Crush Your Fear of Video: 5 Simple Strategies for Boosting Confidence

Crush Your Fear of Video: 5 Simple Strategies for Boosting Confidence

Crush Your Fear of Video: 5 Simple Strategies for Boosting Confidence

If you want to stand out on social media, grow your audience, build connections and get clients, video is a must. When you think about who you follow and the people you feel connected to the most, it’s most likely those who you get to see on video; that’s because it feels like you’re seeing them in real time, even if it’s a recording.

Most people feel nervous on camera when they start out, so if this is how you’re feeling, you are not alone and today we are going to help you feel more confident with our 5 insider tips.

A few weeks ago, I posted a survey inside my Health Coach Biz Support Facebook group asking coaches if they weren’t doing video yet, what was their top reason.  One of the top answers was Fear of Being on Video. This roadblock can stop you in your tracks when it comes to showing up in a way that really allows your audience to get to know you.

Here are 5 Simple Strategies for Boosting Your Confidence on Video

1. Get familiar with your tech options.   

The first step in calming the nerves is knowing what tech to use, so you feel good about how you will look and sound.  The great news is all your need is your smartphone, good sound and adequate lighting. 

If you can record your videos near a window with lighting, that is usually best for more flattering/natural light. If you need more lighting, using a ring light is great.  You can find a variety of ring lights on Amazon, starting at around $30.  There are lights that can sit on your desk, and lights that come with an adjustable tripod stand if you plan to record in different places in your house, and you don’t want to have to use props to get the right height. The tripod stands also start at just $30.

As far as sound, if you’re recording video indoors with your phone fairly close to you (within a few feet) a separate mic isn’t necessary.  If you want better quality audio and/or you plan to record further away from your phone or outside, having a wireless mic is important. You can also find wireless microphones on Amazon, starting at $25. I rarely use a separate microphone when recording video on my smart phone, so you can do without this for a while as you get started – as long as you’re recording within a few feet of your phone, so the audio quality is good.   

2. Start small with short videos.

How great is it that short-form video is so popular right now?  This means you can record 30-60 second videos and not worry that you have to be on camera for a long time. Feeling like you have to record a 5–10-minute video can feel overwhelming when you’re starting out, so by recording shorter videos, you’ll be done before you know it, and you can do more of them if you want because they aren’t as time consuming.  Just write out a few bullet points about what you want to cover and hit the record button. 

3. Use B-roll.

This is another great way to ease into doing video and build your confidence. B-roll is video of you doing something, but you aren’t talking. It could be you working at your desk or laptop, going for a walk, making coffee or tea, meal prepping, grocery shopping – almost anything really. It’s stock footage you take, and you add music or voice over and text to convey your message.  These videos can be as short as 10 seconds. The benefit of this is you’re showing up on video, but it’s not as intimidating because you don’t also have to memorize what you’re going to say.

4. Practice. 

This probably sounds obvious, but practice is the #1 thing that’s going to help you get better, and really help you feel more confident.  You will likely not be amazing on video when you start out, and that’s okay because no one is. I was horrible at video when I started a few years ago and now it’s easy and I feel confident about it – it took a while to get there, and practice is just part of the process for anything we want to improve.

My best tip for recording video is to be sure to look at the camera and not the screen, and imagine you are talking to your best friend when you’re recording. You are only talking to that one person to convey what you want to say. Oh, and be sure to smile because that makes you feel relatable and look relaxed.

5. Build confidence with recorded video and the next step is live video

This is about baby steps, building your skills and your confidence.  Recorded video is easiest because you can re-record and/or edit where needed.  Live video can feel more challenging, but it’s also what helps you come across as very genuine when people get to interact with you in real time so it’s worth conquering your fear by practicing.

A great way to practice live video is to start by going live in a Facebook group you create just for that purpose, so you can see how things work and get a feel for the process.  You can set up a group that you use for practice only, and then you’ll be ready to go live in your other groups or on your page or anywhere you want.  You can do this on Instagram too by selecting “private” as the option for the audience you want to see your livestream. 

The goal is to get as much practice as you can, so the more often you can get in front of the camera the better.

Karen has a great free resource to help make this even easier for you and it’s her “Livestream Video Checklist.” You can download this step-by-step PDF, that shares the 8 steps you need in place when you’re planning to go live, you’ll know what to include in your video, and how to promote it to get people to show up live. 


How to outline your videos to maximize watch time:

You want to grab people’s attention right away, so they stick around to watch the whole video. A common mistake we see being made is starting the video by saying who you are and what you do, or starting with a greeting and thanking people for watching, rather than kicking it off by getting right into the information.  Using a hook right from the start helps reel people in. So, instead of starting with who you are, say “One of the biggest mistakes I see people make when they want to _________ is _______________.   That rarely works because ___________Here’s what you want to do instead ___________.”   So, get into the heart of the info and if you want at the end, you can say who you are and who you help. 

A simple 3-part outline for an effective video can be as follows:

  1. Your hook to grab attention and let people know the topic you’re covering
  2. Share the tip, insight, common mistake or other info
  3. Call to action – what should they do next – like, comment, listen to your podcast, read blog post, sign up for your free resource, join your program, etc. 

Based on what we covered today, what is one step you can take with video?  Whether you are brand new at it, or you’re ready to go to the next level, decide what you’re going to work on, put it on your calendar and commit to doing it.  Before you know it, you’ll feel more at ease and more confident.

We can’t wait to hear how it goes!

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How to Decide if an Evergreen Workshop is Right for You

How to Decide if an Evergreen Workshop is Right for You

How to Decide if an Evergreen Workshop is Right for You

A highly effective strategy for enrolling clients in your coaching programs is to offer online workshops (webinars). Once you have a workshop in place that works well, you may decide to offer it as an evergreen (pre-recorded) option, so people can sign up for it and watch it any time. 

Choosing to provide an evergreen workshop sounds like an amazing ‘set it & forget it’ marketing strategy but there are a few things you need to consider before making this decision.

First, you need to know what your goals are for this strategy. It’s always good to be intentional with your decisions when it comes to marketing your coaching business.

Is your goal based on marketing convenience, (as it you’re loving the ‘set it and forget it’ model), list building, or for revenue generation (or both)?

Once you know your goal, it’ll be easier to decide which style of evergreen options you should embrace. There are two types – Using a professional software like EasyWebinar or a DIY model using an online storage option like Dropbox. EasyWebinar is not the only option. There are many to choose from but for the sake of example, we’ll be referring to EasyWebinar.

When you choose a software like EasyWebinar, there are many moving parts but it does have its benefits. This software is designed to make it appear as if the workshop is live, (even though it’s pre-recorded), which means that you’ll ultimately end up with more clients joining your coaching program. The live appearance using this software will lead to higher conversions. That said, this software is a lot of work to set up. Let’s break it down.

  • Appears as if it’s live – your attendees will need to choose a date/time and register for that specific event.
  • Great list builder
  • The software requires you to have multiple email sequences in place. One that goes out before the workshop encouraging them to show up live, reminding them of the amazing benefits of attending the call. It also requires a “we’re live” email as one more reminder and lastly a couple of follow up email sequences based on whether or not they attended live or didn’t show up at all.
  • The software monitors if someone showed up and the length of time they stayed which is super helpful when it comes to analyzing the conversion rate.
  • Software is pricey – $80/month (EasyWebinar)

This is a much more professional option and will definitely convert at a higher rate. Meaning that whatever you offer at the end of your workshop will have more clients enrolling than if you choose to do the DIY option that we’ll discuss next.

Next up, is what we like to call a DIY Evergreen Option. It’s much easier to design and can be set up really quickly compared to the other option we discussed. Let’s go over how this would work.

  • The DIY option would be set up as an on-demand option. Meaning the future attendee would opt-in for the replay link and it would be sent to them immediately in an email. No need to choose a date or time.
  • This option is also a great list builder
  • The emails required would include a delivery email with the recording link and then a follow up email sales sequence that would promote your program for 5-7 days.
  • No software expense – only online storage like Dropbox or Google Drive

This option is a tradeoff. It’s easier to set up but won’t convert nearly as well as the other option that appears live. But this is a great place to start if you’re just getting started since it has a low barrier to entry and can be set up more quickly.

Here’s what you need to know before choosing either one of these options.

Before going evergreen you should deliver the workshop a few times live to get a high-quality recording that has been proven to convert attendees into paying clients. This is a really important piece of the puzzle. We know that many coaches want to go straight to the recording option so they don’t have to feel out of their comfort zone by doing a live workshop but showing up live will improve your presentation skills and ultimately give you a better recording for your evergreen model.

There you have it. Two different options to set up an evergreen workshop in your health coaching business.

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Ask Us Anything: Karen and Kathleen Answer Your Questions

Ask Us Anything: Karen and Kathleen Answer Your Questions

Ask Us Anything: Karen and Kathleen Answer Your Questions​

We haven’t done an Ask Us Anything episode in a while, so we thought this would be a good time to bring it back. This is where we answer questions health coaches either asked in our Facebook groups, posted on social media or emailed us about. 

We have 3 questions we’re answering today including how much content to share without giving away everything for free, how we work as business partners when it comes to sharing income and expenses, and lastly, is it better to offer a free or paid in-person workshop. 

Our first question is from Patty:

“I struggle with how much content to share without giving away the farm so to speak.

Do you have any tips on how much to share so I don’t feel like I’m giving away all the content from my paid program for free?”

This is a great question because you want to share helpful and valuable information, but you also don’t want to feel like you’re giving away your whole system – which honestly, is kind of hard to do when you’re sharing small nuggets of information.  We have an entire lesson about this inside our Wellness Business Accelerator program, and we’ll be opening the doors with a very special announcement in a couple of weeks. 

The best approach for not giving away the farm is to share content that teaches about the “what & why” about your area of expertise and not so much of the “how”. For example, if your niche includes women in menopause, you could discuss why women get menopausal symptoms, what they are, how one symptom can trigger another, etc. but save the info about how to fix it for your paid program. OR you can share an occasional “how” but just one step of it and not the whole process.

Another example would be that if your niche is helping women balance their blood sugar through whole foods and lifestyle, you can focus much of your content on the types of foods that elevate blood sugar, why managing blood sugar is so important, stats and data about how different type of exercise can help, general tips on types of food that slow sugar absorption when you eat. You can even do occasional healthy food swaps where you showcase a healthier option for a common food that is high in sugar. People love food swaps. You’re not giving them a plan to follow but it’s more like leaving breadcrumbs of tips to follow and then in your paid program, you give them the complete “how to”.

Also remember to sprinkle in client success stories and testimonials in your content, because that helps your audience imagine what’s possible for them if they work with you. 

Question #2 is from Michelle.

She’s teaming up with another wellness coach to provide online programs and eventually retreats. She wants to know how we divvy up income that is generated from our joint ventures.  Is it split 50/50 or do you track the clients we bring in separately? 

I love this question, and this is something we just figured out on our own in a way that works really well for the both of us for the past 7 years since starting this podcast and then eventually the Wellness Business Accelerator.

Karen has an accounting degree, so I really lucked out with that because I am not a numbers person by nature.  We keep track of all income and expenses for our joint ventures –we track them for the podcast, and then separately for the Wellness Business Accelerator (WBA), so we know what expenses we have, where it’s coming from and where it’s going out.  We have a Google sheet for the podcast and one for the WBA where we list everything by date. You can decide how often you want to settle expenses, distributions, but we do it every 2 months, and everything is split 50/50 which keeps it simple. 

Our 3rd and final question is from Julie:

“I want to host a workshop at a local restaurant that offers a room free of charge for the community. My goal is to educate, gain email subscribers, customers and health coaching clients. Should I offer it free or charge a small fee? If I charge, what do you think is a fair amount?”

This can be tricky to decide and there isn’t one right way to do it, so it may involve some testing to see what gets the best results.  Generally, if your main goal is to grow your email list and get clients, a free workshop works well.  Karen did many free workshops at local gyms and it was a great way to get clients.  A free workshop is typically covering the WHAT and the WHY of the topic and you’re laying the groundwork for how your program is the solution to the problem they have or the goal they want to achieve.

A paid workshop would include more of the HOW because people are paying to get information they can leave with and implement.  That doesn’t mean you’re giving the whole solution in 45- 60 minutes, but the content of a paid workshop will be more robust than a free workshop, so keep that in mind too – expectations are going to be higher when people pay.

So, either way can work, but if you’re starting out, testing it by offering it for free can be the way to go.  When you get clients from a free workshop, you’re earning income to also help pay for any expenses you incur. If the restaurant location is free, that’s amazing and one less thing you have to pay for.

If you do decide you want to charge and provide more in-depth workshop content, you can start out as low as $15 and you can even do a promotion where if you bring a friend, the friend can come for free. This is free marketing for you if people bring a guest, so that’s a win-win too!

Either way you decide to go, you will be getting in front of new people with the opportunity to get new clients.

We hope one of these questions were on your mind too or maybe it will help you in the future with some of your plans as you create content to share, run workshops or possibly from some sort of collaboration or partnership down the road.   

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Harnessing the Power of Wellness Workshops to Build a Consistent Client Base

Harnessing the Power of Wellness Workshops to Build a Consistent Client Base

Harnessing the Power of Wellness Workshops to Build a Consistent Client Base

Using workshops as a marketing strategy in your wellness business, can work incredibly well when you have all the right pieces in place. When people attend a workshop to learn something from you, some attendees will likely want to take the next step with you to get support.

Whether you’re just beginning your journey as a health coach or you’ve been at it for a while now, chances are you’ve heard people mention that you should build a client funnel. Let’s talk about what that means in the simplest of terms and how to put a funnel in place with your workshops.

Visualize an actual funnel, the top is much bigger than the bottom. In terms of a client funnel, the top is where you’re attracting the most people through social media and your free content. Once they are in your funnel, that pool of people shrinks down as the funnel shrinks as they join your email list and eventually purchase one of your programs.

Paying clients are at the smallest part of the funnel. The truth is you don’t need everyone in the top of your funnel to convert into paying clients. As the funnel gets smaller and smaller you are narrowing down to your warmest leads. Only those that are your perfect dream customers make it to the bottom of the funnel.

In the funnel scenario, wellness workshops actually perform double duty. They are great top-of-funnel tools to attract new people to you and grow your email list. They are also perfect conversion tools, (bottom of funnel), that allow you to make an offer at the end of the workshop so people will enroll in your program. It’s through the combination of these two roles in your client funnel, wellness workshops will help to build your client base.

There are 6 elements to a profitable workshop, and each one helps to move people through a client funnel with you in record time.

Element #1 – Establish

This is where the workshop title will get people interested in you and they’ll register for the upcoming training. When they register, they’ll then become an email subscriber.

Element #2 Enlighten

This actually happens when people watch the workshop. You’ll instantly build a connection with them at the start of the workshop by letting them know they are in the right place and you understand their situation.

Element #3 Educate

This is the heart of your workshop where you’re teaching them new information and sharing your journey or those of your clients, all in an effort to make them feel comfortable and excited to work with you.

Element #4 Entrench

This is when you’ll reaffirm what they’ve learned and connect the dots to why the workshop was worth their time and get them ready for the next step with you.

Element #5 Engage

Engaging your workshop attendees with a Q&A session is the perfect way to eliminate any fears or doubts that they may have in working with you.

Element #6 Enroll

This is when you make an offer and invite them to enroll in your program. In this element, you’ll use benefit statements, testimonials, case studies, and program descriptions to entice your workshop attendees to join your paid program.

Each element in a wellness workshop is a step further in the client funnel with you which leads people to enrolling in your paid program.

Wellness workshops can be used in many ways to build a consistent client base. Let’s go over the top 3.

1) As we discussed, you can use them in a traditional way of promoting the workshop, registering people, and delivering it as an informational and educational training leading to an invitation to work with you.

2) Another way to use workshops in your coaching business to build a client base is to charge a fee, (typically $47 or less), for a 90-minute workshop. The difference between this type of workshop and a free workshop is that there is often group exercises and coaching along the way. This type of workshop can be an excellent stepping stone for someone thinking about working with you but they are nervous to spend a large amount of money. This gives them the opportunity to have a micro-dose of coaching with you that can be all they need to invest in a higher-value program with you.

3) One additional option for using wellness workshops to build your client base is to record the workshop in advance and offer it as an on-demand training to your followers. If you put the recording behind a registration page, it’ll require the person to submit their email address to get access, thereby growing your email list. You can also use the pre-recorded version as a nurturing component in your follow-up email sequence when someone subscribes for one of your other freebies. Either option works well and contributes to the nurturing process of your client’s journey with you.

When you choose wellness workshops as your main client attraction / client conversion tool you’ll be pleasantly surprised how quickly you’ll begin to enroll clients in your programs. Plus, when you choose one workshop from the library of topics I’ve created, you’ll be able to take advantage of the time-saving component of having everything you need right away and will be able to hit the ground running immediately.

To make it as easy as possible to promote and deliver successful workshops, check out about Karen’s done-for-you wellness workshops and SAVE 40% through Nov. 16th, 2023, with code: WELLNESS.

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BEST OF: 3 Benefits to Hosting Monthly Workshops That Will Boost Client Enrollment

BEST OF: 3 Benefits to Hosting Monthly Workshops That Will Boost Client Enrollment

BEST OF: 3 Benefits to Hosting Monthly Workshops That Will Boost Client Enrollment

Wellness workshops are a fantastic way to attract, nurture, and convert your dream customers into paying clients. Today we’re covering 3 benefits to hosting monthly workshops that will boost client enrollment into your paid programs.

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • Why hosting a monthly workshop works so well to boost the know, like and trust factor between you and your email subscribers so that they are moving through their customer journey with you more quickly
  • How leading workshops is the perfect approach to sales that never leaves you feeling salesy or spammy
  • The natural, and free, side-effect of hosting workshops that boosts your overall credibility as a coach leading to even more people enrolling in your paid programs

We often get asked what is the “BEST” way to get clients. As you’ve heard us say so many times on the podcast, there is never one single one ‘BEST’ way to do anything in your business. There are things to consider, such as your personality and style, what has been proven to work in the past, and does the method you’re considering sound interesting and fun for you?

This week on the podcast we’re bringing back a popular episode called: 3 Benefits to Hosting Monthly Workshops That Will Boost Client Enrollment

When Karen started out as a Health Coach, she was constantly trying to figure out which marketing actions would work the best for her. That’s when she discovered and tapped into the power of hosting monthly online workshops. This approach was the perfect combination of client attraction, nurturing, and program enrollment opportunity.

Over the course of 18 months her email list grew from 0-2,000 subscribers. It was evident that she was onto something, and she continued use this strategy for quite some time.

Before we dive into the 3 benefits, let’s first discuss exactly what we mean by a workshop. A high-value 60-minute workshop typically has 7 parts.

  1. Compelling and benefit rich title that will attract your ideal dream clients
  2. Strong introduction that confirms why the attendee showed up and lets them know they are in the right place
  3. 30-40 minutes of high-value teaching information
  4. Solid recap of what they learned to reaffirm that their time was well spent
  5. Transition from teaching to an offer (could be book a call or it could be join my program)
  6. Offer/pitch
  7. Q&A

Now that we are on the same page about what a workshop includes, let’s jump into the benefits to hosting monthly workshops.

1. Build know, like, trust factor

In any good plan you have to learn how to walk before you can run and the same is true for enrolling clients into your paid program. Before they will pull out their credit card to become a paying client you first need to attract them and build the know, like, trust factor with them.

The process of building the know, like, trust factor is another way of saying that you’re moving them along the customer journey with you so that your paid program feels like the next natural step in their journey.

Trust is one of the most important aspects of making the sale and workshops quickly speed up the process of helping someone get to know, like, and trust you.

When you commit to doing just one 60-minute workshop each month you’ll have a constant stream of brand-new people being added to your email list each month. Also, you’ll be inviting the people that are already on your email list to your workshop each month and when they join you month-after-month you’ll be building trust and rapport with them. Over time they will learn that you are a trusted resource and be more open to investing in their transformation by working with you through a paid program.

BEST OF: 3 Benefits to Hosting Monthly Workshops That Will Boost Client Enrollment
2. Opportunity to make offers

The next benefit to hosting a wellness workshop each month is that it gives you an opportunity to make an offer.

Whether your call-to-action at the end of your workshop is to book a discovery call with you or to join your program, it’s the fact that you showed up and spent an hour with your attendees that earned you the right to make an offer.

Many health coaches struggle with selling their programs because they feel like they are either being salesy or pushy. The beauty of hosting a workshop is that neither of those are the case. Here’s why…

When someone registers and attends a workshop that you are hosting they are definitely looking for free information. The promise of a specific outcome or teaching moment outlined in your title is what grabs their attention and gets them to register. But here’s the thing, while you are delivering your workshop there is magic that’s happening with your audience. They are getting to know you, they are becoming invested in the topic you are teaching on, and most importantly they are beginning to see themselves in a different way based on the possibilities you’ve shared during the workshop. By the end of the workshop they want to know what’s next. They are interested in what support and working with you looks like. If you don’t take the time to share with them what their next step is, you are doing them a huge disservice.

A workshop is the perfect tool to build trust but also paint a picture for your attendee of what life for them looks like after enrolling in your paid programs. They are going to be eager to hear what options you have for them which means that you no longer should feel salesy or pushy by making an offer because your workshop attendees are anxious to hear what you have for them.

3. Consistency promotes word of mouth advertising

Consistency breeds momentum and when you show up monthly to host a wellness workshop you’ll find that people start recommending you which means that you’re getting ‘word of mouth’ advertising. This is the third benefit of doing monthly workshops.

Word of mouth advertising is the best kinds because it’s free and comes with a personal recommendation. There is no better type of advertising.

Since many wellness business owners only have a small budget for advertising, hosting workshops is a great way to get more people talking about and recommending you to their friends and family. The only cost to doing workshops is your time and energy which is often the tradeoff before you can allocate more of your marketing funds to paid advertising.

If you’re interested in learning more about Karen’s done-for-you workshops and the 12 topic options available, go to

Also, if you’re interested in getting access to a sample workshop to see what the materials and marketing assets actually look like before you invest in one, you can go to

Once you request access you’ll be able to check out a mini-version of one of my done-for-you wellness workshops and the marketing materials that are ready and waiting for you.

Resources and Links mentioned on the show:

Excited about hosting wellness workshops but want to see a sample first? CLICK HERE!

Check out Karen’s library of 15 Done-For-You Wellness Workshops. Everything you need to be up and running in just one hour! CLICK HERE!

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