the best you can and remember to take breaks. Taking breaks during the day and time off each week is critical because if you burn out, it’s so much worse.   Sometimes, just changing your environment or physiology can help.  Get outside for 5 minutes, take a walk, do some deep breathing, get a change of scenery by getting some work done at a local coffee shop, chat with a friend – whatever makes you happy.

Which one of these tips do you think will help you the most? Or maybe you have  a tip that helps you with overwhelm. Come on over to Instagram to let us know.  You can find me at @kathleenlegrys and Karen at @karenpattock.

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Why Marketing Yourself Makes You Feel Vulnerable & How to Build Your Confidence

Why Marketing Yourself Makes You Feel Vulnerable & How to Build Your Confidence

Why Marketing Yourself Makes You Feel Vulnerable & How to Build Your Confidence

If you feel vulnerable or uncomfortable marketing your business, you are not alone.  For some coaches, the feelings extend beyond mere discomfort and ventures into the realm of physical reactions such as nausea, sweating, and, in some instances, even tears. Today, we’re exploring this topic and offering a few strategies we think will help if this is something you are facing right now.

A few months ago, we touched upon a related topic in an episode titled “Crushing Self-Doubt – How to Tackle & Overcome Imposter Syndrome.” If your apprehension about marketing your coaching business and programs is rooted in imposter syndrome, we highly recommend checking out episode 333 for helpful tips and insights.

As a quick refresher, Imposter syndrome, loosely defined, is the nagging doubt that undermines one’s abilities, making one feel like a fraud. While imposter syndrome is one condition that can hold you back from marketing your coaching business full on, what we’re discussing today is something completely different. It’s more of a physical reaction brought about by the feeling of vulnerability. What we’re doing today is exploring what’s causing that vulnerability, so you can turn it around.

For many coaches, marketing their program offer isn’t just business, it’s personal. Of course, it feels personal because ultimately you are your brand. Your business is built around you and what you have to offer. Often, being a health coach is part of your identity. We totally get that and understand how all of those things can feel intertwined and connected.

Vulnerability often stems from a core fear. There are multiple fears that arise when you are inviting someone to work with you…

  • Fear that they won’t see the value in your coaching program
  • Fear that they won’t believe that you have what it takes to help them reach their goals
  • Fear that they’ll say it’s too much money
  • Fear that your program won’t get the client your promised results

In researching this episode, we Googled, “Why do people fear selling”?

The answer that came back was…

“This innate anxiety—about social rejection drives most people’s fear of selling. The fear of the customer rejecting you as an individual, instead of merely rejecting your offer, is at the core of most people’s aversion for this kind of interaction.”

So, at the core of the vulnerability lies a fear of rejection. Ouch! None of us want to feel rejected so that’s why it’s important to embrace certain strategies that will help you separate our personal connection to the outcome of any sales conversation.

Here are 5 strategies you can start using this week:

1. Take on pro-bono clients.

One way to build your confidence when it comes to marketing your program, and something that we always recommend, is to take on 3 clients for free and coach them each for a 30-day period. Be up front with them that goal is for you to practice your coaching skills and in return will be anxious to receive their feedback in the form of a testimonial. We both took on pro-bono clients when we first started out and it really does build confidence. The best part of this practice run is that you’ll get to discuss your program with them, marketing it, without the pressure of asking for the sale. This is a perfect time to ask friends and colleagues for referrals. And more often than not, at least one of those clients will turn into a paying customer after the 30-day period is up.

2. Stop making assumptions.

One of the mistakes coaches make when marketing their program is to assume that their would-be client is going to have certain beliefs about the program, particularly as it relates to the investment. It’s easy to put our limiting beliefs off on our potential clients without even realizing it. When that happens, you are basically sabotaging the relationship right from the beginning. 

3. Don’t take ‘no’ personally.

We know that’s easier said than done but here’s a reframe that should help you overcome taking it personally. When someone says no to working with you it really has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. In essence, they are saying no to their desired outcome and/or reaching their health goal. It truly has nothing to do with you or your program.

4. Shift your perspective.

How would it feel to think of yourself as “sharing information” about what you do? Or “showing benefits” or “sharing your passion?” If you feel uncomfortable or anxious about “selling”- find a way to shift your perspective to one of sharing information rather than “convincing someone to buy.” If you reframe your perspective to one that feels like you’re sharing information and giving your potential client the opportunity to make the desired changes in their life that can be the mindset shift that makes the conversation feel uplifting rather than salesy.

5. Keep practicing!

To overcome the physical symptoms you feel right now when you’re inviting someone to join your coaching program, just know it gets easier the more you do it. Make a point of making at least one offer every single week. That could be in your Facebook group, through email, on a discovery call, or on your social media accounts. Let your audience know that you have an open spot in your coaching program, or invite them to book a discovery call.  You can do this at the end of some of your posts to make it easy.  On average it’ll take someone 10-12 times of hearing your offer before taking action.

If getting better at discovery calls is one of the skills you want to work on this year we also have an amazing episode called: How to Lead a 1 on 1 Discovery Call that Results in the Client Saying Yes. It’s episode # 24 which we will link up in our show notes. This episode will give you a proven framework for running successful discovery calls which will lead to building your confidence when marketing your coaching program.

Let’s recap our 5 confidence boosting strategies:

  1. Take on pro-bono clients
  2. Stop making assumptions
  3. Don’t take ‘no’ personally
  4. Shift your perspective
  5. Keep practicing
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Crushing Self-Doubt: How to Tackle & Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Crushing Self-Doubt: How to Tackle & Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Crushing Self-Doubt: How to Tackle & Overcome Imposter Syndrome

We’re covering a topic that is in the hearts and minds of many coaches whether they are brand new, or they’ve had their business for a while. Each stage of business can bring on feelings of imposter syndrome.

The definition of imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud.

There are many reasons to feel self-doubt that comes with a big helping of imposter syndrome. It can be because…

  • You’re just starting your business and don’t have much experience yet
  • You’ve been away from your business for a while and aren’t sure how to dive back in with your followers
  • You want to make some big changes in your business and aren’t sure how your family, friends and followers will take the news
  • Maybe it’s a little bit of all of those things that has you feeling unsure of yourself.

But here’s the thing, imposter syndrome is a thought, not an actual fact. It has no control over you and isn’t part of your identity. You can choose to ignore thoughts and feelings of imposter syndrome and replace them with healthier, more self-affirming thoughts instead.

Do you ever second-guess your abilities to help a client or the value you bring to the table? If you answered yes… rest assured you’re not alone.

Imposter syndrome can cause fear of success, fear of failure or even fear of being exposed as a fraud.

One coach recently shared with us – I suffer from imposter syndrome every day and I’ve been at this a while!

Every time you up-level your business you are going to be challenged by imposter syndrome.

Today we’re sharing 3 steps to cure self-doubt and impostor syndrome once and for all.

Step 1: Learn to quickly identify the feelings that cause you to feel like an impostor.

Being able to quickly identify the feelings, or even situations, that cause you to feel inadequate is crucial to shutting down those nasty voices inside your head. Typically, each of us has a very specific voice reel that plays in our head when we feel like we’re not good enough. As soon as you recognize that voice you must turn it around with feelings of positivity. Keep a list close by of people you’ve helped & successes you’ve experienced that you can reference whenever necessary. Believe the list of grateful clients that is fact and not the negative voice in your head.

Step 2: Identify a support person or group that you can rely on in times of need.

Having a friend, family member or trusted colleague that you can confide in is a must. All of us need a go-to support person in our life. In business, entrepreneurs often join mastermind groups to find support. We’ve always believed that when two people share a similar experience the potential for extreme healing and growth is usually the outcome. Having that support person that knows what your experiencing is the quickest way to banish those feelings of fraud. Your accountability partner will call out your feelings of inadequacy and remind you that the voices in your head are just your brain’s way of keeping you safe and inside your comfort zone.

Let’s discuss this further in step 3.

Step 3: Become crystal clear on what is fact and what is fiction.

Anytime that you begin to feel like an impostor ask yourself this question, “Do I feel this way because of something I know for a fact or is it coming from a feeling of inadequacy?” When you have strong feelings about something it can feel very real, however, without something factual to back it up, it remains just a feeling. Knowing the difference between the two is the best way to break that cycle of negativity.

The last thing we want to share before we wrap up today is that most health coaches are carrying a huge burden on their shoulders thinking that they need to know everything about their niche so they can answer every single question someone asks them. This is a false belief and is not the case. Your role as a health coach is to be a trusted and reliable resource and sometimes that means simply saying, “I don’t know the answer to that question off the top of my head, but I have a network of colleagues that I can tap into to get the most up-to-date information on this topic.”

Your potential client will appreciate you doing the legwork for them and will never ever look at you as an imposter for not knowing the answer to their question.

If you’re feeling those pangs of self-doubt or imposter syndrome, just know that it’s a normal part of the process and it means you truly care about helping people.  The more clients you work with, the more confidence you start to build – it’s all a process.

What helps you feel more confident as a coach?

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Setting and Achieving Purposeful Goals for Your Wellness Business

Setting and Achieving Purposeful Goals for Your Wellness Business

Setting and Achieving Purposeful Goals for Your Wellness Business

When you hear the words ‘goal setting’ does it make you feel a little uneasy or does it motivate you to put things into action?

If you haven’t set goals for your business yet, it could be that you aren’t sure what type of goals to set and/or you don’t want to feel disappointed if you don’t reach them. 

Whatever your reason, we’ve got you covered on this episode where we’re sharing ideas for 3 types of goals to focus on in your business and how to set yourself up for success when setting them.

Before we dive into this episode, we want to let you know that we’re hosting a free live training called: 3 Secrets Every Wellness Business Owner Needs to Know to Grow a Thriving Practice in 2023.

You’ll learn a Streamlined Blueprint that Attracts Dream Clients, Grows a Niche-Specific Email List, and Generates Consistent Monthly Revenue on Autopilot

We have two dates: Oct. 17th and 18th

To save your spot, register here:

Let’s get started with goal #1

1. Income: How much revenue do you want your business to generate each year?

You can have different timelines for this such as your income goal for the next 12 months, and then what you want to earn after your first year. Break that down into a monthly goal and how you can get there. For example, if your initial goal is to earn $2,000 a month, you can reach that with 5 clients at $400 per month or 10 clients at $200 per month.  You can also reach that with a combination of 1-on-1 clients and your online group programs or membership.  Setting income goals is the first step to coming up with a plan to put the pieces in place. 

TIP: We like setting 3 levels of goals for this: low, medium and high. This takes some of the pressure off of having to reach one goal where you either reach it or you don’t. 

The low goal is one you feel pretty confident you can reach. The medium goal is one that will be a little of a stretch, but it would be nice to reach it.  The high goal is one that would be amazing if it happened. 

NOTE: Goals aren’t intended to make you feel like you’ve failed if you don’t reach them – but they serve as a way to measure results, so you know what’s working well and what you can do differently next time.  It’s just data that you use to decide how to move forward.  There will always be things you want to change, especially when you’re starting out. 

2. The second type of goal to set is how many new email subscribers you want to get each month.

Your new subscribers are new potential clients, so having a focus on growing your email list each month will help you build your business.  If you have an email list and you aren’t growing it each month, it’s shrinking because people unsubscribe – it’s just part of the process.  In order to have a current and active email list, bringing new people in each month is critical.  So, what would be a low, medium and high goal of new subscribers for you?  Your goals may change if you’re running FB ads or you’ll be a guest on a podcast or an online summit where you know you’ll be getting in front of a new audience.  How many times per month are you promoting your free offers, so your followers know about it?  Again, when you set a specific goal, you can reverse engineer a plan to reach it.   

3. The 3rd type of goal is deciding how many hours per week or days per week you’ll work on your business.

This is important to do because working 7 days a week, long term is a recipe for burnout. You also want to set a goal for how much time off you’ll take each year. How many weeks do you want to take off? Be sure to put it on your calendar, so you can work your schedule and promotions around it. When you decide how many days a week you want to work, you can look at the tasks and projects that need to get done and decide what you can delegate and outsource.  Growing a business requires you to wear a lot of hats and the fewer hats you have the wear, the more you can focus on the things that only you can do such as work with clients, show up on video on social media, do podcast interviews, deliver workshops, etc.  The beauty of having your own business is that you get to decide how you want to run it, so being intentional with this is key, so that you don’t end up with a business that is running YOU. 

What goals do you want to set for your business? Be sure to write them down and refer back to them often. Make adjustments along the way and know that your goals serve as a guide to lead you towards reaching them.

Be sure to save your spot for our free live training: 3 Secrets Every Wellness Business Owner Needs to Know to Grow a Thriving Practice in 2023.

We hope to see you there!

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