The difference between Your Niche, Marketing Message, and Offer
Nailing your niche is a critical piece of building a wellness business that attracts the people you actually want to work with.
We know it can be confusing to figure out your niche, marketing message, and offer, and how to connect it all. In this episode we’re breaking it down for you, so you have the information and the steps you need to find your ideal client.
In this episode you’ll discover:
- The difference between your niche, marketing message and offer
- The two most common mistakes we see health coaches making when identifying their ideal clients that is preventing them from enrolling clients into their paid programs
- A simple exercise you can use to determine if the niche you’ve already chosen is clear and concise, (or if the words you are using are leaving your niche up to interpretation)
- The reason that dialing in on a marketing message that clearly states who you help and the transformation you offer will be a game-changer for your business
If you’ve been wondering how you can nail your niche, then this episode is for you!
Be sure to tune in and find out how you can discover your marketable ideal client with just a few simple steps.
To get clarity on your niche and dial in your marketing message so you will be attracting your dream clients, be sure to download The Niche Companion Workbook that shows you exactly what you should be doing based on what we teach in this episode.